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锁相环路中,在鉴相器前加上AGC(自动增益控制),可以使环路性能在输入信噪比发生变化时保持稳定,带通限幅器也可以起到类似作用。尽管有一些文章对限幅器的性能作了研究,但是在PLL(锁相环)闭环条件下,鲜有文章分析其对环路噪声性能的影响。因此,文章以基本PLL环路的数学模型为基础,推导出PLL中分别加入相干AGC和带通限幅器后新的环路数学模型,以一阶PLL为例,计算和比较不同控制方式下环路相位误差均方值的变化,最后说明应当根据飞行任务的不同选择对环路更有利的控制方式。  相似文献   
王龙飞  张丽艳  叶南 《航空学报》2019,40(10):422871-422871
针对工业机器人应用于飞机零部件自动钻孔时各项误差累积造成制孔精度差的问题,提出一种利用单应关系计算机器人驱动坐标三维偏差,以在线补偿机器人制孔精度的方法。首先利用外部测量设备建立机器人制孔系统中各坐标系关系;在标定阶段,通过以一定倾斜角度固联于机器人末端的相机拍摄一幅安装于制孔工作平面上与刀轴正对的平面标定板图像,并据此完成基于单应变换的手-眼关系标定;在实际制孔过程中,机器人在测距传感器及相机的辅助下,从基准孔理论坐标对应的姿态,不断调整至基准孔正上方理想位置,通过手-眼关系计算基准孔实际位置对应的机器人驱动坐标,然后根据一组基准孔的机器人三维驱动误差,计算三维驱动误差变换矩阵,据此获得这组基准孔邻域范围内各待钻孔的机器人驱动坐标补偿量,从而实现待钻孔定位误差补偿。以飞机结构实验件为对象进行了模拟制孔验证,实验结果表明,补偿前待钻孔三维综合定位误差和法向误差测量值范围分别为2.28~2.85 mm和2.09°~3.93°,平均为2.55 mm和3.30°,补偿后制孔最大误差分别不超过0.30 mm和0.21°,满足自动制孔位置精度要求。  相似文献   
BeiDou-3 Navigation Satellite System (BDS-3) satellites are equipped with the new generation GNSS signals B1C and B2a, which support the interoperability with GPS and Galileo systems. In this study, the pseudo-range multipath error and carrier phase observation noise of the BDS-3 B1C and B2a signals were evaluated based on zero baseline measurements from the day of year (DOY) 113 to 116, 2020. Further, the precision and performance of the single point positioning (SPP) and precise point positioning (PPP) are assessed at 9 stations. This assessment manifests that the standard deviations (STDs) of the pseudo-range multipath error are about 0.09 ~ 0.22 m, while STDs of the carrier phase observation noise are about 0.075 mm. For the single-frequency SPP, its positioning precision is about 2.03 ~ 4.85 m and 3.29 ~ 10.73 m at the 99.99% confidence level in horizontal and vertical directions, respectively, while the dual-frequency SPP precision is about 1.92 ~ 8.02 m and 4.81 ~ 12.77 m in horizontal and vertical directions, respectively. For the daily static PPP, the convergence time is about 20 ~ 30 min, while the daily positioning precision can reach 1.38 ~ 4.42 cm and -1.31 ~ 4.34 cm in horizontal and vertical directions, respectively. In general, the quality and the SPP and PPP performance of the BDS-3 B1C&B2a signals are comparable to the GPS and Galileo.  相似文献   
Satellite radiances and in-situ observations are assimilated through Weather Research and Forecasting Data Assimilation (WRFDA) system into Advanced Research WRF (ARW) model over Iran and its neighboring area. Domain specific background error based on x and y components of wind speed (UV) control variables is calculated for WRFDA system and some sensitivity experiments are carried out to compare the impact of global background error and the domain specific background errors, both on the precipitation and 2-m temperature forecasts over Iran. Three precipitation events that occurred over the country during January, September and October 2014 are simulated in three different experiments and the results for precipitation and 2-m temperature are verified against the verifying surface observations. Results show that using domain specific background error improves 2-m temperature and 24-h accumulated precipitation forecasts consistently, while global background error may even degrade the forecasts compared to the experiments without data assimilation. The improvement in 2-m temperature is more evident during the first forecast hours and decreases significantly as the forecast length increases.  相似文献   
On December 27, 2018, the Beidou-3 System (BDS-3) has completed the deployment of 18 Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellites combined as a space constellation. In addition to the augmentation information for the new system signals B1C and B2a, the BDS-3 is compatible with the three augmentation information broadcast by the BDS-2 system for B1I and B3I signals: equivalent clock error correction, User Differential Ranging Error (UDRE) and Grid Ionosphere Vertical Error (GIVE). In this paper, the observation data of Beidou monitoring network are used to analyze the pseudo-range observation quality of the smooth transition signals B1I and B3I of BDS-2 and BDS-3. At the same time, the relationship between the equivalent clock error correction and the prediction error of the satellite clock is analyzed by using the Two-Way Satellite Time and Frequency Transfer (TWSTFT) data. The results show that the correlation between the equivalent clock error correction and the monitored clock error by using the TWSTFT data is greater than 60%. We calculate the UDRE by using the equivalent clock error correction. The results show that the satellite equivalent clock error correction can improve the accuracy of User Equivalent Range Error (UERE) by about 50%. This paper also compares the positioning accuracy of the BDS-2 satellites with the BDS-2 satellites combined BDS-3 satellites. The results show that the three-dimensional positioning accuracy is improved by about 30% after the BDS-3 satellites are added.  相似文献   
针对现有聚类算法在分选过程中存在辐射源定位和脉冲划分的困难,提出了基于连通检测和区域扩展的多重聚类方法。使用网格统计的方法对脉冲列分布密度进行量化,再借鉴图像分割算法,将量化的网格矩阵划分连通区域。基于峰值检测和梯度下降的原则扩展连通区域,通过边缘检测得到最终聚类结果。仿真结果表明,该算法能保证更多的聚类脉冲列参与参数分选,提高辐射源识别率。  相似文献   
变化风场对舰载飞机着舰安全性影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
建立了复杂环境下舰载机进舰着舰的数学仿真模型,并通过大量的仿真计算,研究了舰尾流和侧风风场对舰载机进舰着舰安全性的影响,给出了一定进舰条件下舰载机所能抗御的最大侧风强度.研究结果表明,舰载机在进舰过程中必须通过驾驶员操纵抑制舰尾流扰动,否则将引起较大的着舰偏差,影响着舰安全;对于一定的进舰初始条件,舰载机只能抗御一定强度的侧风,超出允许侧风强度时舰载机将不能成功着舰.  相似文献   
卫星编队飞行相对轨道动力学模型的比较及选用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于动力学方法推导了几种编队飞行相对轨道动力学模型.分析比较了引力项线性化以及J2摄动引起的模型误差的数量级,给出了模型选取的参考准则以及适用条件,分析了不同模型的适用性.最后选取太阳同步轨道和静止轨道作为数值算例,选取合适的相对轨道动力学模型,验证模型选取准则的有效性.仿真结果表明一定范围内考虑^摄动能提高精度,而超出一定范围J2的引入只会增加复杂性,因此提出的模型选取准则对相对轨道动力学模型的选取有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   
吴艳霞  顾国昌  戴葵  沈晶  刘海波 《宇航学报》2010,31(12):2776-2783
星光/惯性组合制导方式集中了两种方式的优点,可在导弹飞出大气层后通过对导航星的观测校正陀螺仪误差系数。在研究了星光导航的特点和陀螺仪误差特性的基础上,提出了通过旋转弹体观测特定位置的导航星,利用星光导航系统分离陀螺仪漂移误差系数的方法。结果表明:利用导航恒星高精度基准可以分离陀螺仪漂移误差系数,准确地确定陀螺仪漂移误差模型,对于提高导弹的精度具有重要意义。  相似文献   
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