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液体火箭发动机高速涡轮泵的振动故障检测   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
讨论了涡轮泵故障的几个主要原因,据此提取涡轮泵振动数据的特征,用BP神经网络的方法进行故障检测。BP神经网络的训练样本集由一个具有无监督聚类功能的神经网络从原始的特征向量集获取。  相似文献   
When a force test is conducted in a shock tunnel, vibration of the Force Measurement System (FMS) is excited under the strong flow impact, and it cannot be attenuated rapidly within the extremely short test duration of milliseconds order. The output signal of the force balance is coupled with the aerodynamic force and the inertial vibration. This interference can result in inaccurate force measurements, which can negatively impact the accuracy of the test results. To eliminate inertial vibration interference from the output signal, proposed here is a dynamic calibration modeling method for an FMS based on deep learning. The signal is processed using an intelligent Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) model in the time domain and an intelligent Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model in the frequency domain. Results processed with the intelligent models show that the inertial vibration characteristics of the FMS can be identified efficiently and its main frequency is about 380 Hz. After processed by the intelligent models, the inertial vibration is mostly eliminated from the output signal. Also, the data processing results are subjected to error analysis. The relative error of each component is about 1%, which verifies that the modeling method based on deep learning has considerable engineering application value in data processing for pulse-type strain-gauge balances. Overall, the proposed dynamic calibration modeling method has the potential to improve the accuracy and reliability of force measurements in shock tunnel tests, which could have significant implications for the field of aerospace engineering.  相似文献   
X-ray pulsar-based navigation is a revolutionary technology which is capable of providing the required navigation information in the solar system. Performing as an important pulsar-based navigation technique, the Significance Enhancement of Pulse-profile with Orbit-dynamics (SEPO) can estimate orbital elements by using the distortion of pulse profile. Based on the SEPO technique, we propose a grouping bi-chi-squared technique and adopt the observations of Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) to carry out experimental verification. The pulsar timing is refined to determine spin parameters of the Crab pulsar (PSR B0531+21) during the observation periods, and a short-term dynamic model for RXTE satellite is established by considering the effects of diverse perturbations. Experimental results suggest that the position and velocity errors are 16.3 km (3σ) and 13.3 m/s (3σ) with two adjacent observations split by one day (exposure time of 1.5 ks), outperforming those of the POLAR experiment whose results are 19.2 km (3σ) and 432 m/s (3σ). The approach provided is particularly applicable to the estimation of orbital elements via using high-flux observations.  相似文献   
针对带筋板的超声波喷丸成形,采用正交试验法研究了撞针速度、撞针直径、成形轨迹间距、喷丸区域宽度对带筋板超声波喷丸成形弧高值的影响,得出最佳参数组合方案,并以此作为样本数据,建立多元回归分析数学模型。通过实验验证模型的准确性,试验数据和回归分析数据相符较好,可以用回归分析的数学模型来预测喷丸弧高值,提高工艺设计效率。  相似文献   
转台位置精度是转台最重要的参数之一。针对转台装配过程中产生的编码 器安装偏心和倾角回转误差进行分析,建立误差模型,计算得出在不同的误差影响下转 台的角位置误差值。介绍了采用多项式拟合曲线进行角位置误差的补偿,有效地提高了 转台角位置精度。  相似文献   
空间模拟碎片释放装置技术方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为配合空间碎片主动清除技术的演示验证试验,提出了一种空间模拟碎片释放装置的技术方案:由模拟碎片及分离解锁装置组成。模拟碎片不具备任何合作特征,最初通过压紧杆与分离解锁装置相连,释放时由火工切割器切断压紧杆,模拟碎片在压缩弹簧的驱动下与分离解锁装置分离。最后,通过静载、模态、运动特性分析及分离解锁试验验证了该释放装置设计的正确性。  相似文献   
机身壁板是飞机结构设计的重要承载组件,轻量化、高效率、共通性设计及优化是民机设计关注的重点。首先提出一种耦合ABAQUS的Buckle分析及ISIGHT优化的设计方法,利用自编子程序获取ABAQUS屈曲特征值,将特征值输入ISIGHT中计算临界屈曲载荷,同步更新变量参数及ABAQUS文件并提交计算,迭代分析直至优化流程结束。采用上述方法考虑轴向压缩载荷情况,以壁板整体重量最小为优化目标,疲劳应力值为约束条件,对单曲度金属机身壁板的蒙皮厚度,长桁数量及长桁截面厚度等几何参数进行优化。在满足壁板结构承载能力及总重量最小条件下,综合考虑结构载重比,临界应力及壁板加筋比,对比分析出一组最优参数,并与工程算法结果对比吻合程度较好,两者相对误差为3.73%。该优化思路实现FEA平台与优化工作一体化,可用于复合材料壁板设计及结构件减重优化工作,一定程度上可缩短零组件设计周期。  相似文献   
航天测控系统具有动态性、复杂性、可维修性、阶段间相关性等显著特征,作为航天器安全在轨运行的重要保障,其可靠性至关重要。针对航天测控系统可靠性精确计算的难点,提出了综合马尔可夫(Markov)模型和全概率思想的复杂、动态系统可靠性定量化计算方法,给出了计算流程。按照系统的动态组成特性,将任务进程划分为多个阶段,阶段内参试状态不变,不同阶段之间参试状态不同。借鉴Markov模型描述阶段内状态转移过程,通过求解Kolmogorov后向方程得到本阶段结束时的状态概率,利用全概率思想实现阶段间状态映射,体现阶段间的依赖性,依次对各阶段求解获取整个任务可靠性,具有求解准确度高、结果可信度高等特点。最后给出算例,通过与蒙特卡洛仿真结果的比对校验Markov方法的准确性。  相似文献   
金属晶须自发生长是材料科学中长期受到关注的科学现象.随着航天电子产品集成度的提高,由金属晶须自发生长引起的短路和电子故障问题对航天电子产品的可靠性构成了潜在的威胁.因此,研究金属晶须的生长规律,分析金属晶须的生长机理,探寻抑制金属晶须生长的技术手段成为当前研究的热点.针对近年来国内外对金属晶须生长现象的一些相关研究进行了分析,主要包括金属晶须的生长行为、各种影响金属晶须生长的因素、解释锡晶须生长机理的理论等.结合航天型号金属晶须生长导致的故障,对晶须危害进行了分析,并提出了金属晶须抑制的常用措施.  相似文献   
文摘为了实现聚酰亚胺模塑粉的等静压近净成形,采用有限元软件ABAQUS对线性聚酰亚胺模塑粉的冷等静压(CIP)成型过程进行了模拟分析,利用Cam-Clay模型分析了圆柱体和长方体结构冷等静压成型前后的尺寸变化,并进行检验。结果显示圆柱体模拟与实验结果的误差在2.5%以内,长方体误差控制在4%以内,表明该模拟分析较准确预测了制件的尺寸变化。  相似文献   
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