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对地效翼移动地面风洞试验研究中的支架干扰进行了数值模拟和分析。分别对独立地效翼,带支架的地效翼及独立支架进行了数值模拟,计算采用可实现的κ-ε模型,通过求解定常不可压N-S方程,得出地效翼及支架周围流场分布情况。对几组计算结果比较分析了支架和地效翼的空气动力及由于干扰引起的空气动力,发现支架与地效翼之间的相互干扰随着地效翼迎角的增大而增强,如果忽略流动干扰造成的空气动力变化,地效翼升力误差很小,但阻力误差相对较大。同时对有干扰下和没有干扰下的流场进行了对比,分析了支架对翼尖涡流动及绕机翼流动的干扰。翼尖涡在地效翼翼尖附近的发展在0.5犮范围内基本不受支架的干扰;除支架对流场产生干扰外,移动带区域以外的固定地面附近粘性流动也对绕地效翼流动有一定的影响。本研究分析了风洞试验结果的可靠性,为地效翼风洞试验优化设计和地面效应风洞试验研究提供了参考。  相似文献   
考虑地面效应的翼型动态特性数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究考虑地面干扰的飞行器非定常气动特性,基于滑移网格技术,通过求解二维非定常Euler方程,对不同近地高度下的NACA0012翼型的动态振动特性进行了数值模拟。分析了存在地面干扰时的升力系数以及俯仰力矩系数迟滞环变化,并结合强迫振动法,计算了翼型各个近地高度下的纵向组合动导数。结果表明,地面效应不仅对定常流场产生影响,更显著地影响了非定常气动力及力矩,近地高度越小,这种效应越明显,使得升力系数的迟滞环面积变小,幅值减小,而俯仰力矩系数的迟滞环变化不规律,力矩系数的动导数随着近地高度减小而增大(绝对值减小),纵向的动态稳定性产生损失。地面效应干扰在飞行器非定常气动研究中应该引起重视。  相似文献   
Analysis of the general statistical features of the sunspot cycles in the period 1700–1996 AD, including the Gnevyshev–Ohl rule, Waldmeier rule and an amplitude–period effect, was performed for both Wolf numbers and group sunspot numbers. It was shown that for both solar indices all the statistical effects are weaker over the time interval 1700–1855 AD than over the time interval 1856–1996 AD. Possible causes of this difference are discussed.  相似文献   
We study the 27-day variations of the solar wind velocity, galactic cosmic ray (GCR) intensity and anisotropy in the last minimum epoch of solar activity (2007–2009, A < 0). The average amplitude of the 27-day variation of the galactic cosmic ray anisotropy (A27A) in the current minimum epoch of solar activity (2007–2009, A < 0) is lesser than in previous positive polarity period as it is expected from the drift theory. So, polarity dependence rule for the 27-day variation of the GCR anisotropy is fully kept. It is a universal principle for the amplitudes of the 27-day variation of the GCR anisotropy. At the same time, the average amplitude of the 27-day variation of the GCR intensity (A27I) remains at the same level as for previous minimum epoch 1995–1997 (A > 0) showing by the same token an violation of its polarity dependence rule established earlier. We assume that this phenomenon could be generally related with the well established 27-day variation of the solar wind velocity being in anti-correlation with the similar changes of the 27-day variation of the GCR intensity. Generally, a character of the heliolongitudinal asymmetry of spatial large-scale structure of the solar wind velocity (SWV) established in the recent minimum epoch, preferentially pronounces in the behavior of the 27-day variation of the GCR intensity than anisotropy. The formation of the 27-day variation of the GCR anisotropy preferentially takes place in a restricted disk like local vicinity in the helioequatorial region, whilst the 27-day variation of the GCR intensity is formed in the global three dimensional vicinity of the heliosphere.  相似文献   
The effect of a latitude-dependent solar wind speed on a Fisk heliospheric magnetic field [Fisk, L. A. Motion of the footpoints of heliospheric magnetic field lines at the Sun: implications for recurrent energetic particle events at high heliographic latitudes. J. Geophys. Res. 101, 15547–15553, 1996] was first discussed by Schwadron and Schwadron and McComas [Schwadron, N.A. An explanation for strongly underwound magnetic field in co-rotating rarefaction regions and its relationship to footpoint motion on the the sun. Geophys. Res. Lett. 29, 1–8, 2002. and Schwadron, N.A., McComas, D.J. Heliospheric “FALTS”: favored acceleration locations at the termination shock. Geophys. Res. Lett. 30, 41–1, 2003]. Burger and Sello [Burger, R.A., Sello, P.C. The effect on cosmic ray modulation of a Parker field modified by a latitudinal-dependent solar wind speed. Adv. Space Res. 35, 643–646, 2005] found a significant effect for a simplified 2D version of a latitude-dependent Fisk-type field while Miyake and Yanagita [Miyake, S., Yanagita, S. The effect of a modified Parker field on the modulation of the galactic cosmic rays. In: Proceedings of 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference. Merida, Mexico, vol. 1, 445–448, 2007] found a smaller effect. The current report improves on a previous attempt Hitge and Burger [Hitge, M., Burger, R.A. The effect of a latitude-dependent solar wind speed on cosmic-ray modulation in a Fisk-type heliospheric magnetic field. In: Proceedings of 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference. Merida, Mexico, vol. 1, pp. 449–450, 2007] where the global change in the solar wind speed and not the local speed gradient was emphasized. The sheared Fisk field of Schwadron and McComas [Schwadron, N.A., McComas, D.J. Heliospheric “FALTS”: Favored acceleration locations at the termination shock. Geophys. Res. Lett. 30, 41–1, 2003.) is similar to the current Schwadron–Parker hybrid field. Little difference is found between the effects of a Parker field and a Schwadron–Parker hybrid field on cosmic-ray modulation, in contrast to the results of Burger and Sello and Miyake and Yanagita [Burger, R.A., Sello, P.C. The effect on cosmic ray modulation of a Parker field modified by a latitudinal-dependent solar wind speed. Adv. Space Res. 35, 643–646, 2005 and Miyake, S., Yanagita, S. The effect of a modified Parker field on the modulation of the galactic cosmic rays. In: Proceedings of 30th International Cosmic Ray Conference. Merida, Mexico, vol. 1, pp. 445–448, 2007]. The two-dimensional approximation used by these authors is therefore inadequate to model the complexities of the actual three-dimensional field. We also show that a Fisk-type field with a latitude-dependent solar wind speed (Schwadron–Parker hybrid field) decreases both the relative amplitude of recurrent cosmic ray intensity variations and latitude gradients and yields similar constants of proportionality for these quantities as for the constant solar wind speed case.  相似文献   
空间薄膜阵面预应力导入效应及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
空间薄膜阵面结构由于其显著特点正得到日益广泛的研究和应用。首先以一个三角形薄膜 阵面为数值分析对象,论文给出了膜面预应力导入的分析方法,并分析了薄膜阵面的预应力 导入效应。在此基础上,提出边缘悬链线影响的分析方法,用五个应力特征参数描述阵面和 悬链线受力,引入应力波动系数描述阵面和悬链线受力均匀度。以四边形阵面为例进行数值 分析,结果表明:在合适的边缘
悬链线型及矢跨比下,阵面的导入应力分布更均匀,刚度更 大。论文所提出的分析方法和结论对薄膜阵面结构设计研发具有参考价值。  相似文献   
祝长生 《航空学报》2010,31(10):2087-2092
 为了提高电磁轴承备用轴承的性能,基于动力特性可控的径向电涡流阻尼器、弹性支撑以及滚动型或衬套型备用轴承提出了一种动力特性可控的弹性备用轴承新结构。介绍了这种新型备用轴承的结构和工作原理,在不同的转速和转子不平衡量下测量了电磁轴承失效后转子坠落在新型弹性备用轴承上的瞬态响应,分析了新型备用轴承对转子坠落在备用轴承上的瞬态冲击响应的抑制作用。结果表明:这种新型弹性备用轴承不仅具有结构简单、无工作介质、动力特性易于进行控制等特点,而且还能够显著减小电磁轴承失效后转子坠落在备用轴承上的瞬态冲击响应,使转子的振动很快得以衰减,减小了转子对备用轴承的冲击作用,是一种具有良好发展和应用前景的主动电磁轴承备用轴承结构。  相似文献   
周向局部处理机匣对压气机影响的数值研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
为了分析周向非均匀处理槽对压气机的影响,对一台单级跨声速轴流压气机进行了周向局部处理机匣与全周处理机匣的非定常数值研究.结果显示,具有相同处理槽数的周向局部处理机匣比全周处理机匣能获得更好的压气机性能.由于处理槽的周向非均匀性,前者给叶尖流场产生大尺度的周向非均匀特征,因而能提供后者所不具备的低频非定常作用.此外,提供了高、低频两种非定常作用的周向局部处理机匣能够同时改善叶尖泄漏涡与尾缘分离涡.   相似文献   
对某大型煤气柜进行了风洞测压试验及风压数值模拟。分析了试验模型表面风压分布及其脉动特性,并同数值计算结果、规范条文中类似断面结构的风压分布作对比。结果表明:风洞试验中由于结构表面分布的工字钢及表面粗糙度的处理,雷诺数效应对表面风压分布影响并不明显,但对表面绕流场分离区的风压值有一定影响。结构的均方根升力、阻力系数在频域表现为宽带谱;采用基于雷诺平均的RNGk-ε湍流模型能较准确地模拟表面平均风压分布,其计算结果同样可为结构抗风设计提供参考;在不同量级雷诺数下数值模拟得到的平均风压分布能反映出雷诺数效应的影响。  相似文献   
推力磁轴承的优化设计与有限元分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在已知定子内、外径的条件下,根据推力磁轴承承载力和温升的约束条件,以推力磁轴承体积最小为目标设计了一套推力磁轴承,并利用有限元分析软件ANSYS对其电磁特性进行了验证。结果表明,优化设计出的推力磁轴承满足承载力最大的要求。  相似文献   
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