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文章分析了现有的空间碎片清除方式,并以800~1200 km低地球轨道高度上1~10 cm量级的空间碎片为清除目标,提出了天基轻气炮清除碎片的新方法。首先分析了轻气炮有效载荷在典型参数下的弹丸加速能力;之后根据将碎片降轨使其坠入大气层烧毁的设想,提出天基轻气炮共面清除碎片的方式,并选择轨道高度800 km的圆轨道作为碎片运行轨道进行可行性分析。计算表明,对半径10 cm、厚度1 cm的铝合金圆板碎片(质量211.95 g),使用初速1 km/s、重10 g的黏性弹丸可按任务方案达到清除效果。此外,计算出该参数弹丸对轨道高度800~1200 km的圆轨道上可清除的最大碎片质量为500~825 g,证明轻气炮弹丸对1~10 cm的碎片具有较强的清除能力。最后,分析了以轻气炮为有效载荷的航天器在完成清除碎片任务时的关键技术。 相似文献
基于热化学平衡方法建立了任意比例C/SiC材料的主被动氧化烧蚀模型,开展了C/SiC材料氧化烧蚀机理的计算研究,并基于典型材料烧蚀试验结果进行了充分验证。计算结果表明,C/SiC材料的氧化烧蚀特性取决于表面温度、氧分压以及组分等因素,可能会出现主动氧化和被动氧化两种破坏机制,目前的烧蚀模型能够预测出任意比例C/SiC材料两种氧化烧蚀机制的转换过程;SiC含量对C/SiC材料的氧化烧蚀特性有明显的影响,随着SiC含量的提升,主/被动氧化转换临界分压会减小,材料的抗氧化性能越好;但当材料均处于主动氧化阶段时,SiC含量越高材料的无量纲烧蚀速率越大,材料的抗烧蚀性能减弱。 相似文献
通过使用法线贴图的模式,不增加地面网格数的前提下,在三维数字地球仿真系统中实现了对全球地形的高精度实时晕眩效果的地形浏览.首先通过对高程数据进行分层分块处理,制作级地块法线贴图,再通过绘图芯片用可程序化像素着色器流程计算法线贴图的光照效果,最后将纹理贴到对应的分层三维地形网格上.根据光源的入射方向、色调、饱和度及亮度,计算中考虑了顶点的环境光、漫反射光、镜面反射光,在低地形网格数的前提下,实现了如高精度地形网格般的明显光影变化. 相似文献
Yibin Yao Rui Zhang Weiwei Song Chuang Shi Yidong Lou 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2013
Given the severe effects of the ionosphere on global navigation satellite system (GNSS) signals, single-frequency (SF) precise point positioning (PPP) users can only achieve decimeter-level positioning results. Ionosphere-free combinations can eliminate the majority of ionospheric delay, but increase observation noise and slow down dual-frequency (DF) PPP convergence. In this paper, we develop a regional ionosphere modeling and rapid convergence approach to improve SF PPP (SFPPP) accuracy and accelerate DF PPP (DFPPP) convergence speed. Instead of area model, ionospheric delay is modeled for each satellite to be used as a priori correction. With the ionospheric, wide-lane uncalibrated phase delay (UPD) and residuals satellite DCBs product, the wide-lane observations for DF users change to be high-precision pseudorange observations. The validation of a continuously operating reference station (CORS) network was analyzed. The experimental results confirm that the approach considerably improves the accuracy of SFPPP. For DF users, convergence time is substantially reduced. 相似文献
利用多卫星多波段的综合观测数据,通过追踪光球表面等离子体速度分析计算了耀斑爆发前后磁螺度的变化,发现耀斑爆发前活动区中光球表面存在强的水平剪切运动,活动区磁螺度的注入主要由这种剪切运动所产生;使用CESE-MHD-NLFFF重建了耀斑爆发前后活动区的磁场位形,推测出耀斑过程中存在磁绳结构的抛射.基于这些分析,给出了这一螺旋状抛射结构的形成机制:爆发前暗条西侧足点的持续剪切运动驱动磁通量绳增加扭转,高度扭缠的通量绳与东侧足点附近的开放磁力线重联并与东侧足点断开,进而向外抛出并伴随解螺旋运动.另外,利用1AU处WIND卫星的观测数据在对应的行星际日冕物质抛射中找到典型磁云的观测特征.这表明除了传统上双足点均在太阳表面的磁云模型,这种单足点固定于太阳表面的磁通量绳爆发图景同样可能在行星系际空间形成磁云结构.研究结果对进一步认识磁云结构具有重要意义. 相似文献
变焦系统可实现连续的光学变焦,可对不同景深的目标实现连续成像。在焦深延拓和光学检测等领域具有广泛地应用和发展潜力。本文提出了一种紧凑型可实现连续变焦功能的扁平化位相衍射元件,并设计分析和验证了横向调制相位型变焦衍射元件的功能。通过标量衍射基本理论模型,借助菲涅尔波带和多台阶相位衍射元件的设计方法,实现了横向变焦关键器件的设计仿真和实验验证。并以多波长响应的空间光调制器为基础,搭建了器件相位调制验证实验系统,通过测试证明了所设计器件的变焦能力,仿真和实验测试均可实现5倍变焦目标的有效调制。 相似文献
为了解决传统应力-强度干涉模型(SSI,Stress-Strength Interference)不能对加速应力试验(AST,Accelerated Stress Testing)进行可靠性指标随时间变化的定量评估问题,针对应力和强度均引入了随机过程进行描述.首先假设了产品强度退化过程和应力变化分别为漂移布朗运动和对称布朗运动.其次,为了解决Basu的布朗运动SSI模型在零时刻可靠度为1的问题,从工程角度,假设产品设计制造过程与试验或使用过程相互独立,提出了产品可靠性是设计生产决定的固有可靠性以及试验使用过程确定的使用可靠性的串联结果.通过将传统应力强度干涉模型结合Basu的布朗运动SSI模型,建立了与时间相关的应力强度干涉模型IMSDⅠ,并给出了相关评估方法.基于将加速应力试验与加速退化试验相结合,改进了已有的AST试验方法,扩大了试验数据量,最后,通过仿真算例验证了本文模型和评估方法的理论正确性和工程可实施性. 相似文献
Yihua Zheng Anthony T.Y. Lui Mei-Ching Fok Brian J. Anderson Pontus C. Brandt Donald G. Mitchell 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2008,41(8):1234-1242
One essential component of magnetosphere and ionosphere coupling is the closure of the ring current through Region 2 field-aligned current (FAC). Using the Comprehensive Ring Current Model (CRCM), which includes magnetosphere and ionosphere coupling by solving the kinetic equation of ring current particles and the closure of the electric currents between the two regions, we have investigated the effects of high latitude potential, ionospheric conductivity, plasma sheet density and different magnetic field models on the development of Region 2 field-aligned currents, and the relationship between R2 FACs and the ring current. It is shown that an increase in high latitude potential, ionospheric conductivity or plasma sheet density generally results in an increase in Region 2 FACs’ intensity, but R2 FACs display different local time and latitudinal distributions for changes in each parameter due to the different mechanisms involved. Our simulation results show that the magnetic field configuration of the inner magnetosphere is also an important factor in the development of Region 2 field-aligned current. More numerical experiments and observational results are needed in further our understanding of the complex relationship of the two current systems. 相似文献
《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2019,63(11):3721-3737
Impact craters are among the most noticeable geomorphological features on the planetary surface and yield significant information about terrain evolution and the history of the solar system. Thus, the recognition of impact craters is an important branch of modern planetary studies. Aiming at addressing problems associated with the insufficient and inaccurate detection of lunar impact craters, a decision fusion method within the Bayesian network (BN) framework is developed in this paper to handle multi-source information from both optical images and associated digital elevation model (DEM) data. First, we implement the edge-based method for efficiently searching crater candidates which are the image patches that can potentially contain impact craters. Secondly, the multi-source representations of an impact crater derived from both optical images and DEM data are proposed and constructed to quantitatively describe the two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) morphology, consisting of Histogram of Oriented Gradient (HOG), Histogram of Multi-scale Slope (HMS) and Histogram of Multi-scale Aspect (HMA). Finally, a BN-based framework integrates the multi-source representations of impact craters, which can provide reductant and complementary information, for distinguishing craters from non-craters. To evaluate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed method, experiments were conducted on three lunar scenes using both orthoimages from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) and DEM data acquired by the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA). Experimental results demonstrate that integrating optical images with DEM data significantly decreases the number of false positives compared with using optical images alone, with F1-score of 84.8% on average. Moreover, compared with other existing fusion methods, our proposed method was quite advantageous especially for the detection of small-scale craters with diameters less than 1000 m. 相似文献