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介绍自动化计量学大会展出的坐标测量机及其结构,性能和使用范围。  相似文献   
设计了接头球半径为8cm的柔性接头及其增强件环向应力电测系统,测试了不同燃烧室压强和摆角条件下增强件的环向应力,并与现有经验公式、有限元分析结果进行了对比,基于有限元分析研究了接头球半径变化对增强件环向压缩应力的影响,提出了新的接头球半径在6~10cm范围内增强件环向压缩应力估算公式,另外研究了喷管喉径对柔性接头结构应力的影响,讨论了冷试容器压强和热试车发动机燃烧室压强换算公式的适用性。结果表明:增强件环向压缩应力试验测试结果和有限元计算结果吻合较好,现有增强件环向压缩应力经验公式估算结果值得商榷,柔性接头冷试结构应力与热试结构应力是不同的,冷试容器压强和热试车发动机燃烧室压强换算公式对于增强件环向压缩应力是适用的,但是对弹性件切应力不适用。   相似文献   
Due to the lack of information of subsurface lunar regolith stratification which varies along depth, the drilling device may encounter lunar soil and lunar rock randomly in the drilling process. To meet the load safety requirements of unmanned sampling mission under limited orbital resources, the control strategy of autonomous drilling should adapt to the indeterminable lunar environments. Based on the analysis of two types of typical drilling media (i.e., lunar soil and lunar rock), this paper proposes a multi-state control strategy for autonomous lunar drilling. To represent the working circumstances in the lunar subsurface and reduce the complexity of the control algo-rithm, lunar drilling process was categorized into three drilling states:the interface detection, initi-ation of drilling parameters for recognition and drilling medium recognition. Support vector machine (SVM) and continuous wavelet transform were employed for the online recognition of dril-ling media and interface, respectively. Finite state machine was utilized to control the transition among different drilling states. To verify the effectiveness of the multi-state control strategy, drilling experiments were implemented with multi-layered drilling media constructed by lunar soil simulant and lunar rock simulant. The results reveal that the multi-state control method is capable of detect-ing drilling state variation and adjusting drilling parameters timely under vibration interferences. The multi-state control method provides a feasible reference for the control of extraterrestrial autonomous drilling.  相似文献   
针对常规旋翼飞行器飞行速度小和加速飞行时不能保持机体水平姿态等问题,提出了一种具有全向推力矢量的六旋翼无人机设计方案;分析了推力矢量六旋翼在可倾转旋翼结构倾转不同角度时的飞行模式;建立了推力矢量六旋翼的动力学模型,并针对动力学模型设计了PID控制器;最后对动力学模型进行数值仿真验证.结果表明,所设计的推力矢量六旋翼能够悬停,且可以在定速飞行中保持飞行器的水平姿态.  相似文献   
讨论了一些有关人员行为与时间有依赖关系的可靠性模型;给出了中国核电厂操作员在清华大学培训模型机上的一些可靠性实验结果。此外,还根据已获得的实验数据计算了在ATWS事故条件下人的失误概率。  相似文献   
Hippocampal place cells are thought to form the neural substrate of a global cognitive map. However, in multicompartment mazes, these cells exhibit locally repeating representations, undermining the global cognitive map view of place cells. This phenomenon appears to be related to the repetitive layout of these mazes, but still no hypothesis adequately explains it. Here, we use a boundary vector cell (BVC) model of place cell firing to model the activity of place cells in numerous multicompartment environments. The activity of modeled place cells bears a striking resemblance to experimental data, replicating virtually every major experimental result. Our results support the BVC model and indicate that locally repeating place cell firing could result purely from local geometry.  相似文献   
简介Kalman滤波的UD协方差分解算法,针对工程应用中出现的由于UD协方差分解算法本身的局限性 而产生UD因子分解失真问题,提出一种简单有效的解决方法。从而有效地克服UD算法本身的局限性而造成的UD因 子分解失真,改善滤波效果。  相似文献   
本文为测试STL中的各种容器效率提供了模板,并重点讨论了向量vector内存分配机制和执行效率问题,并在这两方面和其它几种容器进行了比较,最后提出了提高vector效率的几种方法。  相似文献   
对模块化空间可展开天线支撑桁架结构进行空间热交变环境下的热 结构分析,为天线结构因热致变形影响形面精度和网面稳定性提供合理的防护建议。采用ANSYS APDL有限元软件建立了大口径模块化空间可展开天线支撑结构的精细化数值模型,基于已有试验分别验证了模块化可展开天线结构有限元建模和热分析模型的正确性;分析了在瞬态温度场作用下约束位置等参数对支撑桁架弦杆及拉索应力的影响和热致变形规律。研究结果表明:空间可展开天线结构的应力和变形随时间历程发展与瞬态温度场变化趋势基本一致;同一瞬态温度场下,天线结构中心模块拉索热应力最大,同圈模块的弦杆热应力幅值基本相同,其上弦杆热应力逐圈增大,而拉索热应力逐圈减小;天线结构热致变形在距离约束最远端处整体累计值最大,上层中心点处累计热致变形可达15mm左右,对天线形面精度的影响不可忽略;将天线支撑桁架结构最外侧且距离结构中心最近的模块顶角和与相邻模块竖杆拼接处作为星载天线伸展臂约束时,天线结构的热致变形最小。将该处作为模块化空间可展开天线的展开支点,并建议对天线支撑结构表面采用涂刷隔热防护复合材料涂层等防护措施,以增加天线结构在太空极端环境的适应性,从而减小温度交变对天线整体形变和网面精度的影响。  相似文献   
文章通过对一个典型的单机热分析和热试验的研究,提出了一种小型单机热平衡试验方法,模拟单机在整星环境下的热平衡试验,以避免只为验证其热设计而再次补做整星热平衡试验。为准确模拟单机在星内的辐射和导热过程,通过灰体间辐射热网络法和仪器安装板处单元体热平衡法,给出了等效辐射特征点和等效导热特征点的确定方法;并结合试验结果,对模型修正的合理性、局限性进行了分析,提出了在实际应用过程中应注意的问题。  相似文献   
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