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大量残存太空的空间垃圾对在轨运行航天器的安全构成严重威胁,对其进行主动移除已迫在眉睫。火箭末级、失效卫星等非合作目标已失去姿态调整能力,且长期在失控状态下运行,受太阳光压、重力梯度等摄动力矩及失效前自身残余角动量等因素的影响往往会出现翻滚运动。对翻滚非合作目标直接捕获存在碰撞风险,为降低风险系数采取消旋后再捕获是较为合适的方式。在对火箭末级、失效卫星等典型非合作目标运动形式及消旋过程进行分析的基础上,综述了目前国内外所提出的接触式及非接触式消旋方法,并对非合作目标翻滚运动测量及动力学参数辨识和消旋控制这两项消旋共性关键技术进行了归纳总结。本综述将为中国空间碎片主动清除技术的发展提供有益参考。 相似文献
面向近距离逼近与捕获翻滚非合作目标的在轨服务空间清理任务需求,研究了航天器非合作式交会对接的轨道和姿态控制问题。在控制输入受限约束下,考虑存在参数不确定性和外部扰动的情况,结合滑模控制和自适应控制技术,分别进行鲁棒自适应位置和姿态控制器设计。利用自适应控制估计参数不确定性、未知干扰上界以及滑模控制反馈系数矩阵,提高了系统的鲁棒性。通过李雅普诺夫理论证明了系统在控制器作用下全局一致最终有界稳定。仿真结果验证了控制器的有效性,能够有效解决与高速旋转非合作目标的稳定相对位姿关系建立的难题。 相似文献
《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2023,71(3):1594-1604
Navigation and proximity to non-cooperative targets have garnered the interest of both academia and industry. This paper proposes a new space operation concept that would enable two CubeSats equipped with only optical sensor to achieve autonomous and robust proximity with uncooperative satellites. This is a novel strategy for distributed spacecraft missions and applications.Because optical sensors are lightweight and therefore reduce reliance on external measurement sources, the case for their use is compelling. Designing robust guidance and control algorithm is the greatest challenge for optical sensors because relative distance information is unavailable, whereas range information is required for safe proximity. The purpose of this paper is to propose a novel concept in which two CubeSats cooperate and share angle measurement data to approach uncooperative targets despite their maneuverability.This paper introduces a new guidance scheme for proximity operations, namely cooperative augmented proportional navigation (CAPN). Modern control law is applied along line-of-sight (LOS) while classical proportional navigation is applied in the normal direction of LOS. By measuring only elevation and azimuth angles between each chaser and the target, the algorithm can account for a maneuvering target. The cooperative scheme offers estimation-based distance measurement, which enhances the observability of angle-only navigation.Target’s maneuverability and different control parameter settings have been considered in simulation scenarios. The degree of observability (DOO) is then introduced as the quantitative observability analysis metric to validate the effectiveness of the guidance scheme and precision of the estimation. The results of simulations have demonstrated that the CAPN proposed in this paper is capable of completing challenging proximity missions. 相似文献
针对微弱目标检测对提高检测概率和优化实时性的需求,提出一种平行线坐标变换检测前跟踪算法。首先将量测点坐标映射为径向距离-时间坐标并规格化,建立以y轴为对称轴的平行线,按照变换规则实现点到线的转化,网格化平面后进行票数积累和能量积累,再进行峰值提取与航迹修正,后输出航迹。仿真结果显示:基于平行线坐标变换检测前跟踪(PT-TBD)算法的检测概率要优于基于Hough变换的检测前跟踪(HT-TBD)算法,二者虚假航迹率相近,运算速度要快于HT-TBD算法,是一种新的效果更好的基于投影变换的检测前跟踪算法。 相似文献
针对当前红外弱小飞行目标特征不明显、背景干扰大等问题,提出了一种基于深度学习的红外弱小目标识别算法。检测框架以YOLOv4模型为基础,通过使用K-means++算法对训练集的候选框进行聚类处理,在初始大小的选取上放弃随机生成初始点的方式,在样本集里选取某一个样本作为初始中心使锚框(anchor)大小的选取更加合理。在模型结构中引入卷积注意力模块,使算法模型计算资源分配更合理,对红外弱小飞行目标的特征信息更加敏感。改进空间金字塔池化模块,使用平均池化可以更多保留图像的原始信息,降低天基成像中的噪点与坏点的影响。仿真实验表明采用K-means++计算Anchor大小时准确率可以达到80.13%,在加入了SPP和CBAM模块后之后在测试集上算法识别准确率达到了83.3%,经过对模型的修改有效提升了对红外弱小飞行目标识别的准确率。 相似文献
目标检测与跟踪技术广泛应用于交通、医疗、安保和航天等领域.目前,目标检测与跟踪技术面临目标微弱、背景复杂、目标被遮挡等挑战.同时,随着脑科学研究的不断深入,人们对人脑视觉系统的理解逐渐透彻,利用类脑计算解决复杂背景下高精度目标检测与跟踪问题成为相关领域的重要研究方向.本文结合神经工程导向的类脑模型和计算机工程导向的深度神经网络(Deep Neural Networks, DNNs),提出多种基于类脑模型与深度神经网络的目标检测与跟踪算法,包括:基于演算侧抑制的目标检测算法,基于结构 对比度(Structure Contrast, SC)视觉注意模型的弱小目标检测算法和基于记忆机制与分层卷积特征的目标跟踪算法.实验结果表明,将类脑模型和深度神经网络应用于目标检测和跟踪领域,有利于实现复杂条件下的高精度目标检测和鲁棒性目标跟踪. 相似文献
Traditional multiframe Track-Before-Detect(TBD) may incur adverse integration loss resulting from model mismatch in sensor coordinates. Its suboptimal integration strategy may cause target envelope degradation. To address these issues, a pseudo-spectrum-based multiframe TBD in mixed coordinates is proposed firstly. The data search for energy integration is conducted based on an accurate model in the x-y plane while target energy is integrated based on pseudo-spectrum in sensor coordinates. The a... 相似文献
冷却介质在层板内流动特性研究(第二部分 数值模拟复杂结构内流场) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
用商业软件模拟复杂层板中冷却介质流动特性,以粒子图像速度(PIV)测量技术获得的实验数据,验证所选择的数学模型和数值方法.实验是在确定的径高比1及入口雷诺数4.1×104下进行的.用验证的数学模型及数值方法,向上下扩展雷诺数至2.05×104及8.2×104,改变层板径高比至0.5及2.0, 模拟这两个参数变化对层板内冷却介质流场的影响.模拟结果指出:在相同的径高比下,入口雷诺数的改变对层板内冷却介质流动特性影响很小;相反在相同的入口雷诺数下,径高比改变对层板内冷却介质流动特性有明显的影响. 相似文献