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语言是较为稳定的民族特征之一,每一种语言都折射出各自民族深层的思维方式和审美情趣,反映出它赖以生存的文化母体的民族性.语言的民族性体现在语言系统的各个层面,语言句法形态就是其中的一个重要层面,而历经时空考验的名人名言和名篇精品是各自语言句法特色的精髓,充分展示出民族文化差异在各自语言上烙下的层层印迹.  相似文献   
彭峰  李腾  邓新蒲 《上海航天》2010,27(3):49-53
比较了空对空单站被动跟踪的只测角(BO)、角度相位差变化率和角度频率变化率三种典型定位跟踪体制的性能。基于状态及不同的测量模型,给出了扩展Kalman滤波(EKF)算法,讨论了测量精度对跟踪效果的影响。仿真结果表明:角度频率变化率体制的可观测性优于BO和角度相位差变化率体制;对辐射源匀速运动,观测器匀速运动即可跟踪;与BO测角体制相比,角度相位差变化率和角度频率变化率体制增加了观测量,跟踪收敛速度快。  相似文献   
利用旋转多普勒的单站无源定位性能分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李腾  郭福成  姜文利 《宇航学报》2010,31(10):2388-2394
Topside sounding electron density profiles are analyzed to explore interrelations of the F2 layer critical frequency and the peak height for a representative set of conditions provided by ISIS1, ISIS2, IK19 and Cosmos-1809 satellites for the period of 1969–1987. The foF2 and hmF2 are delivered with exponential extrapolation of electron density profile to zero of its 1st derivative. It is shown that the linear regression exists between foF2 and hmF2 under different conditions. The linkage between the two parameters amended to the empirical model of the peak height [Gulyaeva, T.L., Bradley, P.A., Stanislawska, I., Juchnikowski, G. Towards a new reference model of hmF2 for IRI. Adv. Space Res. 42, 666–672, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2008.02.021, 2008] results in an empirical model of the both foF2 and hmF2 expressed by superposition of functions in terms of local-time, season, geodetic longitude, modified dip latitude and solar activity. For the solar activity we use a proxy Fsp index averaged from the mean solar radio flux F10.7s for the past 81 days (3 solar rotations) and F10.7 value for 1 day prior the day of observation. Impact of geomagnetic activity is not discernible with the topside sounding data due to mixed positive and negative storm-time effects. Appreciable differences have been revealed between IRI-CCIR predictions and outcome of the new model which might be attributed to the different techniques of the peak electron density and height derivation, different epochs and different global distribution of the source data as well as the different mathematical functions involved in the maps and the model presentation.  相似文献   
针对ISAR系统中的匀转速目标,本文提出了一种有效的校正由目标均转速旋转引起的越距离徙动(MTRC)的方法,对方位向上越距离徙动进行校正。它采用基于PD算法的Radon变换在方位向上得到精确的二次相位系数估计值,然后直接在时域上对越距离徙动校正,获得了更高的分辨率。Outlier-delete算法是一种在时域校正方位向越距离徙动的算法,在高信噪比条件下可以实现很好的聚焦效果,而在低信噪比条件下,该算法会出现严重误估计,导致聚焦失败。本文提出的Radon-PD算法具有很好的抗噪性,通过仿真并与Outlier-delete算法进行性能比较,验证了算法的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   
唐安民  林同骥  浦群 《航空学报》1993,14(8):344-349
数值方法采用的差分格式是具有高分辨率和快速稳定收敛性质的全变差衰减(TVD)格式。喷管壁面形状和反压可任意给定,对于典型轴对称与二维喷管(即壁面由收缩角为45°,扩张角为15°的两条直线用圆弧光滑连接而成。圆弧的无量纲半径等于0.625,其参考长度为喉道半宽),进行了有激波与无激波流动的数值模拟。计算结果与实验结果以及其他计算结果符合良好,此法可推广到非定常跨音速喷管流动的计算,并可用于工程中喷管设计。  相似文献   
本文论述了在制定飞机的失速/尾旋模型自由飞试验总体方案时必须充分考虑的空间利用问题之重要性;分析了制约试验空间的诸因素;提出了设计飞行剖面的工程估算方法——其中一些半经验方法之使用效果已为我们的自由飞试验所证实;以我们已成功地进行过的带动力遥控试验机、摇控热气飞艇带飞/投放、飞机带飞/投放的失速/尾旋模型自由飞试验为例,剖析了组成整个飞行剖面的各个飞行阶段之特点和影响因素,并以此为据提出了充分利用自由飞试验空间的一些见解。  相似文献   
涡轮叶栅叶尖间隙流实验研究(英文)   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
This article describes the effects of some factors on the tip clearance flow in axial linear turbine cascades. The measurements of the total pressure loss coefficient are made at the cascade outlets by using a five-hole probe at exit Mach numbers of 0.10, 0.14 and 0.19. At each exit Mach number, experiments are performed at the tip clearance heights of 1.0%, 1.5%, 2.0%, 2.5% and 3.0% of the blade height. The effects of the non-uniform tip clearance height of each blade in the pitchwise direction are also studied. The results show that at a given tip clearance height, generally, total pressure loss rises with exit Mach numbers proportionally. At a fixed exit Mach number, the total pressure loss augments nearly proportionally as the tip clearance height increases. The increased tip clearance heights in the tip regions of two adjacent blades are to be blame for the larger clearance loss of the center blade. Compared to the effects of the tip clearance height, the effects of the exit Mach number and the pitchwise variation of the tip clearance height on the cascade total pressure loss are so less significant to be omitted.  相似文献   
多路纳秒时差自动测量系统的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一个适于多个频标相位和长短期频率比对的高精度测量系统。比对信号采用5MHz,与一个分辨力为Ins的计数器相配,时差测量的理论分辨力为0.2ps;相位测量的本底噪声为±0.3ps(rms);频率测量的本底噪声为4×10^(-13)/τ(τ<100S)。还对系统中的差拍器的设计原则和具体实施考虑作了介绍。  相似文献   
通过求解薄层近似的Navier-Stokes方程,数值模拟了带座舱飞船高超声速粘性绕流,首次系统地给出了攻角为5°、10°、20°、30°和40°情况下的物面分离形态、横戴面流线形态、纵剖面流线形态以及旋涡沿涡轴的演变形态。分析和比较表明,本文采用数值可视化方法给出的流场拓扑结构与相应的拓扑规律完全吻合。在飞船后体流场横截面流线中,本文发现了稳定的极限环流态,该极限环涡心处沿涡轴方向的速度是超声速  相似文献   
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