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探讨空间烟云用于外层空间目标红外遮蔽隐身干扰,通过分析烟幕扩散体系的真空及微重力效应,基于扩散定律建立了空间烟云的纯扩散模型.研究结果表明,空间烟云施放后其质量浓度在任意时刻的等值面均为一球面,并且随着球半径的增加在空间连续减少;同时结合辐射在烟云中的传输特性研究,获得了空间烟云有效遮蔽面积及遮蔽时间的估算方法.  相似文献   
现代巡航导弹普遍采用雷达导引头进行末制导,雷达导引头在保证现代巡航导弹打击精度方面发挥着重要作用.在复杂电磁干扰环境条件下,雷达导引头的抗干扰能力和战场适应能力,在很大程度上决定着现代巡航导弹的杀伤力和战斗力.提高雷达导引头的抗干扰能力成为各军事强国提高精导武器作战效能的主要发展方向之一.从现代巡航导弹适应复杂战场的电磁干扰环境入手,指出雷达极化技术是提高巡航导弹的电子突防能力的重要技术手段.  相似文献   
性能精度是液体火箭发动机的一项重要指标,对于上面级发动机性能精度尤其重要.以某型泵压式上面级发动机为研究对象,利用影响分析树的方法识别了发动机生产、测试、性能调整过程中影响性能精度的干扰因素;针对所识别的干扰因素,通过仿真计算,得到了其偏差对发动机推力和混合比的影响.根据统计学原理,推导得到多项干扰因素影响概率的计算模型,并利用小子样样本对计算模型和程序的正确性进行了验证.利用该概率计算模型,根据置信水平要求,确定了多项干扰因素对发动机性能的极限偏差影响.根据发动机性能精度要求,分解得到了单个干扰因素的控制目标.  相似文献   
高超声速轴对称模型密度场的激光全息干涉测量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
激光全息干涉技术在 2 0 0m自由飞弹道靶的初步应用中 ,对高速和高超声速的轴对称模型周围气流密度场定量测量进行了初步探索。给出了 M =2 .2的弹头和M =2 .45、Φ =2 0mm的球标模以及M =9.35的钝锥模型的全息干涉图和处理结果 ,同时与钝锥模型的理论数值计算结果进行了比较 ,首次在弹道靶上获得了流场密度的定量结果。  相似文献   
在电机控制中,过调制算法能够显著提高逆变器输出的电压,对提高电机转速有着重要意义。为了改善空间矢量脉宽调制对直流母线电压利用率不足的缺点,研究了基于空间矢量脉宽调制的单模式过调制算法,对输出电压基波幅值与其谐波含量进行理论分析。针对过调制区实际输出电压基波幅值与参考电压不一致这一问题,对目标调制比与给定调制比的关系作出可控性分析,作出拟合曲线并求出函数关系,最后对该过调制算法进行了仿真研究和试验验证。仿真分析和试验验证结果均证明了理论分析的正确性和可行性。  相似文献   
Global sea level rise due to an increasingly warmer climate has begun to induce hazards, adversely affecting the lives and properties of people residing in low-lying coastal regions and islands. Therefore, it is important to monitor and understand variations in coastal sea level covering offshore regions. Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) data of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) have been successfully used to robustly derive sea level heights (SLHs). In Taiwan, there are a number of continuously operating GNSS stations, not originally installed for sea level monitoring. They were established in harbors or near coastal regions for monitoring land motion. This study utilizes existing SNR data from three GNSS stations (Kaohsiung, Suao, and TaiCOAST) in Taiwan to compute SLHs with two methods, namely, Lomb–Scargle Periodogram (LSP)-only, and LSP aided with tidal harmonic analysis developed in this study. The results of both methods are compared with co-located or nearby tide gauge records. Due to the poor quality of SNR data, the worst accuracy of SLHs derived from traditional LSP-only method exceeds 1?m at the TaiCOAST station. With our procedure, the standard deviations (STDs) of difference between GNSS-derived SLHs and tide gauge records in Kaohsiung and Suao stations decreased to 10?cm and the results show excellent agreement with tide gauge derived relative sea level records, with STD of differences of 7?cm and correlation coefficient of 0.96. In addition, the absolute GNSS-R sea level trend in Kaohsiung during 2006–2011 agrees well with that derived from satellite altimetry. We conclude that the coastal GNSS stations in Taiwan have the potential of monitoring absolute coastal sea level change accurately when our proposed methodology is used.  相似文献   
Spherical harmonic (SH) expansion is widely used to model the global ionosphere map (GIM) of vertical total electron content (VTEC). According to the impact of different data processing methods of the SH expansion model on the VTEC maps, we specifically performed comprehensive analysis in terms of the data sampling rate, the time resolution, the spherical harmonic degree, and the relative constraint. One month of GPS data (January in 2016) from the International GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) Service (IGS) network in a moderate ionospheric activity period at the descending phase of Solar Cycle 24 was processed. To improve the computational efficiency of the daily GIM generation, the data sampling rate of 5?min was recommended allowing the GIM precision loss within 0.10 TECU (total electron content unit). The global VTEC map could be better represented in temporal and spatial domains with higher time resolution and higher spherical harmonic degree, especially at low latitude bands and in the southern hemisphere. The GIM precision improvement was about 10.91% for 1-h and about 15.15% for 0.5-h compared with the commonly used 2-h time resolution. The use of spherical harmonic degree 17 or 20 instead of 15 could improve the precision by 3.19% or 6.06%. We also found that an optimal relative constraint had to be found experimentally considering both the GIM precision and the GIM root mean square (RMS) map.  相似文献   
文中基于传输线理论,利用CST软件仿真分析了线缆长度及接地线长度对于电磁干扰的影响,通过该软件进行环境建模、线缆建模、激励信号建模,并在线缆工作室进行干扰仿真,从而为后续试验及工程中线缆敷设提供参考。  相似文献   
针对490N发动机推力在卫星变轨过程中不能始终通过卫星质心,由此形成额外力矩对卫星姿态控制造成干扰的问题,文章提出了一种根据发动机推力偏斜和卫星质心位置变化情况,优化发动机安装位置的方法。此方法通过平移和旋转两种方式调整发动机的安装位置,改变推力作用点和方向,使其指向卫星质心变化范围的中心,以缩小推力相对卫星质心的偏心距,从而达到减小干扰力矩的目的。以某卫星490N发动机安装的工程实施为例,对比优化安装位置前后推力形成的干扰力矩的变化情况。结果表明:优化方法对减小干扰力矩能起到显著作用,可为工程中确定卫星变轨发动机安装位置及实施安装提供参考。  相似文献   
传统制导雷达面临的新型有源干扰样式越来越复杂,雷达必须对各种干扰类型加以鉴别。传统的干扰识别方法仅对特定单一样式有效,通用性较差、泛化能力较弱,无法应对复杂多变的干扰对抗环境。因此,必须提出智能化更高、稳健性更强的普适干扰识别方法,提升制导武器抗干扰能力。为了提高干扰信号识别的准确率,研究了多模特征融合算法,并最终对时域、时频域、信息论特征进行融合以实现分类。首次将信息论中熵、相对熵、相对距离等概念引入到干扰信号分类这个应用场景中,通过仿真实验表明,能够有效对常见干扰进行有效识别,在较低干噪比下也有较好的识别准确率。  相似文献   
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