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A new algebraic transition model is proposed based on a Structural Ensemble Dynamics (SED) theory of wall turbulence, for accurately predicting the hypersonic flow heat transfer on cone. The model defines the eddy viscosity in terms of a two-dimensional multi-regime distribution of a Stress Length (SL) function, and hence is named as SED-SL. This paper presents clear evidence of precise predictions of transition onset location and peak heat flux of a wide range of hypersonic Transitional Boundary Layers (TrBL) around straight cone at zero incidence, to an unprecedented accuracy as validated by over 70 measurements for varying five crucial influential factors (Mach number, temperature ratio, cone half angle, nose Reynolds number and noise level). The results demonstrate the universality of the postulated multi-regime similarity structure, in characterizing not only the spatial non-uniform distribution of the eddy viscosity in hypersonic TrBL on cone, but also the dependence of the transition onset location on the five influential factors. The latter yields a novel correlation formula for transition center Reynolds number which takes similar functional form as the SL function within the symmetry approach. It is concluded that the SED-SL model simulates TrBL around cone with uniformly high accuracy, and then points out to an optimistic alternative way to construct hypersonic transition model.  相似文献   
在基于协作机械臂的航电联调联试系统中,为了解决机械臂在检测航电开关时存在环境复杂、需要适应不同种类开关与定位误差等问题,提出了两种基于关节力传感器的航电开关柔性检测算法,用来检测航电联试环境中主要的3大类开关.基于外力阈值检测的接触定位与操作算法,通过广义动量观测器估计末端外力,并在控制机械臂运动时设置操作力阈值,实现...  相似文献   
The whistler-mode chorus waves are one of the most important plasma waves in the Earth’s magnetosphere. Generally, the amplitude of whistler-mode chorus waves prefers to strengthen when the energetic fluxes of anisotropic electrons increase outside the plasmapause. This characteristic is commonly associated with the geomagnetic storms or substorms. However, the relationship between the solar wind dynamic pressure (Psw) and the long-time variation of chorus waves during the quiet period of the geomagnetic activity still needs more detailed investigations. In this paper, based on MMS observations, we present a chorus event just observed in the inner side of magnetopause without obvious geomagnetic storms or substroms. Interestingly, during this time interval, some Psw fluctuations were recorded. Both the amplitudes and frequencies of chorus waves changed as a response to the variation in Psw. It proved that the enhancement of Psw increases the energetic electrons fluxes, which provides free energies for the chorus amplification. Furthermore, the wave growth rates calculated using linear theory increases and the central frequency of the chorus waves shifts to a higher frequency when the Psw enhancement is greater, which are also consistent well with the observations. The results provide a direct evidence that the Psw play an important role in the long-time variation of whistler-mode chorus waves inside the magnetopause.  相似文献   
In the presence of unknown disturbances and model parameter uncertainties, this paper develop a nonlinear backstepping sliding-mode controller (BSMC) for trajectory tracking control of a stratospheric airship using a disturbance-observer (DO). Compared with the conventional sliding mode surface (SMS) constructed by a linear combination of the errors, the new SMS manifold is selected as the last back-step error to improve independence of the adjustment of the controller gains. Furthermore, a nonlinear disturbance-observer is designed to process unknown disturbance inputs and improve the BSMC performances. The closed-loop system of trajectory tracking control plant is proved to be globally asymptotically stable by using Lyapunov theory. By comparing with traditional backstepping control and SMC design, the results obtained demonstrate the capacity of the airship to execute a realistic trajectory tracking mission, even in the presence of unknown disturbances, and aerodynamic coefficient uncertainties.  相似文献   
为了进一步提高BPMSM的悬浮性能,提出了一种基于磁链辨识的BPMSM轴向振动抑制策略,通过转子磁链的变化来估测转子轴向偏移量,然后将轴向偏移量转化为d轴电流分量参考值i*d,通过对i*d的调节来改善薄片转子的轴向恢复力,实现对轴向振动的有效抑制,从而有效改善电机的悬浮性能。试验结果表明:所提出的轴向振动抑制策略能够对薄片转子轴向振动进行有效抑制,提高系统的抗干扰能力,系统的运行性能得到了有效改善。  相似文献   
Facing the complex aerodynamic environment of Mars atmosphere, a composite atmospheric entry trajectory tracking strategy is investigated in this paper. External disturbances, initial states uncertainties and aerodynamic parameters uncertainties are the main problems. The composite strategy is designed to solve these problems and improve the accuracy of Mars atmospheric entry. This strategy includes a model predictive control for optimized trajectory tracking performance, as well as a disturbance observer based feedforward compensation for external disturbances and uncertainties attenuation. 500-run Monte Carlo simulations show that the proposed composite control scheme achieves more precise Mars atmospheric entry (3.8?km parachute deployment point distribution error) than the baseline control scheme (8.4?km) and integral control scheme (5.8?km).  相似文献   
In this paper, we study conditions of realization and stability of kink modes with azimuthal wave numbers m=±1 in cylindrical plasma flex with twisted magnetic field and homogeneous current along its axis. We assume permanent axial magnetic field both inside and outside the flex, surrounded by currentless plasma. Azimuthal magnetic field decreases inversely proportional to the distance from the boundary beyond the flex. We derived dispersion equations for stable and unstable modes in approximation of “thin” plasma flex. The analysis of equations has been provided for the case of discontinuous axial magnetic field on flex’s boundary. Conditions of propagation of wave modes have been defined. It was shown, that unstable modes can be implemented in certain interval of longitudinal wavenumbers. Results can be applied for the interpretation of solar magnetic tubes behavior, using measurements, provided by spacecrafts.  相似文献   
针对典型的电机伺服系统,提出了一种鲁棒复合非线性伺服控制器的离散域设计方案。把系统的扰动和不确定性归结为一个斜坡信号(其变化率恒定),设计一个降维线性扩展状态观测器,对系统未测量状态和未知扰动加以估计。把设计的控制律应用于永磁同步伺服电机,先在MATLAB上进行仿真分析,随后基于TMS320F28335DSC进行试验测试。结果表明系统在各种类型扰动作用下,对目标位置都能实现快速、平稳和准确的跟踪,具有较好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   
反演航天器在轨瞬态外热流的导热反问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
获得航天器在轨飞行过程中的外热流数据对于研究热控涂层在轨退化规律、各种空间因素对热控产品的影响以及航天器姿轨控发动机羽流热效应都有非常重要的意义,然而直接测量热流存在很多困难,因此可以通过求解导热反问题得到满足一定精度的结果.首先,通过研究利用航天器设备在轨遥测温度值反演出航天器在轨瞬态外热流的导热反问题方法,建立了反演航天器在轨瞬态外热流的数学模型,采用共轭梯度法求解导热反问题并从物理概念角度改进了共轭梯度法的迭代过程以增加其抗不适定性;然后构造了两组能够代表目前大多数地球轨道航天器以及深空探测航天器在轨吸收外热流变化的数值试验对共轭梯度法的反演效果进行了检验.除阶跃变化位置以外反演值与真实值的最大相对偏差为2.9%,反演效果非常好;对于阶跃变化位置的吸收外热流在对反演结果进行分析处理后也能够得到较好的反演结果.   相似文献   
路遥 《航空学报》2021,42(11):524737-524737
针对存在模型参数不确定和外部干扰的高超声速飞行器(HFV)跟踪控制问题,提出一种基于Backstepping方法的抗饱和非线性控制器。将飞行器纵向动力学模型分为速度子系统和航迹倾角子系统,然后针对每个子系统单独设计控制器。设计跟踪微分器获得信号的一阶导数,用以估计系统中的不确定干扰项和避免"微分项膨胀"问题。控制器设计过程考虑了控制量发生饱和的情况。基于Lyapunov理论证明了闭环系统信号的稳定性。与传统高超声速飞行器Backstepping方法相比,所设计的控制器采用待跟踪状态与理想控制指令之间的实际误差作为反馈量,放宽了对系统干扰项的限制,提高了控制器对控制增益变化的适应性,进而提高了闭环系统的跟踪控制性能。对比仿真结果验证了所设计方法的有效性。  相似文献   
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