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扇翼飞行器是一种新概念新原理飞行器,尤其是其具有独特空气动力学原理。扇翼能够同时产生升力和推力,为了进一步改善扇翼的气动特性,在不改变扇翼基本几何参数的前提下,沿机身纵向布置前后2个扇翼,组成了纵列式双扇翼飞行器。通过数值模拟的方法,计算了前后扇翼间距、高度和安装角变化时的扇翼升力和推力值,分析了前后扇翼气动特性相互影响的规律。此外还设计了纵列式双扇翼的风洞试验模型,将获得的风洞试验结果与数值计算结果进行了初步的对比验证。结果表明,在一定前后扇翼间距、高度和安装角下,纵列式双扇翼的气动力相比单个扇翼更具优势。因此,纵列式双扇翼布局的飞行器具有很好的发展前景和应用优势。  相似文献   
There are many geometric calibration methods for “standard” cameras. These methods, however, cannot be used for the calibration of telescopes with large focal lengths and complex off-axis optics. Moreover, specialized calibration methods for the telescopes are scarce in literature. We describe the calibration method that we developed for the Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS) telescope, on board of the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO). Although our method is described in the context of CaSSIS, with camera-specific experiments, it is general and can be applied to other telescopes. We further encourage re-use of the proposed method by making our calibration code and data available on-line.  相似文献   
The Earth and the near interplanetary medium are affected by the Sun in different ways. Those processes generated in the Sun that induce perturbations into the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere system are called geoeffective processes and show a wide range of temporal variations, like the 11-year solar cycle (long term variations), the variation of ~27?days (recurrent variations), solar storms enduring for some days, particle acceleration events lasting for some hours, etc.In this article, the periodicity of ~27?days associated with the solar synodic rotation period is investigated. The work is mainly focused on studying the resulting 27-day periodic signal in the magnetic activity, by the analysis of the horizontal component of the magnetic field registered on a set of 103 magnetic observatories distributed around the world. For this a new method to isolate the periodicity of interest has been developed consisting of two main steps: the first one consists of removing the linear trend corresponding to every calendar year from the data series, and the second one of removing from the resulting series a smoothed version of it obtained by applying a 30-day moving average. The result at the end of this process is a data series in which all the signal with periods larger than 30?days are canceled.The most important characteristics observed in the resulting signals are two main amplitude modulations: the first and most prominent related to the 11-year solar cycle and the second one with a semiannual pattern. In addition, the amplitude of the signal shows a dependence on the geomagnetic latitude of the observatory with a significant discontinuity at approx. ±60°.The processing scheme was also applied to other parameters that are widely used to characterize the energy transfer from the Sun to the Earth: F10.7 and Mg II indices and the ionospheric vertical total electron content (vTEC) were considered for radiative interactions; and the solar wind velocity for the non-radiative interactions between the solar wind and the magnetosphere. The 27-day signal obtained in the magnetic activity was compared with the signals found in the other parameters resulting in a series of cross-correlations curves with maximum correlation between 3 and 5?days of delays for the radiative and between 0 and 1?days of delay for the non-radiative parameters. This result supports the idea that the physical process responsible for the 27-day signal in the magnetic activity is related to the solar wind and not to the solar electromagnetic radiation.  相似文献   
随着飞行活动需求的持续快速增长和空域资源使用矛盾的日益凸显,全局飞行流量协同优化已成为减少飞行延误、降低飞行危险、确保空域运行安全的一个重要手段。空中交通管理作为军民融合发展的重点领域,迫切需要对军民航飞行流量实施统一、高效、兼顾各自特点的协同优化。在实际研究中,全局飞行流量协同优化问题具有大规模、多目标、难分解等特点,是一类复杂的工程优化问题。本文贯彻军民融合发展思想,设计了一种基于军民航异质化飞行活动管制要求、考虑差异化调配方法与代价、兼顾军民航管制员各自工作特点、有效解决扇区网络运行安全性和经济性问题的全局飞行流量多目标协同优化模型--CMI模型;为解决种群在进化过程中“不平衡不充分”的问题,提出了一种动态自适应多目标遗传算法(DA-MOGA),并针对性设计了基于聚集距离和种群多样性的交叉变异概率动态调整机制。利用中国扇区网络实际数据,对本文提出的模型和算法进行了验证,算法结果优于2种经典的多目标进化算法。  相似文献   
发动机结冰脱落现象因其随机性和复杂性很难通过计算仿真获得可靠的结果,而冰风洞试验又因其高昂的使用成本限制了该方法的普及。为此建立了一个兼顾可行性及经济性,同时具有一定可靠性的试验方法,即借助冷库环境并利用斜流风机、喷雾耙、温度调节系统等模拟飞行过程中可能面临的结冰环境;以某型号民用飞机涡扇发动机缩比带动力模型为对象,研究不同工况下叶片结冰及冰脱落的特性和规律。在正式试验之前,通过热线风速仪、喷雾激光粒度仪、标准冰刀和金属格栅分别对来流速度、流场中液态水含量、水滴的平均粒径进行了标定。为克服云雾循环/聚集的问题,开发了云雾吸附系统,便于在封闭的冷库环境中维持流场的稳定性。试验结果表明:当转速为2 400 r/min不变时,随着环境温度的降低,冰脱落所需的时间及剩余冰的特征长度均先减小后增大,其拐点出现在-3.5~-5℃的区间内;当环境温度为-7℃不变时,叶片绕转轴的转速越大,冰脱落所需的时间及剩余冰的特征长度均单调减小。  相似文献   
为了提高航空发动机工作状态识别准确率和效率,避免人工识别中存在的误判和耗时耗力问题,提出了基于混沌脉冲蝙蝠算法(CRBA)优化的多核支持向量数据描述(CRBA-MKSVDD)智能识别方法。研究了多核支持向量数据描述(MKSVDD)改进策略,引入混沌脉冲发射率提高了蝙蝠算法(BA)的收敛速度和收敛精度,得到了CRBA;通过CRBA优化MKSVDD的惩罚因子和核参数,同时对飞参数据进行了特征提取;基于特征飞参数据训练了CRBA-MKSVDD分类器,并对某型发动机一个飞行架次的工作状态进行了识别。结果表明,该方法识别准确率达到97.547 9%,可用于与发动机工作状态的相关研究和应用。   相似文献   
利用MMS观测数据,对磁层顶通量绳内离子惯性尺度(di)的结构进行分析研究.结果发现,许多不同尺度(约1di至数十di)的通量绳内都存在具有di尺度的电流 j m,其方向在磁层顶局地坐标系的-M方向,即与磁层顶查普曼-费拉罗电流同向,由电子在+M方向的运动( v em)携带.这些电流结构具有以下特征:磁鞘与磁层成分混合,磁场为开放形态;离子去磁化,电子与磁场冻结;N方向(即垂直于磁层顶电流片方向)的电场 E n显著增大,幅度达到约20mV·m-1,并伴有明显的尖峰状起伏,该增强和尖峰状起伏的电场对应于霍尔电场.分析表明,电流、电子与离子运动的偏离以及霍尔电场之间遵从广义欧姆定律,三者密切关联.进一步对磁层顶磁重联的探测数据进行分析发现,在很多重联区内也存在与通量绳内相似的结构,其尺度约为di量级,其中霍尔电场 E N、电流 j M和电子速度 v eM均与通量绳内对应物理量的方向相同且幅度相近.基于上述观测事实,采用经典FTE通量绳模型,对通量绳内电流、电子运动和霍尔电场的起源进行了初步探讨,认为其来源于磁层顶无碰撞磁重联区内的相应结构,并且后者在离子尺度通量绳的形成过程中起到重要作用.  相似文献   
利用WIND和ARTEMIS卫星观测数据,分析远磁尾磁层顶对行星际和太阳风变化的响应,尤其是偏离日地连线的太阳风速度改变对远磁尾磁层顶的影响.研究发现在2011年9月13日的事件中,P2卫星观测到高速且高密度的磁鞘流.利用最小变量法进行分析发现,磁层顶沿着偏离日地连线的太阳风速度方向发生偏转.根据相似三角形定理,推断出本次事件中磁层顶在y方向和z方向上的偏转幅度分别达到10Re和6Re.P1和P2卫星的相对位置也证实了这一观点.因此,偏离日地连线的太阳风速度对远磁尾磁层顶的位形影响很大.研究结果可为建立包含太阳风速度vyvz效应的磁层顶模型提供观测证据.  相似文献   
The magnetic field disturbances detected by the Phobos-2 spacecraft in 1989 have been suggested to be caused by a ring of dust and/or gas emitted from the Martian moon, Phobos. The physical nature of these ``Phobos events' is examined using results from related investigations over the last twenty years. It is concluded that there is no clear evidence at present to support the association of magnetic field disturbances in the solar wind with Phobos. The situation will be further clarified taking advantage of the multi-spacecraft observations of the Yinghuo-1(YH-1), Mars Express and MAVEN missions beginning in 2012. It is expected that many novel features of solar wind interaction with Phobos (and possibly also Deimos) itself will also be revealed.  相似文献   
高超声速飞行器预设性能反演控制方法设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解决吸气式高超声速飞行器的飞行控制问题,提出了一种新型预设性能神经反演控制器设计方法。通过构造预设性能函数,保证速度跟踪误差和高度跟踪误差能够按照预设的收敛速度、超调量及稳态误差收敛至期望的区域,同时满足系统预设的瞬态性能和稳态精度。在反演控制设计结构下,引入径向基函数(RBF)神经网络对模型未知函数及不确定项进行逼近,提高了控制系统的鲁棒性。引入的RBF神经网络中仅有一个参数需要在线更新,有效提高了控制准确性,避免了通常反演控制方法中经常出现的"微分膨胀问题",并降低了计算量。通过仿真实验验证了所设计控制系统的有效性和可行性。   相似文献   
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