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本文介绍了某直升机电子特设系统综合模拟试验的直升机运动仿真模型,在此基础上着重对直升机航姿信号两种仿真方法进行了详细的阐述,并对两种方法的仿真试验结果进行了分析比较,指出了各自的优缺点。  相似文献   
The transport processes of plasmas in grid systems of krypton (Kr) ion thrusters at different acceleration voltages were simulated with a 3D-PIC model, and the result was compared with xenon (Xe) ion thrusters. The variation of the screen grid transparency, the accelerator grid current ratio and the divergence loss were explored. It is found that the screen grid transparency increases with the acceleration voltage and decreases with the beam current, while the accelerator grid current ratio and divergence loss decrease first and then increase with the beam current. This result is the same with Xe ion thrusters. Simulation results also show that Kr ion thrusters have more advantages than Xe ion thrusters, such as higher screen grid transparency, smaller accelerator grid current ratio, larger cut-off current threshold, and better divergence loss characteristic. These advantages mean that Kr ion thrusters have the ability of operating in a wide range of current. Through comprehensive analyses, it can be concluded that using Kr as propellant is very suitable for a multi-mode ion thruster design.  相似文献   
选取国内常用的两种树脂与环氧酸酐浸渍树脂作对比测试。通过对树脂常规性能及浸渍模拟线圈电性能测试,得出结论:1号树脂具有较好的储存稳定性,电性能与环氧酸酐相当,可作为环氧酸酐的替代品。  相似文献   
Kamide  Y.  Kihn  E.A.  Ridley  A.J.  Cliver  E.W.  Kadowaki  Y. 《Space Science Reviews》2003,107(1-2):307-316
We report the recent progress in our joint program of real-time mapping of ionospheric electric fields and currents and field-aligned currents through the Geospace Environment Data Analysis System (GEDAS) at the Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory and similar computer systems in the world. Data from individual ground magnetometers as well as from the solar wind are collected by these systems and are used as input for the KRM and AMIE magnetogram-inversion algorithms, which calculate the two-dimensional distribution of the ionospheric parameters. One of the goals of this program is to specify the solar-terrestrial environment in terms of ionospheric processes, providing the scientific community with more than what geomagnetic activity indices and statistical models provide. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
罗五美 《飞行力学》1996,14(2):70-74
过去已进行过多个机种的自由飞模型大迎角特性试验,但均为单一项目的试验,现介绍了将获取放宽静稳定度特性和气动导数两个项目综合于一个自由飞模型飞行试验项目中的情况,用脉冲升降舵激发起模型的纵向短周期运动,用参数辩识方法获取气动导数,试验结果表明这种方法是可行的,为从事本专业及相关专业的科研人员提供了参考。  相似文献   
针对常规旋翼飞行器飞行速度小和加速飞行时不能保持机体水平姿态等问题,提出了一种具有全向推力矢量的六旋翼无人机设计方案;分析了推力矢量六旋翼在可倾转旋翼结构倾转不同角度时的飞行模式;建立了推力矢量六旋翼的动力学模型,并针对动力学模型设计了PID控制器;最后对动力学模型进行数值仿真验证.结果表明,所设计的推力矢量六旋翼能够悬停,且可以在定速飞行中保持飞行器的水平姿态.  相似文献   
飞行器的稳定性分析与建立的动力学分析模型密切相关.传统的稳定性分析方法是基于小扰动假设建立线性化模型,当飞行状态中非线性特征明显时,其结果误差会带来多大的影响是人们关心的问题.通过建立飞行动力学非线性模型和气动力非线性模型,采用时间推进方法对两类非线性问题进行了比较系统的研究.数值计算结果表明,飞行动力学非线性模型与线性模型相比,周期增大、幅值减小、衰减率增大;而菲线性气动力模型对周期几乎没有影响,但对幅值有一定的影响.  相似文献   
韩乐  李茂  方杰  孙威  蔡国飙 《航空动力学报》2011,26(9):2021-2026
主要考虑影响比冲的温度因素,在原有N2O微推力器结构上提出了改进方案,对改进前后N2O微推力器推力室进行了三维流动传热耦合仿真,并采用改进后N2O微推力器开展催化分解试验研究.对比分析后发现减少推力室向外的热量传递能维持较高的分解气体温度,从而利于提升N2O微推力器比冲,并得到了影响微推力器比冲的结构参数,研究工作为N2O微推力器的优化设计提供了有益参考.   相似文献   
等离子体对翼型流动分离控制历程的PIV试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用粒子图像测速(Particle Image Velocimetry,PIV)技术,研究了介质阻挡放电等离子体激励对NA—CA0015翼型表面流动分离的控制特性及控制效果随时间历程的变化规律。结果表明,激励电压存在一个阈值,当电压小于阈值时,控制无效或效果不明显;当电压接近阈值时,控制表现出不稳定性并最终趋于稳定;当电压大于阈值时,控制效果稳定且显著,气流能够很好地重附在翼型表面。  相似文献   
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