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详细介绍了某型燃气轮机低压涡轮出口温度受感部设计、技术改进和随机验证等情况。通过对受感部的内部结构、故障、使用环境等进行分析,给出了影响受感部寿命的重要因素,并提出燃气轮机长寿命受感部的改进设计方法。结果表明:改进设计的低压涡轮出口受感部的使用寿命由原几十小时延长至上万小时。 相似文献
宽弦空心风扇叶片流固耦合作用下的叶片响应分析 总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3
利用数值模拟的方法,对宽弦空心风扇叶片在空气场作用下的瞬态响应进行了研究.采用流固耦合数值计算方法,得到了某宽弦空心风扇叶片在非定常边界条件下的变形响应.计算结果表明,叶片在空气场的作用下,最大位移发生在叶片前缘叶尖处,在沿叶展方向与叶片内部芯板结构沿叶展方向分布重合处产生应力集中,应力值由叶片表面向叶片内部逐渐减小,内部芯板虽然厚度较薄,但分布应力值均较小,且应力集中发生在叶片表面.气动力与叶片结构之间的耦合作用,使叶片结构模态振型沿周向不再均匀分布.叶片在气固耦合时的变形响应以绕旋转轴的弯曲振动为主,接近叶片的一阶模态变形. 相似文献
热敏液晶测温标定及误差分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
对SPN/R30C20W型热敏液晶的特性进行了实验研究。实验以相机视角、光源强度、液晶厚度等参数作为对象,讨论了3种参数对液晶测温结果的影响。分析结果表明:在视角小于15°时,相机视角对液晶测温的影响可以忽略;光强不同导致由标定曲线计算出的最大温差达到5.5℃;液晶厚度对标定数据有较大的影响。该实验结论在液晶测温领域广泛应用。 相似文献
To investigate the influence of real leading-edge manufacturing error on aerodynamic performance of high subsonic compressor blades, a family of leading-edge manufacturing error data were obtained from measured compressor cascades. Considering the limited samples, the leading-edge angle and leading-edge radius distribution forms were evaluated by Shapiro-Wilk test and quantile–quantile plot. Their statistical characteristics provided can be introduced to later related researches. The parameterization design method B-spline and Bezier are adopted to create geometry models with manufacturing error based on leading-edge angle and leading-edge radius. The influence of real manufacturing error is quantified and analyzed by self-developed non-intrusive polynomial chaos and Sobol’ indices. The mechanism of leading-edge manufacturing error on aerodynamic performance is discussed. The results show that the total pressure loss coefficient is sensitive to the leading-edge manufacturing error compared with the static pressure ratio, especially at high incidence. Specifically, manufacturing error of the leading edge will influence the local flow acceleration and subsequently cause fluctuation of the downstream flow. The aerodynamic performance is sensitive to the manufacturing error of leading-edge radius at the design and negative incidences, while it is sensitive to the manufacturing error of leading-edge angle under the operation conditions with high incidences. 相似文献
根据人字齿轮传动的结构,考虑时变啮合刚度、齿侧间隙,并把齿廓修形作为一种时变齿侧间隙计入,建立了单级人字齿轮传动的弯-扭-轴耦合动力学模型和相应的非线性动力学方程.对方程的数值解进行分析,发现合理的修形使人字齿轮传动不发生齿面的完全分离.基于多尺度法对不发生齿面完全分离时的人字齿轮传动系统进行了摄动分析,得到了系统在主共振频率附近幅频响应的近似解析解.相比数值方法,解析法具有很高的求解效率.最后,根据近似解析解研究了修形参数对动载系数幅值的影响.研究发现:螺旋角越大使动载系数最小所需的修形量越大,而所需的修形长度越小.另外,使动载系数最小的最优修形参数解域呈新月形,其随着主动轮支承刚度的增大而先增大后减小;随着被动轮支承刚度的增大而持续减小. 相似文献