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“Protective curtain” was the physical experiment onboard the International Space Station (ISS) aimed on radiation measurement of the dose – reducing effect of the additional shielding made of hygienic water-soaked wipes and towels placed on the wall in the crew cabin of the Service module Zvezda. The measurements were performed with 12 detector packages composed of thermoluminescent detectors (TLDs) and plastic nuclear track detectors (PNTDs) placed at the Protective curtain, so that they created pairs of shielded and unshielded detectors.  相似文献   
This paper reports the nightglow observations of OI 630.0 nm emissions, made by using all sky imager operating at low latitude station Kolhapur (16.8°N, 74.2°E and dip lat. 10.6°N) during high sunspot number years of 24th solar cycle. The images are analyzed to study the nocturnal, seasonal and solar activity dependence occurrence of plasma bubbles. We observed EPBs in images regularly during a limited period 19:30 to 02:30 LT and reach maximum probability of occurrence at 22:30 LT. The observation pattern of EPBs shows nearly no occurrence during the month of May and it maximizes during the period October–April. The equinox and solstice seasonal variations in the occurrence of plasma bubbles show nearly equal and large differences, respectively, between years of 2010–11 and 2011–12.  相似文献   
In this paper, we present the spatial variations of O(1D) airglow observed by the ISUAL (Imager of Sprites and Upper Atmospheric Lightning) instrument on board the FORMOSAT-2 satellite. With a CCD camera and a 630 nm filter, ISUAL can measure global atmospheric emissions lying between the heights of 80 and 300 km. In days of 3–6 September 2008 and 25–27 February 2009, ISUAL has measured the emissions of O(1D) airglow with results showing strong longitudinal peak-3 and peak-4 structures. The Lomb-Scargle analyses for these two cases show periods of longitudes of 120° and 90° supporting the DE2 and DE3 non-migrating tides. The 630 nm emissions are enhanced in equatorial regions and are lying along the equator. Over Africa its intensity can sometimes increase up to 80% relative to other longitudes. The perturbation is so strong that non-migrating tides are erased. A case of bimodal distribution with strong emissions at latitudes in equator and mid-latitude in geographic coordinates was observed.  相似文献   
Beam-plasma interaction effects are studied during the active space experiment with electron and Xe-ion beam injections in an ionospheric plasma. Permanent 40-kHz-modulated electron beam injection occurs simultaneously with a xenon-ion beam injected by the Hall-type plasma thruster operating in a square-pulse mode (100/50 s for a job/pause duration). The unusual behavior of the background charged particle fluxes and wave activity stimulated during the beam-plasma interaction have been registered by the scientific instruments onboard Intercosmos-25 station (IK-25) and Magion-3 subsatellite. The longitudinal and electromagnetic wave instabilities and their mutual relationship are considered in order to explain the observed effects. The excitation of electrostatic waves by the electron injection has been considered for different resonance conditions near the linear stability boundary. Beam-driven electromagnetic instability is responsible for the backward-propagating whistler waves excited via cyclotron resonance. Competition of these two beam instabilities is one of the subjects of the present study.  相似文献   
玉树地震前的电离层异常现象分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
分析了玉树地震前地基电离层探测临界频率、GPS TEC和卫星探测原位等离子体参量等多个参数的扰动变化信息, 研究了不同高度异常变化的时空关联性. 分析发现, 在地震前一天的4月13日, 多个电离层参量出现同步扰动异常, 电离层临界频率f0F2异常相对滑动中值增大40%, 异常空间上存在从震中东南向西南漂移的特性; GPS TEC异常增强15TECU (1TECU=1016m-2)左右, 分布于震中南部经度15°范围内, 且有明显的磁共轭效应; DEMETER观测的原位氧离子密度Ni(O+) 4月13日为1-4月中最强的一天, 异常分布偏向赤道区, 但仅局限在30°-50°左右的经度范围内. 综合三个参量的异常特征发现, 无论是空间的局地性还是时间上的密切关联均反映这次电离层扰动可能与玉树地震孕育有关. 结合其他观测信息, 进一步探讨了这次地震孕育过程的地震电离层耦合机理.  相似文献   
量子科学实验卫星在轨运行期间完成4种光学实验,地面监测人员通过遥测参数阈值判断卫星是否进行光学实验、实验类型及实验结果.这种方法需要预先设定大量阈值,并且这些阈值需要根据在轨卫星重新设定,可扩展性较差.针对以上问题,提出一种基于机器学习的光学实验判别方法,将量子科学实验卫星的光学实验监测任务抽象为机器学习中的多元分类问题,构建分类模型,利用量子科学实验卫星的真实历史遥测数据对模型进行训练,并通过真实实验计划对训练得到的模型进行验证.实验结果表明,本文提出的方法在没有专家先验知识的前提下,判别准确率达到99%,可用于量子科学实验卫星光学实验的实时监测任务.提出的基于机器学习的判别方法具有较强的可扩展性,可应用于卫星在轨运行的其他监测任务.  相似文献   
Incoherent scatter radar (ISR) is the most powerful ground-based measurement facility to study the ionosphere. The plasma lines are not routinely detected by the incoherent scatter radar due to the low intensity, which falls below the measured spectral noise level of the incoherent scatter radar. The plasma lines are occasionally enhanced by suprathermal electrons through the Landau damping process and detectable to the incoherent scatter radar. In this study, by using the European Incoherent Scatter Association (EISCAT) UHF incoherent scatter radar, the experiment observation presents that the enhanced plasma lines were observed. These plasma lines were considered as manifest of the suprathermal electrons generated by the high-frequency heating wave during the ionospheric modification. The electron density profile is also obtained from the enhanced plasma lines. This study can be a promising technique for obtaining the accurate electron density during ionospheric modification experiment.  相似文献   
针对无人机飞行安全问题,介绍了提高任务飞行安全的技术、方法和措施,提出了基于GPS卫星接收机,独立于飞控系统的无人机安控器设计思路。在研究安控策略的基础上,设计了无人机安控器,并结合某型无人机进行了安控仿真试验,结果表明安控器有效、方案可行。  相似文献   
空间材料实验炉的温度分布对空间材料制备至关重要.通过对用于天宫二号空间实验室材料实验炉的物理模型进行合理简化,建立了三维传热数值计算模型,测量了实验炉材料的热物性参数,并根据地面试验工况进行模拟热分析计算,其结果能够很好地与地面试验结果吻合.采用模拟计算的方法分析样品物性参数对炉膛和样品中温度分布的影响,对实验炉的隔热部件进行优化设计,进而对炉体外表面温度进行了预测.数值仿真计算弥补了实验中测温点不足的问题,有助于进一步了解样品的温度分布,同时为实验炉隔热优化设计和安全运行提供了依据.  相似文献   
钛合金材料在加工过程中受铣削力影响易于产生变形而影响加工效果,为保证加工质量,提高生产效率及降低加工成本,研究切削加工参数的合理选择非常重要.对钛合金材料Ti6Al4V铣削加工进行有限元数值计算,结合试验设计方法构建了基于支持向量机的切削力预测模型,以材料去除率为优化目标,提出了一种基于支持向量机和粒子群算法的优化方法,对钛合金铣削加工参数进行了优化.结果表明,该方法准确、高效、可行,为钛合金加工工艺参数优化提供一种新的方法,具有良好的推广价值.  相似文献   
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