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李晓丰  肖俊峰  王玮 《航空动力学报》2020,35(11):2356-2363
为了提高脉冲爆震燃烧室出口燃气能量转换效率,采用数值计算方法,研究了带气动阀和爆震增强结构的脉冲爆震燃烧室出口燃气能量分布特性,结果表明:脉冲爆震燃气的膨胀过程先后经历一次膨胀、二次膨胀和过度膨胀3个阶段,单个周期内二次膨胀阶段的时间和能量占比最大;燃烧室出口燃气压力势能、动能、内能和能流密度的分布主要受燃气压力的影响,且变化规律与燃气压力一致;一次膨胀阶段燃气增加的压力势能、动能、内能分别占单个周期的479%、259%、251%;二次膨胀阶段燃气增加的压力势能、动能、内能分别占单个周期的502%、576%、581%。  相似文献   
三维四向编织复合材料等效热特性数值分析和试验研究   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
 采用“米”字型枝状胞体有限元模型和试验方法对三维四向编织复合材料的整体等效热膨胀系数和等效热传导系数进行了分析并将计算结果和试验值进行了比较。研究表明枝状胞体模型能较为真实的反映三维四向编织复合材料的结构构形;有限元方法在分析热膨胀、热传导方面具有较好的精度;三维四向编织复合材料编织方向的热膨胀系数随着纤维体积比的增加而减小,随着编织角的增加而减小;热传导系数随着纤维体积比的增加而增大,随着编织角的增大而增大。  相似文献   
Cairns  Iver H.  Knock  S.A.  Robinson  P.A.  Kuncic  Z. 《Space Science Reviews》2003,107(1-2):27-34
Recent data and theory for type II solar radio bursts are reviewed, focusing on a recent analytic quantitative theory for interplanetary type II bursts. The theory addresses electron reflection and acceleration at the type II shock, formation of electron beams in the foreshock, and generation of Langmuir waves and the type II radiation there. The theory's predictions as functions of the shock and plasma parameters are summarized and discussed in terms of space weather events. The theory is consistent with available data, has explanations for radio-loud/quiet coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and why type IIs are bursty, and can account for empirical correlations between type IIs, CMEs, and interplanetary disturbances. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
在刚性剖面假设的基础上分析具有蜂窝芯材薄壁盒式梁约束扭转问题。应用分离变量法,建立并求解了两个常微分支配方程。边界条件可以精确满足,同时,解答是用本征函数展开式表达的。扭矩图是由三角级数表示的,并用于决定上述本征函数展开式的待定系数。计算结果给出了蒙皮正应力与剪应力以及蜂窝芯材剪应力沿翼弦和翼展的分布规律。  相似文献   
Auroral emission caused by electron precipitation (Hardy et al., 1987, J. Geophys. Res. 92, 12275–12294) is powered by magnetospheric driving processes. It is not yet fully understood how the energy transfer mechanisms are responsible for the electron precipitation. It has been proposed (Hasegawa, 1976, J. Geophys. Res. 81, 5083–5090) that Alfvén waves coming from the magnetosphere play some role in powering the aurora (Wygant et al., 2000, J. Geophys. Res. 105, 18675–18692, Keiling et al., 2003, Science 299, 383–386). Alfvén-wave-induced electron acceleration is shown to be confined in a rather narrow radial distance range of 4–5 R E (Earth radii) and its importance, relative to other electron acceleration mechanisms, depends strongly on the magnetic disturbance level so that it represents 10% of all electron precipitation power during quiet conditions and increased to 40% during disturbed conditions. Our observations suggest that an electron Landau resonance mechanism operating in the “Alfvén resonosphere” is responsible for the energy transfer.  相似文献   
The problem of aeroelasticity and maneuvering of command surface and gust wing interaction involves a starting flow period which can be seen as the flow of an airfoil attaining suddenly an angle of attack. In the linear or nonlinear case, compressive Mach or shock waves are generated on the windward side and expansive Mach or rarefaction waves are generated on the leeward side. On each side, these waves are composed of an oblique steady state wave, a vertically-moving one-dimensional unsteady wave, and a secondary wave resulting from the interaction between the steady and unsteady ones. An analytical solution in the secondary wave has been obtained by Heaslet and Lomax in the linear case, and this linear solution has been borrowed to give an approximate solution by Bai and Wu for the nonlinear case. The structure of the secondary shock wave and the appearance of various force stages are two issues not yet considered in previous studies and has been studied in the present paper. A self-similar solution is obtained for the secondary shock wave, and the reason to have an initial force plateau as observed numerically is identified. Moreover, six theoretical characteristic time scales for pressure load variation are determined which explain the slope changes of the time-dependent force curve.  相似文献   
In the present work, the coefficients of thermal expansion(CTEs) of unidirectional(UD)fiber-reinforced composites are studied. First, an attempt is made to propose a model to predict both longitudinal and transverse CTEs of UD composites by means of thermo-elastic mechanics analysis. The proposed model is supposed to be a concentric cylinder with a transversely isotropic fiber embedded in an isotropic matrix, and it is subjected to a uniform temperature change. Then a concise and explicit formula is offered for each CTE. Finally, some finite element(FE) models are created by a finite element program MSC. Patran according to different material systems and fiber volume fractions. In addition, the available experimental data and results of other analytical solutions of CTEs are presented. Comparisons are made among the results of the cylinder model,the finite element method(FEM), experiments, and other solutions, which show that the predicted CTEs by the new model are in good agreement with the experimental data. In particular, transverse CTEs generally offer better agreements than those predicted by most of other solutions.  相似文献   
童福林  孙东  袁先旭  李新亮 《航空学报》2020,41(3):123328-123328
为了揭示膨胀效应对激波/湍流边界层干扰区内复杂流动现象的影响规律,采用直接数值模拟方法对来流马赫数2.9、30°激波角的入射激波与10°膨胀角湍流边界层相互作用问题进行了数值研究。系统地探讨了激波入射点分别位于膨胀角上游、膨胀角角点和膨胀角下游3种工况下膨胀角干扰区内若干基本流动现象,如分离泡、物面压力脉动及激波非定常运动、湍流边界层统计特性和相干结构动力学过程等。结果表明,激波入射点流向位置改变对分离区流向和法向尺度的影响显著,尤其是当激波入射点位于角点及其下游区域。研究发现,膨胀角干扰区内物面压力脉动强度急剧减小,分离区内压力波向下游传播速度将降低而在膨胀区内将升高,膨胀效应极大地抑制了分离激波的低频振荡运动。相较于入射激波与平板湍流边界层干扰,入射激波流向位置改变对膨胀角再附区速度剖面对数区及尾迹区影响显著,将导致其内层结构参数升高而外层降低,近壁区内将呈现远离一组元湍流状态的趋势。此外,流向速度脉动场本征正交分解分析指出,主模态空间结构集中在分离激波及剪切层根部附近而高阶模态以边界层内小尺度正负交替脉动结构为主。低阶重构流场结果表明,前者对应为分离泡低频膨胀/收缩过程而后者表征为分离泡高频脉动。  相似文献   
蛇形进气道的雷达截面分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
冯文澜  阮颖铮 《航空学报》1990,11(6):276-280
 本文采用复射线技术的原理和方法,通过场的高斯波束拟合,使这种理论能够用于进气道之类的大口径凹形腔体的雷达截面(RCS)特性分析。本文以弯曲的蛇形进气道为例,进行了RCS特性分析计算,并将计算值与测试值比较。结果表明,这种方法是一种比较准确而又十分有效的RCS预估方法。  相似文献   
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