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大推力氢氧发动机的频率特性仿真研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王珏  张振鹏 《航空动力学报》2008,23(12):2341-2345
采用传递矩阵法对某大推力氢氧火箭发动机系统的频率特性进行了仿真分析.首先建立发动机系统管路和部组件的频域线性化数学模型,并根据系统管路和部件的联接关系,简化系统模型,构成了联系扰动量和系统变量的线性方程组,进一步求解得到扰动量作用下系统变量的频率响应特性.通过仿真对比发现燃气发生器循环与分级燃烧循环的氢氧火箭发动机系统频率特性有显著差异.   相似文献   
针对目前渗硼存在温度高、脆性大等一系列问题,对45钢进行气体低温氮硼共渗得到复合渗层,并对渗层进行金相组织观察、显微硬度测试,探讨了渗层的形成过程及渗剂中催渗剂尿素的作用。结果表明,通过合理的共渗工艺可以实现在软氮化的温度即540℃~660℃下强制渗硼,获得平均厚度为100μm较为平整的复合渗层,该渗层具有较高的硬度,最高可达995.6HV。  相似文献   
燃气流量可控的固体火箭冲压发动机动态建模及模型降阶   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
燃气流量可控的固体火箭冲压发动机促进了其燃气流量控制系统的研究.模型研究是控制系统设计的基础.基于集中参数的思想建立了燃气流量可控的固体火箭冲压发动机动态模型,分析了固体火箭冲压发动机动态模型参数的物理意义及其工作过程中的变参数特性, 固体火箭冲压发动机动态响应时间由冷区容积时间常数、热区容积时间常数、激波传播时间常数和激波容积时间常数等组成, 工作条件的较大变化使得固体火箭冲压发动机在工作过程中具有较强的变参数特性.最后对固体火箭冲压发动机动态模型进行模型降阶,由频率分析的结果可知,模型降阶是合理的.  相似文献   
考虑性能衰退的航空发动机总体性能裕度设计研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
周茂军 《航空动力学报》2008,23(10):1868-1874
研究大型客机发动机在使用过程中的性能衰退对总体性能的影响,将结果用于发展型发动机总体性能裕度设计中.利用性能衰退专项试验的数据和获得的返厂进行翻修的发动机磨损程度数据,分析计算出部件效率下降对性能的影响,找出发动机新交付时与性能衰退后的差值,将这个差值应用在发展型发动机性能衰退后的总体性能计算中.针对被研发动机获得的结果是:总体性能设计需要留取100℃的燃气温度裕度以保证翻修期内的安全使用,性能衰退后单位燃油耗油率SFC平均上升7%,发展型发动机依靠部件效率改善能够满足新一代飞机的更高性能要求.   相似文献   
The goal of Collaborative Research Centre(SFB) 561 "thermally highly loaded,porous and cooled multi-layer systems for combined cycle power plants" is to expand the current technological and scientific knowledge on power plants in order to achieve total efficiencies of 65% in a combined cycle power plant in the year 2025.Therefore,the aero-thermomechanical,structural-mechanical,materials' scientific and production fundamentals for the development of steam and gas turbine components that are able to withstand highest thermal loads are being worked out within this SFB.This means for the gas turbine that combustion chamber outlet temperatures of 1520℃ at 1.7MPa are to be attained.In order to control these high temperatures,it is not only required to develop new materials' solutions,including thermal barrier coatings,but also to apply improved cooling techniques,as for example effusion cooling.This novel cooling concept is to be realised through open-porous structures.These structures can consist of drilled open-porous multi-layer systems or open-porous metallic foams.The development of graded multi-layer systems is also extremely important,as the grading will enable the use of coolant in dependence of the requirements.The live steam parameters in the high pressure turbine are expected to be increased up to approximately 700℃ with pressure of 30MPa.These elevated steam parameters can be encountered with Ni-base alloys,but this is a costly alternative,associated with many manufacturing difficulties.Therefore,the SFB proposes cooling the highly loaded turbines instead,as this would necessitate the application of far less Ni-base alloys.To protect the thermally highly loaded casing,a sandwich material consisting of two thin face sheets with a core of a woven wire mesh is used to cover the walls of the steam turbine casing.The current state of the research shows that by utilising innovative cooling technologies a total efficiency of 65% can be reached without exceeding the maximum allowable material temperature,thereby prolonging the life-span.   相似文献   
There is an increasing concern that current trends of consumption of natural resources cannot continue.It is imperative that major targeted investments are made into economical and reliable environment friendly propulsion and power solutions.Many novel and promising concepts are being proposed.The selection of the best candidates to pursue for investment becomes a very difficult choice.A detailed TERA(techno-economic environmental risk analysis) framework is described here to quantify risks and to compare and rank competing schemes on a formal and consistent basis.This technique is based on detailed and rigorous thermodynamic representations of power plants.A layer of environment,economic,weather and other models to describe the appropriate local conditions is superimposed to this.The outcome is a techno-economic environmental risk analysis framework with appropriate detail of each power plant as applied to the appropriate conditions.The results for each concept can then be compared and contrasted to make appropriate selections.   相似文献   
某型燃气轮机可调叶片控制系统以伺服比例阀和伺服油缸作为控制机构。该系统在油田经历了近2000h的运行考验,可实现对可调导叶转角的闭环控制,性能优良,工作可靠,能够满足在油田环境下的工作要求;保证燃气轮机稳定工作。  相似文献   
姿态控制系统安全阀排放研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
恒压挤压式姿态控制系统一般采用压力调节器对气瓶中的高压气体进行调节,并采用安全阀保证系统的安全。设计时一般保证压力调节器节流口在任何情况下均为临界截面,气体通过压力调节器节流口后压力降低,一般远高于大气压力。由于节流口后气流涡流和管路摩擦的作用,气流在到达安全阀排放口后,仍然为临界流动状态。因此,可以采用收缩喷嘴节流公式计算压力调节器节流口和安全阀排放口的压力和流量参数。根据该数学模型,计算了姿态控制系统安全阀前气体压力和流量,试验结果表明所采用的计算方法可行。  相似文献   
高亚声速轴流压气机的优化叶型   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
基于计算流体动力学和数值优化算法,研究了一种压气机叶型优化设计方法.以入口马赫数为0.7的高亚声速轴流压气机叶型为研究对象,采用拉丁超立方实验法选取优化变量并构建了考虑攻角特性的目标函数,通过引入Gamma-Theta转捩模型,考虑了附面层转捩的影响,最终获得了可以有效改善攻角特性和降低总压损失的高亚声速轴流压气机优化叶型.计算结果表明:优化叶型可以显著降低入口马赫数为0.2~0.8时+4°和-4°攻角的总压损失,使设计工况(入口马赫数为0.7)下的低损失攻角增加4°以上,优化叶型最佳稠度降低20%并改善低雷诺数时叶栅的流动特性.   相似文献   
航空衍生工业燃气轮机双燃料贫燃预混低污染燃烧技术   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
论述了航空衍生燃气轮机双燃料低污染燃烧技术的研发过程,总结了所采用的促使该技术成功发展的重要技术要点,对双燃料燃烧室可以工作的燃料-空气比的范围、燃料-空气比对CO和NOx排放的影响及过渡工况设计给予了论述,并全面总结了双燃料低污染燃烧室设计上的考虑因素.通过对多种贫燃预混的双燃料-空气模的研究设计以及长期地、持续地进行研发及燃烧试验,结果表明:设计的双燃料燃烧室在50%~100%工况范围每一点都可满足低污染要求.所研发的低污染燃烧技术以及过渡工况的设计都切实可行,可以直接用于航空发动机型号产品.   相似文献   
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