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以航空发动机中的卡箍-管路系统为研究对象,基于自主设计的卡箍刚度试验测试装置,对直径为8 mm的卡箍的线刚度和角刚度进行了试验测试。根据实测卡箍刚度,采用线性弹簧对其进行离散化等效处理,并基于自编有限元法建立了卡箍-管路系统的动力学模型。通过试验与仿真所获得的固有频率及频响函数的对比,从而验证了卡箍刚度测定及有限元模型的合理性,并进一步研究了拧紧力矩对卡箍-管路系统固有频率的影响。结果表明:拧紧力矩的增加会导致管路的固有频率增大,且针对所研究的卡箍,当拧紧力矩大于8 N·m时,管路固有频率逐渐趋于稳定。   相似文献   
NASA在声振领域研究的新成果   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近年来在航天工业中声振已产生了许多重要进展。本文介绍了在NASA格伦研究中心所完成的工程项目中在声振领域取得的一些成果。  相似文献   
激光全息无损检测技术的现状及展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
叙述了激光全息无损检测技术国内外的发展情况及其在军工生产和科研领域等的应用,通过与其他无损检测方法相比较,总结了该方法在无损检测领域的地位及优势,并预测了激光全息无损检测技术的发展趋势。  相似文献   
飞机多目标攻击试验探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在现代战争中,具有多目标攻击能力的飞机,往往在空战中处于优势的地位。但是为了实现多目标攻击,雷达要有多目标跟踪的能力,火控机应根据雷达送来的目标参数来确定目标的威胁等级。本文在分析雷达多目标跟踪的基础上,介绍了目标威胁评估的方法及多目标攻击概率的计算,最后叙述了地面多目标攻击试验程序。  相似文献   
火控系统综合试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
现代火控系统强大的功能是战斗机作战性能的重要保证,而火控系统综合试验是确保系统装机后,是否能够满足设计要求的重要环节。本文在分析试验支持环境的基础上,介绍了导弹与系统交联试验的试验程序。  相似文献   
陆传雨  陆铭慧  刘浩宇  徐喜浩 《航空学报》2022,43(7):425419-425419
由多层等厚铝合金板真空扩散焊接制成的航空构件在超声无损检测过程中常常因为不同层的缺陷在水平于声波传播方向上发生重叠,导致上、下层缺陷回波发生混叠,影响下层缺陷的判别。因此混叠信号的分离对重叠缺陷的检出具有重要意义。在传统的平滑化L0算法的基础上,改用双曲反正切函数和修正牛顿迭代法来逼近L0范数的最小值,同时将投影条件中的等式约束放宽为不等式约束,再利用凸优化方法进行求解,最终实现了含噪超声重叠信号的分解与重构。实验表明,对于含噪信号,相比于其他稀疏表示方法,改进后的SL0算法在稀疏能力和重建效果上都有着更好的表现。同时,稀疏分解得到的信号参数和实际测得的真实数据也具有很好的一致性,证明了该算法的准确性。  相似文献   
The biaxial tensile behavior of isotropic Ti-6Al-4 V is characterized in this paper. A novel cruciform specimen was designed and optimized to achieve uniform stress and strain distribution within the gauge area. Biaxial tensile tests were conducted at three different loading ratios by the biaxial testing machine. The Digital Image Correlation (DIC) technique was applied to determine strain distribution, and a high-speed camera was employed to record the fracture process. An Inverse Analysis (IA) approach with a combined experimental and numerical method was proposed to determine the true stresses at the gauge section of the specimen during biaxial tensile tests. The results indicate that the initial yield locus can be described by the Cazacu criterion accurately, whereas the Mises criterion can predict better the strengthening behavior of Ti-6Al-4 V in the first quadrant in the principal stress space.  相似文献   

缩比飞行试验在民用飞机的研制过程中日益受到重视,其尺度效应影响评估是设计缩比飞行试验工况的基础,也是确认飞行数据适用性的关键。基于几何和动力学相似准则,针对某民用飞机及其缩比验证机设计分析工况组,采用计算流体力学方法研究相似准则参数(马赫数Ma、雷诺数Re、弗劳德数Fr)对气动载荷、典型气动导数及弹性变形的影响。研究结果表明,在动力学相似时,验证机与原型机间的气动特性差异主要来源于马赫数,雷诺数影响较小;当原型机以中低马赫数(Ma < 0.5)飞行时,此时马赫数压缩效应不明显,验证机与原型机具有近似的展向与弦向载荷分布特征,典型稳定导数及操纵导数差异约10%,在控制律设计鲁棒性范围内;进一步保持质量与刚度分布相似时,机翼翼尖扭转变形差异不超过0.5°,挠度差异不超过0.5%,在工程上属于可接受的范围。

本文阐述了研究飞机失速/尾旋的重要性和研究尾旋的方法,介绍了哈尔滨空气动力研究所研制的旋转天平试验装置和校准模型的试验结果以及如何应用旋转天平试验数据预测飞机尾旋特性。  相似文献   
LISA Pathfinder is a technology demonstrator space mission, aimed at testing key technologies for detecting gravitational waves in space. The mission is the precursor of LISA, the first space gravitational waves observatory, whose launch is scheduled for 2034. The LISA Pathfinder scientific payload includes two gravitational reference sensors (GRSs), each one containing a test mass (TM), which is the sensing body of the experiment. A mission critical task is to set each TM into a pure geodesic motion, i.e. guaranteeing an extremely low acceleration noise in the sub-Hertz frequency bandwidth. The grabbing positioning and release mechanism (GPRM), responsible for the injection of the TM into a geodesic trajectory, was widely tested on ground, with the limitations imposed by the 1-g environment. The experiments showed that the mechanism, working in its nominal conditions, is capable of releasing the TM into free-fall fulfilling the very strict constraint imposed on the TM residual velocity, in order to allow its capture on behalf of the electrostatic actuation.However, the first in-flight releases produced unexpected residual velocity components, for both the TMs. Moreover, all the residual velocity components were greater than maximum value set by the requirements. The main suspect is that unexpected contacts took place between the TM and the surroundings bodies. As a consequence, ad hoc manual release procedures had to be adopted for the few following injections performed during the nominal mission. These procedures still resulted in non compliant TM states which were captured only after impacts. However, such procedures seem not practicable for LISA, both for the limited repeatability of the system and for the unmanageable time lag of the telemetry/telecommand signals (about 4400 s). For this reason, at the end of the mission, the GPRM was deeply tested in-flight, performing a large number of releases, according to different strategies. The tests were carried out in order to understand the unexpected dynamics and limit its effects on the final injection. Some risk mitigation maneuvers have been tested aimed at minimizing the vibration of the system at the release and improving the alignment between the mechanism and the TM. However, no overall optimal release strategy to be implemented in LISA could be found, because the two GPRMs behaved differently.  相似文献   
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