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In this paper, we study conditions of realization and stability of kink modes with azimuthal wave numbers m=±1 in cylindrical plasma flex with twisted magnetic field and homogeneous current along its axis. We assume permanent axial magnetic field both inside and outside the flex, surrounded by currentless plasma. Azimuthal magnetic field decreases inversely proportional to the distance from the boundary beyond the flex. We derived dispersion equations for stable and unstable modes in approximation of “thin” plasma flex. The analysis of equations has been provided for the case of discontinuous axial magnetic field on flex’s boundary. Conditions of propagation of wave modes have been defined. It was shown, that unstable modes can be implemented in certain interval of longitudinal wavenumbers. Results can be applied for the interpretation of solar magnetic tubes behavior, using measurements, provided by spacecrafts.  相似文献   
The importance of high resolution meteorological analysis of the atmosphere increased over the past years. A detailed analysis of the humidity field is an important precondition for a better monitoring of local and regional extreme precipitation events and for forecasts with improved spatial resolution. For this reason, the Austrian Meteorological Agency (ZAMG) is operating the spatial and temporal high resolution INCA system (Integrated Now-casting through Comprehensive Analysis) since begin of 2005. Errors in this analysis occur mainly in the areas of rapidly changing and hard to predict weather conditions or rugged topography with extreme differences in height such as the alpine area of Austria. The aim of this work is to provide GNSS based measurements of the tropospheric water vapour content with a temporal resolution of 1 h and a temporal delay of less than 1 h to assimilate these estimates into the INCA system. Additional requirement is an accuracy of better than 1 mm of the precipitable water (PW) estimates.  相似文献   
Es层是存在于电离层中的电子密度非常高的偶发E层(Sporadic E),其电子密度可达常规E层的100倍.电离层Es能够反射原本穿透F层的VHF低频段(30~150MHz)无线电波,而且对HF高频段(10~30MHz)无线电波传播具有显著影响.运用垂测和斜测观测数据,研究HF频段Es层电波传播特征,得到了不同类型及不同高度Es层的衰减系数.根据f0Es的日变化规律,可得HF频段衰减系数的日变化规律,进而分析并得到Es层对短波传播的影响.不存在电离层Es时,通常无法通过电离层实现VHF超远距离通信.为了对VHF链路通过电离层Es的传播衰减进行定量分析,根据EBU多条链路的观测结果,拟合并建立了电离层Es衰减模型.将该模型、ITU模型和观测数据进行对比,发现本文建立的模型准确度更高.利用建立的模型,对电离层Es不同临频f0Es条件下接收信号场强和电压随传播距离的变化进行了计算,结果可为VHF链路设计及建立提供参考.  相似文献   
采用挂滴方法,实验研究多组分单液滴的着火和燃烧特性,考察激光和热丝两种点火方式对液滴燃烧速率、火焰形貌及着火延迟时间的影响.实验结果表明,随着热丝点火时间增加,燃烧速率因液滴周围自然对流增强而加快.常重力下液滴火焰为包覆型火焰,火焰高度与液滴初始直径之比的最大值约为18.当t/tb>0.4时,尚处于热丝加热阶段的火焰高度比没有热丝加热的高约5D0,比激光关闭后的火焰高度高5~10D0.与热丝点火相比,激光点火响应迅速,对液滴附近气体干扰小,是地面上比较理想的点火方式.固定激光脉冲时间,随着激光强度的增加,单液滴的着火延迟时间缩短.  相似文献   
目前的高级在轨系统(AOS,Advanced Orbiting Systems)多路复用研究主要以仿真为主,很少有文献给出专门的理论分析.针对基于轮询的AOS多路复用包时延进行研究,通过采用排队论中非空竭限量服务的休假排队系统建立模型,并采用循环再生法进行分析,得到了多路复用包时延计算公式,并给出包时延的下限值.仿真结果表明,在包到达率取值分别为1,2,3包/s,在各种不同的下行速率(范围240~330 bit/s)之下,包时延的仿真值曲线均高于理论下限值曲线,从而论证了理论推导的正确性.研究结果可以为工程设计提供一定的参考作用.  相似文献   
The Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM), one of the new digital radio broadcasting standards, has been designed to overcome typical short wave radio channel difficulties, such as the multipath propagation and fast temporal changes of the received signal level, both related to the properties of the ionosphere along the path of propagation. In particular, some of the RF carriers used in the applied COFDM transmission technique serve to estimate the current state of the radio channel to enable the proper demodulation of the received signal.We have been detecting such RF carriers on select frequency channels (standard DRM broadcast) using a network of recording stations located in different parts of Poland in order to collect data on the HF radio channel. We have been also evaluating the usefulness of this procedure in providing information on the current state of the ionosphere in the refraction region between the transmitter and receivers. When the DRM system becomes more widespread, this method can supplement data that comes from the ionosondes, since it does not require much financial resources and the receivers can be easily scattered over a large area. This paper presents a set of experimental data and its analysis.  相似文献   
预估Fuzzy-PID在中央空调控制系统中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
电加热常作为中央空调的末端设备置于被调节房间风道入口处,微调加热以提高温度控制精度,为此提出一种电加热温度控制方法,采用预估Fuzzy-PID复合控制算法,通过对加热功率的调节进行闭环控制,实现控制点温度的稳定控制.新的控制算法结合了smith预估控制、Fuzzy和PID控制器的优点.在MATLAB环境中仿真预估Fuzzy-PID控制中央空调末端电加热,结果表明该控制方法能提高温度稳定性并降低能耗,控制精度达到±0.1℃.该控制方法同样适用于其它含有电加热元件的场合.   相似文献   
疲劳裂纹扩展随机过程相关参数的估计   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
对数正态随机过程模型是可靠性与损伤容限分析中常用的裂纹扩展随机模型.在裂纹扩展对数正态随机过程模型的基础上,建立了由试验数据估计一般平稳正态随机过程相关参数的方法.应用这种方法可以直接由试验数据估计随机过程的相关参数.同时,给出了用Monte-Carlo方法估算置信区间的方法.最后,给出了用具体试验数据,这组试验数据共有237个数据点,估计随机过程相关参数的算例.  相似文献   
针对采用微小推力进行轨道机动的小卫星,考虑复杂摄动力的基础设计了一种高精度轨道外推和推力在轨标定算法.首先,建立了考虑地球复杂摄动力和微小推力的小卫星轨道动力学模型;然后基于动力学模型,利用变步长龙格库塔算法,设计了对微小推力小卫星进行高精度轨道外推的方法.随后通过无迹卡尔曼滤波器(UKF),设计在轨标定算法,对存在误...  相似文献   
大气延迟误差对InSAR数据处理影响的定量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从重复轨道InSAR测量基本原理出发, 详细给出了相位测量误差对InSAR测高、 双轨法D-InSAR形变测量、三轨法D-InSAR形变测量、四轨法D-InSAR形变测量影响的近似关系式以及大气延迟误差对相位测量影响的近似关系式; 以此为基础分别推导出了大气延迟误差对InSAR测高、双轨法D-InSAR形变测量、三轨法D-InSAR形变测量和四轨法D-InSAR形变测量影响的近似关系式, 同时以ERS-1星载系统为例进行模拟实验, 分析讨论了大气延迟误差对InSAR测高、双轨法D-InSAR形变测量、三轨法D-InSAR形变测量以及四轨法D-InSAR形变测量的影响, 从而得出了大气延迟误差对InSAR数据处理影响的结论.  相似文献   
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