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针对地球静止轨道(GEO)卫星全天时全天候高精度的监测需求,考虑传统甚长基线干涉(VLBI)测站高成本、高投入和GEO卫星专用观测时段有限等制约条件,研发了简易型VLBI观测系统,并组建了包括上海、都匀和乌鲁木齐三站的微型VLBI网(micro VLBI network,MVN),开展了并置站测试以及对GEO卫星亚太6C的连续监测,并评估了当前MVN的观测能力。结果表明MVN扣除系统差后的单站接收精度为2ns,各基线观测时延拟后残差约几纳秒,GEO目标实测位置精度为百米级(内外符精度分别约100m和400m)。不同于传统VLBI和其他GEO监测手段,MVN还具备全天时、全天候、低造价、易布设及易推广等特点,充分表明了其在GEO卫星监测领域的应用价值。  相似文献   
目前鲜有对北斗卫星导航系统(BeiDouNavigationSatelliteSystem,BDS)实时精密定轨与钟差确定的研究,文章提出了BDS实时轨道与实时钟差处理策略,包括了观测与动力学模型、实时轨道与实时钟差处理流程与评估方法。尤其对于实时钟差,为了提高计算效率,联合使用两个独立并行的线程估计非差绝对钟差和历元间相对钟差。利用多模全球卫星导航系统试验(MGEX)与全球连续检测评估系统(iGMAS)实测数据进行了北斗实时轨道与钟差解算,BDS实时轨道径向平均精度对于GEO卫星优于20cm,对于IGSO与MEO一般优于10cm;钟差精度对于GEO卫星为0.5~4.5ns,对于IGSO/MEO为0.2~2.0ns。基于目前的轨道与钟差结果,实时精密单点定位(PrecisePointPositioning,PPP)结果可以达到分米量级。  相似文献   
针对伴随微纳卫星资源受限、轨控需要尽可能节省燃料的现实问题,基于希尔(Hill)方程,研究推导了共面编队伴飞卫星的轨控时机和轨控方向对相对运动椭圆短半轴控制效率的影响。理论推导和仿真均表明:当控制量大小|ΔV|与相对运动椭圆短半轴b满足|ΔV|≤nb/2关系时(n为参考星平均轨道角速度),在相对运动椭圆上下点进行横向或反横向控制,最大效率地将相对运动椭圆短半轴改变了|Δb|=2|ΔV|/n。其中,在上点反横向或下点横向进行控制,可以最大效率地增大椭圆短半轴;在上点横向或下点反横向进行控制,可以最大效率地减小椭圆短半轴。  相似文献   
分析了椭圆轨道的优良特性,它可集中覆盖地面上某一指定纬度带或区域.阐述了临界倾角太阳同步回归轨道这种特殊椭圆轨道的设计方法,总结了其轨道要素的计算步骤.探讨了临界倾角太阳同步回归轨道星座的设计思路,指出了影响星座对目标覆盖性能的关键参数是各个卫星通过目标上空的时刻.介绍了用遗传算法进行星座优化设计的数学模型,利用遗传算法进行了优化设计.讨论了优化结果的统计规律,符合该规律的星座就是本文所研究的特殊椭圆轨道星座,星座性能分析结果表明这种星座适用于区域覆盖.   相似文献   
在降落伞轴向和径向动量方程的基础上进行一些合理的简化,并结合其他经验公式基本描述了降落伞整个充气阶段的运动过程。运用简化的模型初步分析了在不同大气密度、初始开伞速度下的充气环境对降落伞充气时间、充气距离,伞绳最大拉力的影响。得到的结论对火星降落伞设计及降落伞充气试验的环境模拟有一定参考意义。  相似文献   
The topic of relativistic electron dynamics in the outer radiation belt has received considerable attention for many years. Nevertheless, the problem of understanding the physical phenomenon involved is far from being resolved. In this paper, we use DEMETER observations to examine the variations of the energetic electron fluxes and ELF/VLF wave intensities in the inner magnetosphere during the intense 8 November 2004 magnetic storm. Electron flux spectra and associated wave intensity spectra are analysed throughout the magnetic storm and common characteristics or differences to other storm events are retained. The overall objective of this study is to identify and derive parameters that are relevant for particle flux modelling; the time constant characterizing the persistent decay after particle enhancement was found to be one of these important model parameters.The analysis of the 8 November 2004 event reveals that for L-shell parameter higher than 4, an electron flux dropout is observed during the storm’s main phase for electrons in the energy range 0.1–1 MeV, as has been reported from other measurements. Characteristic wave spectra accompanying this phase are analysed. They show a typical enhancement in the frequency range 0.3–10 kHz at onset for all L-shell values under consideration (2 < L < 5). During the first stage of the recovery phase, the electron fluxes are increased to a level higher than the pre-storm level, whereas the level of wave intensity in the frequency range observed below 300 Hz is at its highest. In the second stage, the particle flux decrease goes hand in hand with a global wave activity decline, the relaxation time of the latter being smaller than the former’s one. In some other cases, long-lasting electron enhancement associated with constant wave activity has been observed during this latter stage. For the above mentioned storm, while at low L values the decay time constants are higher for low energy electrons than for high energy electrons, this order is reversed at high L values. At about L = 3.6 the time constant is independent of electron energy.  相似文献   
The F layer critical frequency (foF2) as measured by Digisondes in the equatorial and low latitude locations in Brazil is analyzed to investigate the seasonal and solar flux controls of the intensity of the equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA) in the equinoctial month of March. The analysis also included the total electron content (TEC) as measured by a GPS receiver operated at the EIA crest location. The foF2 data set covered a period of large solar flux variation from 1996 to 2003, while the GPS TEC data was for a period in 2002–2003 when the solar flux parameter F10.7 underwent large variations, permitting in both cases an examination of the solar flux effects on these parameters. The seasonal variation pattern in TEC shows a maximum in equinoctial months and a minimum in June solstice, with similar variations for foF2. The solar flux dependence of the TEC is a maximum during equinoxes, especially for post-sunset TEC values at times when the latitudinal distribution is controlled by the equatorial evening plasma fountain processes. Significant variations with local time are found in the degree of solar flux dependence for both the TEC and EIA. The EIA intensity shows large dependence on F10.7 during post-sunset to midnight hours. These results are discussed in comparison with their corresponding IRI representations.  相似文献   
针对双星对地面已知高度目标辐射源到达时间差(TDOA)和到达频率差(FDOA)无源定位过程中存在卫星1位置矢量、两卫星位置矢量差以及两卫星速度矢量差三者共面问题,提出了一种获得目标位置三维解析解的算法,并指出当且仅当两卫星位置矢量和速度矢量四者共线时才无解。分析了共面但不共线和共线2种情况,给出了不同情况下的解析解,并且当两卫星位置矢量共线时可以将定位问题化简为简单的一元二次方程求解问题,可以有效降低求解复杂度和减少虚根数量。此外,当三矢量共面时还可以改善星下点区域的定位精度。仿真实验验证了所提算法的有效性。  相似文献   
基于电离层连续方程和能量方程,建立预加热模式下低电离层幅度调制加热理论模型,模拟大功率电波幅度调制电离层电导率和电流随时间的变化,分析预加热时间对幅度调制产生的极低频/甚低频(ELF/VLF)强度的影响.结果表明,低电离层中的电流能够被大功率电波有效调制,可以作为ELF/VLF电波的辐射源.预加热幅度调制模式在预加热时间较长时效果更明显.在考虑能耗的情况下,当有效辐射功率为200MW及高频波的调制频率fELF/VLF为1kHz时,预加热幅度调制模式辐射ELF/VLF加热0.1s时效果最好,强度可提高约7.95dB.  相似文献   
瑞利波(R波)在地质勘探和无损检测等许多领域都得到了广泛的关注和应用,重力作用对其的影响不可避免.基于前人提出的重力作用下的R波波速函数,进一步分析了不同弹性参数下重力对于该波速的影响,给出了近似波速函数的适用范围;采用时域有限差分(FDTD)方法、交错网格离散格式及扩展边界条件,模拟了微分高斯脉冲(DGP)激励下,准半空间体各向同性线弹性介质中的波传播问题,得到了更接近理论结果的波速值,同时进一步分析了重力对时域和频域响应等方面的影响.通过分析得到,为了更为准确地预测实验结果,有必要在模拟中加入重力作用.   相似文献   
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