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锆元素在铝合金中的应用   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
概述了锆元素在铝合金中的存在形式,重点讨论其对铝合金各项性能的作用机理,包括对合金的再结晶行为,淬火敏感性,时效行为以及合金综合性能(强度、断裂韧性、抗应力腐蚀性能等)的影响变化。简要介绍了锆元素在铝合金,尤其在高强铝合金中的典型应用,并结合当前锆元素研究发展的新趋势,指出对锆元素的研究认识需进一步深入和突破。  相似文献   
量子传感器是基于量子操控技术的研究成果,一般具有高精度、小体积等优势。激光器是量子传感器的核心部件,有抽运和检测功能,激光器的稳定性对量子传感器具有重要的意义。提出了一种直接数字合成法(DDS)与锁相回路(PLL)相结合的方法,对激光器进行调制并抑制调制噪声,实现了激光器的稳定输出。基于现有小型量子传感器装置,在DDS生成4kHz参考信号的情况下实现了激光器电流8kHz调制,抑制了调制时调制电流信号噪声约8dB,并提高了激光器输出光功率的稳定性。  相似文献   
空间机械臂具有柔性大、振动频率低等特点,受激后振动的持续时间长、自然衰减慢。针对空间机械臂运行完成后留存的残余振动,采用固定界面子结构方法推导出关节转动与航天器-机械臂组合体振动的动力学显式关系。从中发现了控制关节转动并使其角速度正比于组合体振动的模态坐标,便能消耗组合体的机械能,加速组合体振动衰减的力学机理。据此,设计了逻辑关系简洁的机械臂关节角速度控制律,分别通过数值仿真和试验件实测对航天器-机械臂组合体的原理性模型开展了振动抑制效果的验证。结果表明:机械臂关节作动可以显著缩短受激后组合体残余振动的持续时间。  相似文献   
后缘变弯度机翼的气动弹性建模与稳定性分析日益受到关注。为了探究变弯度后缘相比常规偏转舵面机翼颤振主动抑制的方法与特点,以一个小展弦比后缘变弯度机翼为对象,首先建立结构有限元模型,并引入变弯度后缘变形模态和常规舵面偏转模态,采用亚声速偶极子格网法计算非定常气动力;然后使用基于最小状态法的有理函数拟合进行频域到时域模型的转换,建立两种构型机翼的气动弹性模型,并在建模时考虑了变弯度后缘与常规舵面控制带宽的差异;最后利用线性高斯二次型方法设计控制律进行颤振主动抑制,分析对比两种控制方式的特性差异。结果表明:采用变弯度后缘的闭环系统能够将颤振临界速度提高22%,其提升效果优于常规舵面,所需舵面偏转峰值更小。  相似文献   
Pulsar navigation is a promising autonomous navigation system for spacecraft, which is applicable to the entire solar system. However, the pulsar’s directional error and the onboard clock error are two types of systematic errors that seriously reduce navigation accuracy. To solve this problem, a star angle/double-differenced pulse time of arrival(SA/DDTOA) integrated navigation method is proposed. Since measurements obtained by observing different pulsars contain the same clock errors, the measurements can be differed to eliminate the common clock error. Then, the pulsar-differenced measurements at neighbor filtering time can be differed to suppress the effect of the pulsar’s directional error on navigation precision. Star angle is used to obtain absolute navigation information, which denotes the angles between the light of sight of Jupiter and that of its background stars. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed method can eliminate the influence of the onboard clock error and greatly weaken the effects of the pulsar’s directional error. The navigation accuracy is better than the traditional star angle/pulse time of arrival integrated navigation method and star angle/pulse time difference of arrival integrated navigation method. In addition, the navigation accuracy of the SA/DDTOA integrated navigation method is less affected by Jupiter’s ephemeris error. This work greatly reduces the influence of common systematic errors in pulsar navigation on navigation accuracy.  相似文献   
The coaxial compound helicopter has two possible strategies for heading control: collective differential and rudder deflection. A flight dynamics model is developed to assess the effect of different heading control strategies. This includes the trim characteristics, steady flight performance,controllability, and manoeuvrability. The trim study demonstrates that heading control strategies are less influential on trim results, and the steady flight performance is also not significantly affected by the heading control strategy adopted. The controllability analysis shows although heading bandwidth and phase delay results at various speeds with different heading control strategies are all satisfied, the control derivative of the collective differential decreases as speed increases, and its heading aggressive agility is degraded into Level 3 in high-speed flight. In addition, using collective differential would lead to severe heading-rolling coupling as forward speed increases. On the contrary, the control derivative and aggressive agility of the rudder deflection is improved with forward speed, and there is no evidence of heading-rolling coupling. Finally, the transient turn MissionTask-Element(MTE) is utilized to investigate the heading manoeuvre characteristics in different heading control strategies, which indicates that the collective differential would add the amplitude of control input and the power consumption during this MTE.  相似文献   
低波段天基雷达射频干扰机理及抑制方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
天基合成孔径雷达(SAR)是一种重要的主动遥感设备,在测绘、目标警戒、资源探测等方面具有独特的全天时、全天候优势。但由于低波段电磁频谱异常拥挤复杂,也容易受到其他无线电设备的非蓄意射频干扰(RFI)。本文针对工作于P、L波段的天基SAR系统,分析其常见的地面射频干扰源及其干扰机理,并构建典型的窄带与宽带干扰模型,比较分析了频域陷波、最小均方(LMS)算法、自适应线谱增强(ALE)、特征子空间分解与时频滤波等多种干扰抑制算法,并在卫星实测数据的基础上进行仿真验证抑制宽带干扰的有效性。仿真结果表明:时频滤波算法抑制宽带干扰效果最好,造成的信号损失最小,能够为后续天基合成孔径雷达的抗干扰算法设计提供决策依据。  相似文献   
本文采用谐波平衡法,定量地解释了机翼颤振主动抑制风洞试验中出现的极限环现象。提出了比较精确的计及极限环基阶谐波与三阶谐波的分析计算方法。指出在采用液压舵机的情况下,伺服阀的不灵敏区是出现极限环现象的一个主要原因。  相似文献   
针对二冲程汽油发动机改用航空煤油后的爆震抑制和性能恢复进行了研究,利用GT-Power软件建立发动机的一维仿真模型并对煤油发动机的爆震进行了预测和优化。仿真结果表明:推迟点火时刻、远低于和远大于理论空燃比的混合气对爆震都有一定的抑制作用,试验结果验证了仿真结果的正确性。提出并采用协同推迟点火和增加喷油的控制策略进行试验研究。试验结果表明:在低转速大负荷工况下,爆震可被有效抑制,节气门全开时功率恢复在90%以上。发动机转速为5 500 r/min时,功率恢复能达到原机的95.7%。   相似文献   
陈潜 《上海航天》1999,16(4):42-46
随机二相码调相PD(脉冲多普勒)引信,是一种较为新颖的噪声调制引信体制。因距离旁瓣的存在会使该体制引信产生概率性的距离模糊,首先分析了其独特的距离旁瓣特性,然后分析了相关器组法进行距离旁瓣抑制的机理和性能,并提出了以限制码的最大游程加惯性积累电路来抑制的方法。分析表明,两者都能对距离旁瓣进行有效的抑制,而后者更适合于引信电路的特点。  相似文献   
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