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一种弹目遭遇点预测方法 总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2
为充分利用舰空导弹中制导段所获信息并减小导弹中制导段的弹道曲率,给出一种弹目预测遭遇点的解算方法,并据此设计比例导引制导律。在初始发射坐标系中,假设目标由当前位置以当前速度大小沿当前速度方向匀速运动至遭遇点,导弹由当前位置以当前速度大小按照一定的导引规律匀速运动至遭遇点。在该假设条件下,导弹到达遭遇点的总航路大小一方面... 相似文献
为实现舰艇编队的区域防空,要求舰空导弹具有超视距协同制导能力。针对这一问题,在比例导引剩余时间估计的基础上,给出了基于遭遇点预测的舰空导弹超视距比例导引制导方法。在多平台接力制导过程中,为避免由多种误差因素造成的导弹控制指令的突然变化,引进平滑因子,在给定时间内完成制导指令的平滑交接。仿真结果验证了设计方法的有效性。 相似文献
高精度的划船效应补偿算法是提高高动态、恶劣振动环境下捷联惯性导航系统性能的重要手段之一。鉴于所研究系统的陀螺及加速度计的输出都是脉冲,因此可以转化得到载体的角速率、加速度、角增量和速度增量。本文将角速率,角增量以及加速度,速度增量信号同时引入速度更新计算当中,提出了一类新的划船效应补偿算法。对这类新划船效应补偿算法的系数方程进行了推导并对其补偿性能进行了分析。根据系数方程列出了几种补偿算法的系数和补偿误差。采用典型划船运动作为测试输入,对列出的新算法进行了仿真研究。仿真结果表明,与传统的划船补偿算法相比,新算法具有更高的补偿精度。 相似文献
导航数据库可用于导航计算、导航台自动调谐管理等,是飞行管理系统所必须的数据源。为了能有效提高机载导航数据库的使用、更新及维护效率,大大减少相关工作人员的工作量,提出了一种基于关系模型的机载导航数据库快速解析生成方法,针对ARINC424协议中包含的大量数据对象进行建模,定义出协议中各个对象之间的逻辑关系和约束关系,并对数据结构进行优化,通过中间关系表确立各个数据之间的交叉引用关系,从而实现数据库的快速解析生成。测试结果表明,基于关系模型的机载导航数据库快速解析生成方法能有效提高数据查询效率,降低数据解析和生成的时间消耗,减少数据冗余,使数据库性能更优异。 相似文献
The navigation problem of the lifting reentry vehicles has attracted much research interest in the past decade.This paper researches the navigation in the blackout zone during the reentry phase of the aircraft,when the communication signals are attenuated and even interrupted by the blackout zone.However,when calculating altitude,a pure classic inertial navigation algorithm appears imprecise and divergent.In order to obtain a more precise aircraft altitude,this paper applies an integrated navigation method based on inertial navigation algorithms,which uses drag derived altitude to aid the inertial navigation during the blackout zone.This method can overcome the shortcomings of the inertial navigation system and improve the navigation accuracy.To further improve the navigation accuracy,the applicable condition and the main error factors,such as the atmospheric coefficient error and drag coefficient error are analyzed in detail.Then the damping circuit design of the navigation control system and the damping coefficients determination is introduced.The feasibility of the method is verified by the typical reentry trajectory simulation,and the influence of the iterative times on the accuracy is analyzed.Simulation results show that iterative three times achieves the best effect. 相似文献
Libration-point missions have been very useful and successful. Due to the unstable nat-ures of most of these orbits, the long-time stationkeeping demands frequent maneuvers and precise orbit determinat... 相似文献
In the paper,a set of algorithms to construct synthetic aperture radar(SAR)matching suitable features are frstly proposed based on the evolutionary synthesis strategy.During the process,on the one hand,the indexes of primary matching suitable features(PMSFs)are designed based on the characteristics of image texture,SAR imaging and SAR matching algorithm,which is a process involving expertise;on the other hand,by designing a synthesized operation expression tree based on PMSFs,a much more flexible expression form of synthesized features is built,which greatly expands the construction space.Then,the genetic algorithm-based optimized searching process is employed to search the synthesized matching suitable feature(SMSF)with the highest effciency,largely improving the optimized searching effciency.In addition,the experimental results of the airborne synthetic aperture radar ortho-images of C-band and P-band show that the SMSFs gained via the algorithms can reflect the matching suitability of SAR images accurately and the matching probabilities of selected matching suitable areas of ortho-images could reach 99±0.5%. 相似文献
为了提供准确可靠的完好性服务,提出了基于概率极限状态的RAIM完好性风险评估。考虑所需导航性能参数和噪声的因素,建立了安全系数与可靠系数相结合的完好性风险评估指标体系,确立风险评价准则。非精密进近的算例分析表明,系统评估方法是可行的且有效的。 相似文献
设计INS/GPS组合导航系统时,考虑到观测量GPS位置和速度是正相关的,可通过降低单个滤波器的维度形成两个局部滤波器,主滤波器融合局部滤波器的状态估计,得到整个组合导航系统的误差状态估计值。同时,根据各局部滤波器的故障情况选择输出,仅利用未失效系统的局部滤波器得到可靠的最优误差状态估计值,使得容错性能大大提高。结果表明,由于采用了并行运算,增加了系统的余度,有效提高了导航系统的精度和可靠性,有较好的容错性和环境适应性,具有较高的应用价值。 相似文献