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摘要:针对卫星对于空间动态目标快速、稳定地跟踪、控制目标,同时考虑平台模型的不确定性、外部随机干扰、系统控制力矩与角速度约束等因素,设计PD+控制器实现对于动态目标的快速、稳定跟踪;在经典PD控制器的基础上设计控制添加项使得系统能够按照既定轨迹运动;采用变结构的手段实现系统收敛速度的提升;合理设计Lyapunov函数的结构,引出角速度、四元数的耦合项对V函数进行改良,简化系统稳定性证明与分析的过程;讨论系统最极端情形,通过对V函数上下界的讨论分析系统该情形下的稳定性;最后通过数值仿真验证所提出算法的有效性与优越性.  相似文献   
The geoid can be used to validate the satellite gravity gradiometry data. Validation of such data is important prior to their downward continuation because of amplification of the data errors through this process. In this paper, the second-order radial derivative of Abel–Poisson’s formula is modified stochastically to reduce the effect of the far-zone geoid and generate the second-order radial derivative of geopotential at 250 km level. The numerical studies over Fennoscandia show that this method yields the gradients with an error of 10 mE and when the long wavelength of geoid is removed from the estimator and restored after the computations (remove–compute–restore) the error will be in 1 mE level. We name this method semi-stochastic modification. The best case scenario is found when the degree of modification of the integral formula is 200 and the long wavelength geoid to degree 100 is removed and restored. In this case the geoid should have a resolution of 15′ × 15′ and the integration should be performed over a cap size of 3°.  相似文献   
CubeSail is a nano-solar sail mission based on the 3U CubeSat standard, which is currently being designed and built at the Surrey Space Centre, University of Surrey. CubeSail will have a total mass of around 3 kg and will deploy a 5 × 5 m sail in low Earth orbit. The primary aim of the mission is to demonstrate the concept of solar sailing and end-of-life de-orbiting using the sail membrane as a drag-sail. The spacecraft will have a compact 3-axis stabilised attitude control system, which uses three magnetic torquers aligned with the spacecraft principle axis as well as a novel two-dimensional translation stage separating the spacecraft bus from the sail. CubeSail’s deployment mechanism consists of four novel booms and four-quadrant sail membranes. The proposed booms are made from tape-spring blades and will deploy the sail membrane from a 2U CubeSat standard structure. This paper presents a systems level overview of the CubeSat mission, focusing on the mission orbit and de-orbiting, in addition to the deployment, attitude control and the satellite bus.  相似文献   
为提高磁悬浮控制敏感陀螺(MSCSG)对陀螺载体姿态的敏感精度,基于其洛伦兹力磁轴承(LFMB)的设计结构,提出了一种力矩器非圆性误差补偿方法。首先,针对一种新型双球形包络面转子MSCSG,介绍了MSCSG的结构特点与陀螺载体姿态角速度敏感原理,并分别建立了MSCSG力矩器半径误差模型、转子偏转干扰力矩模型与陀螺载体姿态角速度敏感误差模型。其次,通过实验测量了力矩器的圆度,通过MATLAB进行数据拟合得到了力矩器的非圆特性,采用勒让德多项式级数对力矩器非圆性进行了描述,并有效补偿了因力矩器非圆性误差导致的姿态角速度敏感误差。最后,对误差补偿效果进行了仿真验证,结果表明该补偿方法使陀螺载体姿态角速度敏感误差降低了83.5%。此外,本文方法还可以解决LFMB陀螺的相关共性问题。   相似文献   
针对倾斜轨道小卫星必然会面对的光学姿态敏感器受阳光干扰的问题,分析太阳高度角的变化规律,提出了计算太阳高度角的经验公式,并在此基础上提出了平台偏航姿态机动方案,可以使光学姿态敏感器规避阳光干扰,并可以简化整星热控和帆板驱动设计,提高了整星的可靠性.  相似文献   
针对卫星在执行丢弃载荷或捕获目标等复杂任务时遭遇的姿态突然发生变化的问题,采用深度增强学习方法对卫星姿态进行控制,使卫星恢复稳定状态。具体来说,首先搭建飞行器的姿态动力学环境,并将连续的控制力矩输出离散化,然后采用Deep Q Network算法进行卫星自主姿态控制训练,以姿态角速度趋于稳定作为奖励获得离散行为的最优智能输出。仿真试验表明,面向空间卫星姿态控制的深度增强学习算法能够在卫星受到突发随机扰动后稳定卫星姿态,并能有效解决传统PD控制器依赖被控对象质量参数的难题。所提出的方法采用自主学习的方式对卫星姿态进行控制,具有很强的智能性和一定的普适性,在未来卫星执行复杂空间任务中的智能控制方面有着很好的应用潜力。  相似文献   
在空间冗余机械臂抓捕非合作目标的惯性参数辨识问题中,已有方法大都基于系统动量已知的假设,且辨识过程未考虑基座姿态稳定。针对目标动量未知的问题,设计了具有增量形式的惯性参数分步辨识算法。首先基于线动量方程得到关于质量和质心位置的第一组估计方程,采用增量形式消除未知线动量更新估计方程。辨识结果收敛后根据估计参数计算线动量估计值,代入以转动惯量为未知参数的第二组估计方程中,利用其增量表达式完成对转动惯量的估计。辨识过程中的激励由自适应零反作用控制输入提供,算法在保证基座姿态不受干扰的同时还能对惯性参数精确辨识。仿真结果表明,在30s以内算法已收敛,误差收敛到零的同时,基座姿态角速率控制精度在10-3以下,说明算法收敛快,精度高,同时还能实现基座姿态稳定。  相似文献   
In this paper, a new nonlinear augmented observer is proposed and applied to satellite attitude control systems. The observer can estimate system state and actuator fault simultaneously. It can enhance the performances of rapidly-varying faults estimation. Only original system matrices are adopted in the parameter design. The considered faults can be unbounded, and the proposed augmented observer can estimate a large class of faults. Systems without disturbances and the fault whose finite times derivatives are zero piecewise are initially considered, followed by a discussion of a general situation where the system is subject to disturbances and the finite times derivatives of the faults are not null but bounded. For the considered nonlinear system, convergence conditions of the observer are provided and the stability analysis is performed using Lyapunov direct method. Then a feasible algorithm is explored to compute the observer parameters using linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed approach is illustrated by considering an example of a closed-loop satellite attitude control system. The simulation results show satisfactory perfor-mance in estimating states and actuator faults. It also shows that multiple faults can be estimated successfully.  相似文献   
获取高精度事后姿态数据是提高遥感平台成像质量的必要条件之一,离线处理可有效降低敏感器测量误差,从而获得更高的姿态确定精度。基于滤波的校正方法中,星敏感器低频误差(LFE)与陀螺漂移将产生耦合影响导致校正精度低,本文针对该问题推导了耦合误差的数学模型,并设计了一种两步双向平滑事后处理算法,将陀螺漂移与低频误差分两步校正,通过反复滤波剥离陀螺漂移与低频误差。同时,针对低频误差参数收敛速度慢、噪声参数调节困难的问题,利用一种基于极大似然估计(MLE)的固定窗口自适应双向滤波算法进行处理以获得更好的噪声估计,提高了收敛速度和收敛精度。文中仿真工况下,离线姿态确定精度可达到0.8″(3σ),低频误差参数完全收敛时间不超过4个轨道周期。  相似文献   
应用滑模控制设计了一种可重复使用运载器(RLV)再入姿态控制器,该控制器应用双环的滑模控制方案,可以获得对角速度及角度的同时跟踪,并具有较好的鲁棒性和解耦性能。针对RLV再入姿态的动力面与反作用混合控制的特点,运用优化控制选择配置算法把控制力矩指令配置为末端受动器的控制指令,分别由动力面与反作用致动器来执行。再入姿态仿真验证了该方法的精度、鲁棒性以及解耦的跟踪性能及有效性。  相似文献   
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