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The monthly hourly medians of maximum electron density, NmF2, at two Pakistani ionospheric stations, Karachi and Islamabad, have been determined for solar minimum (1996) and solar maximum (2000) and compared with IRI predictions using the URSI coefficients. At night and pre-noon period the NmF2 values at both stations are almost equal during the 2 years. However, at post-noon the values at Karachi are considerably larger than those at Islamabad due to the equatorial or geomagnetic anomaly. Karachi (geomag. coord. 16.44°N, 139.08°E) lies near the region of the equatorial anomaly (+20 and −20 geomagnetic latitude), so most of the NmF2 values at Karachi are larger than those at Islamabad (geomag. coord. 24.46°N, 145.67°E). The maximum monthly values of NmF2 show a semi-annual variation at Karachi and Islamabad both during 1996 and 2000 as predicted by IRI.  相似文献   
分析了矩形截面管道气流中横向运动颗粒的运动轨迹及碰壁条件,研究表明颗粒飞出的临界速度随着颗粒直径的增大而减小,当颗粒直径较小时受来流密度、马赫数影响较大,总趋势是来流密度、马赫数越大,颗粒越不容易与上壁面碰撞。但随着颗粒直径的增大,来流条件对颗粒是否碰壁的影响逐渐减弱,决定因素是颗粒直径的大小和颗粒的喷射速度。  相似文献   
根据我国火星着陆巡视器工作过程,其着陆发动机需要在相对火星大气高速迎风运动中可靠点火。由于巡视器着陆时发动机喷管出口气流与火星稀薄气流方向相反,目前无法通过理论计算准确获得着陆过程的动态流场对发动机起动过程的影响量值。为验证火星着陆环境下发动机点火的适应性,需要建立发动机的火星大气来流试验环境模拟条件。为模拟发动机在火星大气条件下的相对运动,在真空舱内发动机保持固定,前端设置环形来流形成装置,该装置在发动机喷管周围形成一定速度的逆向来流包络。采用数值模拟技术结合试验验证方法,在火星着陆器巡视器主发动机性能考核试验中,针对来流的形成装置开展了设计研究工作。来流模拟试验测试数据表明:在确保贮箱供应压力稳定的条件下,来流模拟系统能够形成100~200 m/s速度的稳定来流,发动机在来流下能稳定启动工作,真空舱压力满足试验要求。  相似文献   
基于NRLMSISE-00大气模型讨论日地空间环境对地球低纬度地区边缘大气密度的影响,提出预测地球低纬地区边缘大气日平均密度的简化模型法和经验法。简化模型法利用地磁活动和太阳活动的11年准周期特性,通过预测地磁活动和太阳活动的变化规律以预测地球边缘大气密度。经验法则直接利用第23个太阳活动周期的日平均密度变化曲线经过傅里叶变换处理得到日平均密度变化规律曲线,然后将曲线拟合得到不同高度下的密度昼夜波动规律,再利用预测得到的日平均密度即可计算出具体当地时间对应的密度情况。误差分析说明经验预测法比简化模型法精度更高。两种方法均具有较高的精度并且使用方便,可用于地球边缘大气密度的工程化预测计算。  相似文献   
为实现对飞行器高热流密度热流的长时间测量,文章提出了一种以与高导热金属蜂窝材料复合的相变材料作为热沉的热流计,利用相变材料的潜热持续吸收热流计所接收的热量,可以对1 MW·m-2的热流密度持续测量2000 s以上。利用显热容数值方法建立了高热流密度长时间持续测量的分析模型,研究了热沉相变材料的热导率、相变温度、相变潜热等物性参数对测量方案的影响。研究结果表明,应选取热导率较大、相变温度较低且高于初始环境温度,以及相变潜热较大的相变材料作为长时间高热流密度测量的热沉材料。  相似文献   
对设计变量的偏差量进行建模,拟合偏差量服从的概率密度函数,是分析评价飞行器性能和概率设计的重要基础.针对常用分布拟合能力有限,以及混合Gamma分布无法在整个数轴上对试验数据进行拟合的问题,在论证混合Gauss分布拟合任意概率密度函数合理性的基础上,提出了利用混合Gauss分布对试验数据进行拟合,并运用期望极大化算法(...  相似文献   
本文利用功率谱密度分析磁流变抛光表面的敏感频率误差,发现走刀步距与中高频误差具有直接的关联性,通过小波算法确定其分布区域后,采用大束径的光顺抛光法对敏感频率误差进行控制,测试结果表明中高频误差得到了有效控制。本研究对强光光学零件加工误差的频谱分析、表征和控制具有指导意义。  相似文献   
We present a novel instrument concept to measure the energy and mass spectra of ions incident on the lunar surface, based on the E-parallel–B or Thomson-parabola device used extensively as a diagnostic in the plasma fusion community. The Apollo-era Suprathermal Ion Detector Experiment (SIDE) was the first instrument package to perform in-situ measurements of ions incident on the lunar surface. The ions can originate from a variety of sources, including the solar wind, the Earth’s magnetotail, and photoionization of the thin lunar atmosphere. The species and energy distribution of ions arriving at the lunar surface depend in a complicated and poorly-understood fashion on the phase of the lunar day, the position of the Moon with respect to the Earth, and on the local plasma environment.  相似文献   
This paper first describes briefly some of the forefront global simulations of Titan’s atmosphere that have been carried out up to now. In these experiments, an initial gaseous mixture of N2/CH4 is submitted to a single energy source and the retrieved gas and/or solid phase(s) is/are analyzed by different techniques.  相似文献   
The magnetometer on Venus Express was designed to be able to obtain 128 Hz samples of the magnetic field from two sensors in a gradiometer configuration. This mode is used around periapsis to determine whether the signals reported at low altitudes near 100 Hz, had the properties of electromagnetic waves generated by electric discharges in the Venus atmosphere. The lack of a magnetic cleanliness program and the shortness of the magnetometer boom make this a challenging measurement. Fortunately the signals are sufficiently strong that they can be easily resolved with rather straightforward analysis techniques.  相似文献   
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