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针对主被动传感器协同目标跟踪需要,考虑到可扩展性、异构性和动态可重构性等特点,建立了适于不同测量类型和不同测量维数的异构多传感器分散化信息融合算法.以极大化信息融合所得到的信息熵及无人机(UAV,Unmanned Aerial Vehicles)观测信息质量为效能函数,建立了异构多UAV协同目标跟踪的分散化最优控制代价函数以及通信、防撞和控制等约束模型.实现了多UAV协同目标跟踪的分散化模型预测控制,并分析了通讯噪声等因素对分散化信息融合和协同控制的影响.  相似文献   
针对目标和其发射的拦截弹对来袭攻击弹进行协同拦截问题,设计了一种最优协同拦截制导律。建立描述目标、攻击弹和拦截弹三者相对运动关系的模型,引入零控脱靶量对模型进行降阶处理。考虑拦截弹对攻击弹的拦截精度、拦截末端时目标的安全性以及目标、拦截弹的控制能量问题,基于攻击弹-拦截弹零控脱靶量、攻击弹-拦截弹终端横向相对运动速度零控脱靶量、目标-攻击弹零控脱靶量以及目标和拦截弹的加速度,建立了性能指标函数,同时考虑目标和拦截弹加速度的有限性,基于极小值原理设计了最优协同拦截制导律。仿真结果表明,相比目标和拦截弹独立飞行的情况,采用协同拦截制导律,在考虑了目标安全性的前提下,机动性较弱的拦截弹能够以较平直的弹道成功拦截攻击弹。  相似文献   
In his landmark article, Richard Morris (1981) introduced a set of rat experiments intended “to demonstrate that rats can rapidly learn to locate an object that they can never see, hear, or smell provided it remains in a fixed spatial location relative to distal room cues” (p. 239). These experimental studies have greatly impacted our understanding of rat spatial cognition. In this article, we address a spatial cognition model primarily based on hippocampus place cell computation where we extend the prior Barrera–Weitzenfeld model (2008) intended to allow navigation in mazes containing corridors. The current work extends beyond the limitations of corridors to enable navigation in open arenas where a rat may move in any direction at any time. The extended work reproduces Morris's rat experiments through virtual rats that search for a hidden platform using visual cues in a circular open maze analogous to the Morris water maze experiments. We show results with virtual rats comparing them to Morris's original studies with rats.  相似文献   
This study presents two experiments that examine howindividuals learn relative directions betweenlandmarks in a desktop virtual environment. Subjectswere presented snapshot images of different virtualenvironments containing distinguishing landmarks anda road network. Following the presentation of eachvirtual environment, subjects were given a relativedirection test. The relative direction test involvedindicating the direction of hidden landmarks fromdifferent vantage points in the environment. Half ofthese vantage points were presented during thelearning phase, while the other half were novel.Results showed that subjects learned relativedirections between landmarks equally well when sceneswere presented in either a sequential or random order.Furthermore, viewing a configuration of landmarks ina desktop virtual environment from multipleperspectives produced a viewpoint dependentrepresentation in memory. Subjects had significantlygreater response times for new viewing perspectives,as compared to previously viewed scenes. Thisviewpoint dependent representation of the environmentpersisted despite learning under conditions ofspatio-temporal discontinuity and changes to anenvironmental frame of reference.  相似文献   
张峰 《航空学报》2020,41(2):322988-322988
针对红外搜索跟踪系统(IRST)双机协同被动探测定位作战使用中,机动目标建模与实际运动失配造成定位误差偏大的问题,研究了一种基于曲线模型的自适应滤波新方法。该方法改进了传统方法根据方向角估计转弯率以及基于帧间插分线加速度估计切向加速度的思路,将转弯率及线加速度联合作为状态变量进行了状态扩维,并推导了扩维后的过程噪声协方差表达式,在缓解传统两层滤波结构带来的计算量大问题外,也提高了切向加速度的估计精度。另外基于反正切函数的值域,结合方向角在四象限间的转移关系,优化了方向角的设计。通过IRST双机协同仿真实例,验证了所提方法对机动目标的适应性更强、目标定位精度更高。  相似文献   
田磊  赵启伦  董希旺  李清东  任章 《航空学报》2020,41(7):323727-323727
空地协同控制是前沿的热点研究之一,以无人机、无人车为代表的空地智能体动力学模型的差异为研究带来了挑战。研究了高阶异构多智能体系统在有向拓扑条件下的分组输出时变编队跟踪控制问题,提出了虚拟领导者、分组领导者以及跟随者组成的三层协同控制架构。虚拟领导者用于规划整个多智能体系统的状态轨迹,分组领导者跟踪虚拟领导者所提供的轨迹信息,并相互协作以实现分组间的协同配合。跟随者跟踪分组领导者的输出并实现期望的输出编队。在有向通信拓扑结构条件下,基于局部邻居间的相对信息、观测器理论和滑模控制理论构造了控制协议,利用Lyapunov稳定性理论证明协议的有效性。数值仿真结果表明提出的方法能够实现无人机、无人车等异构智能体的空地协同,具有较好的工程应用价值。  相似文献   
拦截高超声速目标的异类导弹协同制导律   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
对于多导弹协同拦截高超声速目标的问题,设计了一种具有领弹-从弹拓扑结构的异类导弹协同制导律:配备有高性能导引头的领弹采用改进比例导引法拦截目标;未配备导引头的从弹利用通信手段,采用二阶一致性跟踪算法,对领弹进行跟踪。两类导弹同时命中目标,形成"多对一"的拦截态势。异构型的制导策略可以降低对导引设备的需求,具备较理想的作战效费比。领弹与从弹的弹道均源于改进比例导引法,具有较理想的弹道特性。给出了协同制导律在固定拓扑与切换拓扑下成立的充分条件。算例仿真验证了所提出的制导律能够实现对高超声速目标的协同拦截,具有良好的可行性。  相似文献   
This paper presents the concept of cognitive assistant systems which represents an approach to ensure the highest degree possible of situation awareness of the flight crew as well as a satisfactory workload level. This concept offers the solution to counteract susceptibility to pilot errors typical of lack of attention or other cognitive limitations. It is founded on cognitive system engineering. This technology enables a cockpit design in order to systematically comply with the requirements of ‘Human-Centred Automation (HCA)’. The underlying approach behind the concept has become real with the development of the cockpit assistant system prototype family CASSY/CAMA as described in this paper. CASSY/CAMA has been extensively tested in a flight simulator and successfully field tested with the ATTAS (Advanced Technologies Testing Aircraft System) of the DLR. Some of the test results with CAMA will be presented in this paper.  相似文献   
针对空间信息网的组网实现问题,考虑卫星通信网络的长时延、动态性、资源受限等网络特性,提出了一种协同控制下的虚拟局域网组网构想:首先,通过将空间信息网络划分成多个虚拟局域网的方法分割空间广域网,减轻星载计算机的信息处理负担和带宽资源的无谓损耗。其次,基于一致性算法,在协同控制律中加入路由算法实现虚拟局域网内节点卫星信息的两两联通,提高空间信息网络的可靠性和协同处理性能,将这种时变时滞协同控制律应用在空间信息网结构中能够实现空间强连通组网,应用于单个卫星上则可以实现关键节点卫星的冗余备份和负载均衡。最后,模拟仿真空间信息网框架结构和冗余节点虚拟局域网,在50s内迅速实现预定轨迹收敛,且收敛后具有较为稳定的星间时延,从而验证了方案的可行性。  相似文献   
导弹自主编队综合作战效能评估方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对导弹自主编队协同制导与控制技术的综合作战效能评估问题,引入了协同制导与控制能力等级(CGCL)的概念,并结合层次分析法(AHP)和ADC效能评估模型建立了导弹自主编队综合作战效能的分析模型,分析了导弹自主编队典型作战想定下导弹编队成员的协同突防概率、交班成功率、命中概率和毁伤概率,分析过程充分考虑了导弹自主编队作战的能力和特点,并在搭建的导弹自主编队攻防对抗综合仿真验证系统上分析和验证了其有效性,为定量地分析导弹自主编队的综合作战效能提供了快速可靠的计算方法。  相似文献   
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