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Applications of a novel curve-fitting technique are presented to efficiently predict the motion of the vortex filament, which is trailed from a rigid body such as wings and rotors. The governing equations of the motion, when a Lagrangian approach with the present curve-fitting method is applied, can be transformed into an easily solvable form of the system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations. The applicability of Be′zier curves, B-spline, and Lagrange interpolating polynomials is investigated. Local Lagrange interpolating polynomials with a shift operator are proposed as the best selection for applications, since it provides superior system characteristics with minimum computing time, compared to other methods. In addition, the Gauss quadrature formula with local refinement strategy has been developed for an accurate prediction of the induced velocity computed with the line integration of the Biot–Savart law. Rotary-wing problems including a vortex ring problem are analyzed to show the efficiency, accuracy, and flexibility in the applications of the proposed method.  相似文献   
A novel biased proportional navigation guidance (BPNG) law is proposed for the close approach phase, which aims to make the spacecraft rendezvous with the target in specific relative range and direction. Firstly, in order to describe the special guidance requirements, the concept of zero effort miss vector is proposed and the dangerous area where there exists collision risk for safety consideration is defined. Secondly, the BPNG, which decouples the range control and direc-tion control, is designed in the line-of-sight (LOS) rotation coordinate system. The theoretical anal-ysis proves that BPNG meets guidance requirements quite well. Thirdly, for the consideration of fuel consumption, the optimal biased proportional navigation guidance (OBPNG) law is derived by solving the Schwartz inequality. Finally, simulation results show that BPNG is effective for the close approach with the ability of evading the dangerous area and OBPNG consumes less fuel compared with BPNG.  相似文献   
吸气式高超声速飞行器巡航状态下飞行环境复杂,建模时存在非线性以及参数摄动.基于小扰动假设的传统经典控制理论难以适应当前任务对鲁棒性的要求,对此提出了一种非线性动态逆-滑模控制律改进方法.通过对吸气式高超声速飞行器模型精确反馈线性化得到解耦形式的线性方程,为速度和高度设计出动态逆控制律来抵消非线性特性,在动态逆的基础上采用滑模变结构来补偿参数摄动带来的误差.仿真结果表明,所设计的控制方法具有良好的动态性能及鲁棒性.  相似文献   
基于纯比例导引的拦截碰撞角约束制导策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黎克波  廖选平  梁彦刚  李超勇  陈磊 《航空学报》2020,41(z2):724277-724277
拦截碰撞角约束制导是当前导弹制导研究的关键问题之一。首先基于理想比例导引(IPN)律拦截非机动目标的解析解,推导了纯比例导引律(PPN)拦截固定目标的解析解,得到了弹目相对距离、制导指令加速度和导弹前置角的显示表达式,并进一步得到了拦截碰撞角与弹目相对运动状态和比例导引系数之间的解析表达式。其次,基于该解析表达式,提出了基于PPN的拦截碰撞角约束制导策略(PPNIACG),并探讨了在铅垂面内进行落角约束打击和水平面内进行拦截碰撞角约束打击的2种实现方式。最后,以弹道成型制导律(TSG)和最优碰撞角约束制导律(OIACG)为参考,通过数值仿真算例,对PPNIAC的拦截性能进行了对比分析,验证了所提出制导策略的有效性和正确性。  相似文献   
小型固定翼无人机集群综述和未来发展综述   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:2  
王祥科  刘志宏  丛一睿  李杰  陈浩 《航空学报》2020,41(4):23732-023732
围绕小型固定翼无人机集群这一难度高、发展快、应用前景广阔、多学科交叉的新方向,从集群系统内涵、现有典型项目、关键技术3个角度综述了国内外小型固定翼无人机集群的研究现状。在系统梳理集群系统内涵和应用优势的基础上,从集群协同模式探索、分布指挥体系构建、核心关键技术突破和集群验证等4个视角总结现有典型项目,从体系架构、通信组网、决策与规划、飞机平台、集群飞行、集群安全与集群指控等7个核心点综述了技术研究现状。最后,综合小型固定翼无人机集群中亟需解决的关键技术,展望了这一领域未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   
三维自适应终端滑模协同制导律   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
司玉洁  熊华  宋勋  宗睿 《航空学报》2020,41(z1):723759-723759
针对多枚导弹协同作战的问题,且多枚导弹之间保持有向拓扑通信的条件下,基于终端滑模法设计了视线方向及视线法向的双层协同制导律。其中,视线方向的制导指令能够保证导弹同时完成拦截任务;视线法向上的三维制导律能够保证每枚导弹以期望的视线角攻击目标,从而发挥各枚导弹的最大杀伤力,并且视线角的约束相当于规划了末制导段导弹的弹道问题,在一定程度上避免攻击目标前导弹间发生碰撞。同时,针对所设计的滑模制导律设计了新的自适应律,从而加快了滑模面的收敛速度并且削弱了由符号函数引起的系统抖振现象。基于李雅普诺夫稳定性理论,证明了所设计制导律的正确性,并在最后给出了数学仿真实验,验证了所设计制导律的有效性及优越性。  相似文献   
基于非接触式测量的旋转叶片动应变重构方法   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
基于叶端定时非接触式测量和振动响应传递比的概念,开展高速旋转叶片动应变重构方法的研究。在频域内推导了叶片任意测点位移与任意测点动应变的传递比,给出了单模态共振下响应传递比关于位移和应变模态振型的解析表达式;建立旋转叶片的三维(3D)有限元模型,开展考虑旋转预应力效应的叶片模态分析,提取位移和应变模态振型,获得任意转速下叶端位移与叶根关键点动应变的传递比。开展高速旋转叶片叶端定时非接触式测量实验,采用周向傅里叶算法对叶端定时信号进行处理,获得叶片在不同转速单模态共振下的叶端位移,结合响应传递比,重构5个旋转叶片的关键点动应变。结果表明:旋转叶片在9000r/min和13000r/min转速下发生1阶共振时,与应变片实测结果相比,叶根处应力最大点、次大点和边缘点3个关键点的动应变平均重构误差均小于15%,验证了旋转叶片动应变重构方法的有效性。  相似文献   
基于任意角度压缩感知(CS)方法分析了传感器安装角度偏差对风扇/压气机周向模态识别重构的影响,设计了一套自适应角度优化程序修正重构误差。利用数值试验探究了传感器角度偏差和数量对周向模态重构结果的影响,研究表明:当角度偏差等级为2.5%时,平均重构误差达到10%以上,若保证重构误差基本不变,将传感器数量从7个增加至25个,仅可以将角度偏差等级放宽至4%。而采用小生境微种群遗传算法进行自适应角度优化,在20 dB信噪比下,通过自适应角度优化可将角度偏差等级从2.5%放宽至10%,降低了传感器安装的精度要求。成功优化了一款冷却风扇在前三阶叶片通过频率下的主要周向声模态重构幅值。自适应角度优化算法有效提升了基于压缩感知的风扇/压气机周向模态重构可靠性。  相似文献   
Based on the similarity of separation time, a similarity law optimization method for high-speed weapon delivery test is derived. The typical separation state under wind load is simulated by the numerical method. The real separation data of aircraft, separation data of previous test methods, separation data of ideal wind tunnel test of previous methods, and simulation data of the proposed optimization method are obtained. A comparison of the data shows that the method proposed can improve the performance of tracking. Similarity law optimization starts with the development of motion equations and dynamic equations in the windless state to address the problems of mismatching between vertical and horizontal displacement, and to address the problems of separation trajectory distortion caused by insufficient gravity acceleration of the scaling model of existing light model. The ejection velocity of the model is taken as a factor/vector, and is adjusted reasonably to compensate the linear displacement insufficiency caused by the insufficient vertical acceleration of the light model method, so as to ensure the matching of the vertical and horizontal displacement of the projectile, and to improve the consistency between the test results of high-speed projection and the actual separation trajectory. The optimized similarity law is applicable to many existing free-throwing modes of high-speed wind tunnels. The optimized similarity law is not affected by the ejection velocity and hanging mode of the projectile. The optimized similarity law is suitable not only for the launching of the buried ammunition compartment and external stores, but also for the test design of projectile launching and gravity separation.  相似文献   
基于固定界面模态综合的Craig-Bampton方法,提出了模态综合的直接变换方法,该法在形式上更简洁,适用于大规模动力学系统的模态分析和动力学模型减缩。对采用直接变换法模态综合过程的计算误差做了分析,给出了计算误差界,阐明了模态综合后总体结构的固有频率与子结构保留主模态个数之间的关系。针对子结构界面自由度太大的情况,提出了直接变换法的分部算法,不需组集系统总刚度、总质量矩阵,仅在子结构的基础上完成系统的减缩。计算实例表明该算法的有效性及计算的稳定性。  相似文献   
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