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The observed non-thermal emission from accreting compact objects is often understood in terms of the expected magnetic activity of accretion disks. This review discusses the constraints on this view point that can be obtained from, principally, the X-ray spectra and the X-ray variability of black hole candidates.Furthermore, the traditional view of an accretion disk corona, put forward as the source of the non-thermal emission, analogous to the solar corona is shown to be wrong on a few important points. Firstly, the density in the equilibrium accretion disk corona is extremely low. A reasonable plasma density is retained by pair production processes similar to those existing in the pulsar magnetosphere. Secondly, the dominant resistivity in the accretion the disk on the current carrying electrons.  相似文献   
In the recent years, the discovery of a new class of Galactic transients with fast and bright flaring X-ray activity, the supergiant fast X-ray transients, has completely changed our view and comprehension of massive X-ray binaries. These objects display X-ray outbursts which are difficult to be explained in the framework of standard theories for the accretion of matter onto compact objects, and could represent a dominant population of X-ray binaries. I will review their main observational properties (neutron star magnetic field, orbital and spin period, long term behavior, duty cycle, quiescence and outburst emission), which pose serious problems to the main mechanisms recently proposed to explain their X-ray behavior. I will discuss both present results and future perspectives with the next generation of X-ray telescopes.  相似文献   
积冰几何特性对翼型性能影响的神经网络预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
积冰几何形状对翼型气动系数的影响是复杂的.采用BP(Back Propagation)神经网络的LM(Levenberg-Marguardt)学习算法,建立明冰的典型几何特性(冰角前缘半径、冰角高度和冰角位置)对翼型气动系数影响的神经网络,得到该3种几何参数对气动系数影响的规律;建立了典型冰形参数对最大升力系数影响的神经网络,该网络能很好的预测冰形参数对应的最大升力系数值;此外,建立了冰型位置对舵面铰链力矩系数影响的神经网络.仿真结果表明,BP神经网络仿真结果与实验值具有高度一致性,并能预测非实验值条件下的气动系数;翼型表面积冰位置变化对气动系数影响最大;铰链力矩系数在失速迎角达到之前就发生突变,可以更安全地用来预测失速的发生.   相似文献   
We used a model of a relativistic accretion disk around a supermassive black hole (SMBH), based on ray-tracing method in the Kerr metric, to study the variations of the composite Fe Kα line emitted from two accretion disks around SMBHs in a binary system. We assumed that the orbit of such a binary is approximately Keplerian, and simulated the composite line shapes for different orbital elements, accretion disk parameters and mass ratios of the components. The obtained results show that, if observed in the spectra of some SMBH binaries during their different orbital phases, such composite Fe Kα line profiles could be used to constrain the orbits and several properties of such SMBH binaries.  相似文献   
In previous publications (Keppens et al.: 2002, Astrophys. J. 569, L121; Goedbloed et al.: 2004a, Phys. Plasmas 11, 28), we have demonstrated that stationary rotation of magnetized plasma about a compact central object permits an enormous number of different MHD instabilities, with the well-known magneto-rotational instability (Velikhov, E. P.: 1959, Soviet Phys.–JETP Lett. 36, 995; Chandrasekhar, S.: 1960, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 46, 253; Balbus, S. A. and Hawley, J. F.: 1991, Astrophys. J. 376, 214) as just one of them. We here concentrate on the new instabilities found that are driven by transonic transitions of the poloidal flow. A particularly promising class of instabilities, from the point of view of MHD turbulence in accretion disks, is the class of trans-slow Alfv’en continuum modes, that occur when the poloidal flow exceeds a critical value of the slow magnetosonic speed. When this happens, virtually every magnetic/flow surface of the disk becomes unstable with respect to highly localized modes of the continuous spectrum. The mode structures rotate, in turn, about the rotating disk. These structures lock and become explosively unstable when the mass of the central object is increased beyond a certain critical value. Their growth rates then become huge, of the order of the Alfv’en transit time. These instabilities appear to have all requisite properties to facilitate accretion flows across magnetic surfaces and jet formation.  相似文献   
通过发展一种点-点对接的结构/非结构混合网格生成方法,避免了复杂积冰外形难以划分结构化网格的问题,并对复杂积冰翼型的气动性能进行了分析计算.在靠近积冰边界的内层采用了非结构网格以拟合复杂的边界,在非结构网格外采用结构化网格以节省存储空间和计算时间.为了检验网格对选用湍流模型的影响,整个流动区域分别采用SST和SA湍流模型,求解了雷诺平均N-S方程.数值计算结果表明SST模型更适于模拟复杂分离流动,积冰对翼型的气动性能造成了严重的影响.  相似文献   
考虑遮蔽区影响的旋翼三维水滴撞击特性计算新方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对直升机旋翼三维黏性流场特有的复杂环境,建立了一种基于欧拉法的旋翼三维水滴撞击特性计算的新方法。首先,在旋翼桨叶嵌套网格的基础上,发展了一套用于预测旋翼绕流流场的计算流体力学(CFD)模拟方法。然后,为克服传统直升机旋翼二维水滴撞击特性计算方法的不足,充分考虑旋翼流场的三维效应,在嵌套网格中基于欧拉法求解旋翼三维水滴撞击流场。其中,为解决尾流等区域的密度脉冲现象所引起的稳定性和收敛性问题,提出并建立了遮蔽区扩散模型。该模型通过判断遮蔽区变量,在计算域中动态生成遮蔽区域,并随迭代步数逐渐扩散。最后,通过与NACA0012翼型及国外UH-1H桨叶的试验和计算结果的对比,验证了旋翼三维水滴撞击特性计算新方法的可靠性,并进行了温度和水滴当量直径(MVD)对旋翼三维水滴撞击特性的影响分析。结果表明:遮蔽区扩散模型的加入,使二维情况的计算时间减少了22%,并增加了三维情况的计算稳定性,显著提高了旋翼三维水滴撞击特性的计算效率;沿着旋翼桨叶展向位置增大的方向,旋翼桨叶剖面水滴撞击范围有所增大,最大水滴局部收集系数呈先增加后减少再增加的变化趋势,其变化幅度接近50%;旋翼桨叶表面的水滴撞击区域和水滴局部收集系数随水滴当量直径的增加而增加。  相似文献   
多段翼积冰的数值模拟及防冰预测   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为研究飞行器翼面积冰预测问题,通过对积冰形成机理的分析,提出了基于经典Messinger模型的积冰表面传质传热的改进模型;通过引入对多段翼空气流场的插值计算,建立了多段翼翼面积冰预测模型;考虑防冰系统向翼面控制体带入的等效热功率,提出了防冰条件下的积冰预测方法.通过对算例的分析对比,数值模拟计算结果与实验数据基本吻合,表明本文提出的结冰计算模型合理,能够用来进行积冰预测分析,为进一步研究翼面结冰后的飞行动力学问题及防除冰系统的设计奠定了基础.   相似文献   
为了加深对旋转叶片表面积冰现象的认识,发展了一种适用于旋转表面积冰预测的数学模型,并采用该模型研究了离心力对于旋转叶片表面积冰的影响。通过对积冰控制体内的由于撞击水滴形成的薄水膜流动的质量、动量和能量守恒进行分析,发展了旋转贴体非正交曲线坐标系下的积冰模型并给出了相应的计算方法。所发展模型的动量方程中考虑了离心力对水膜流动的影响,并且在能量方程中考虑了净流出水带走的能量。采用文献中旋翼表面的积冰试验结果对所发展的模型和计算方法进行了验证,所计算得到的冰厚与试验结果吻合较好,计算得到的冰厚精度相比于LWICE软件有所提高。计算结果还表明,离心力增大会导致水膜速度在叶片展向上的分量变大,致使流出控制体的水质量增加,最终导致冰厚在驻点附近略微变小。  相似文献   
依据飞行器表面液态水凝结过程的热力学理论分析,提出了一种适用于不同环境温度的翼型结冰数值模拟方法.采用中心型有限体积方法求解N-S方程来获得翼型的绕流流场,结合给出的结冰数值模拟方法对两种典型温度下的翼型积冰情况进行了模拟.模拟所得的积冰冰形与文献中的实验数据吻合良好,表明该方法的可行性,并进一步给出了翼型表面的冻结系数分布.  相似文献   
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