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耐高温Ni—ZrO2复合镀层的制备及影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用复合电沉积技术制备出了Ni-ZrO2耐高温复合镀层,并利用正交设计对影响复合电沉积过程的电流密度i、镀液中微粒浓度c、搅拌方式m、微粒粒径d及其间的交互作用等进行了研究。结果表明,上述因素对复合镀层中ZrO2含量影响显著性大小顺序为:d>m>d×m>c>d×c>i×m。  相似文献   
To achieve sustainable, healthy closed ecological systems requires solutions to challenges of closing the water cycle – recycling wastewater/irrigation water/soil medium leachate and evaporated water and supplying water of required quality as needed for different needs within the facility. Engineering Biosphere 2, the first multi-biome closed ecological system within a total airtight footprint of 12,700 m2 with a combined volume of 200,000 m3 with a total water capacity of some 6 × 106 L of water was especially challenging because it included human inhabitants, their agricultural and technical systems, as well as five analogue ecosystems ranging from rainforest to desert, freshwater ecologies to saltwater systems like mangrove and mini-ocean coral reef ecosystems. By contrast, the Laboratory Biosphere – a small (40 m3 volume) soil-based plant growth facility with a footprint of 15 m2 – is a very simplified system, but with similar challenges re salinity management and provision of water quality suitable for plant growth. In Biosphere 2, water needs included supplying potable water for people and domestic animals, irrigation water for a wide variety of food crops, and recycling and recovering soil nutrients from wastewater. In the wilderness biomes, providing adequately low salinity freshwater terrestrial ecosystems and maintaining appropriate salinity and pH in aquatic/marine ecosystems were challenges. The largest reservoirs in Biosphere 2 were the ocean/marsh with some 4 × 106 L, soil with 1 to 2 × 106 l, primary storage tank with 0 to 8 × 105 L and storage tanks for condensate and soil leachate collection and mixing tanks with a capacity of 1.6 × 105 L to supply irrigation for farm and wilderness ecosystems. Other reservoirs were far smaller – humidity in the atmosphere (2 × 103 L), streams in the rainforest and savannah, and seasonal pools in the desert were orders of magnitude smaller (8 × 104 L). Key technologies included condensation from humidity in the air handlers and from the glass space frame to produce high quality freshwater, wastewater treatment with constructed wetlands and desalination through reverse osmosis and flash evaporation were key to recycling water with appropriate quality throughout the Biosphere 2 facility. Wastewater from all human uses and the domestic animals in Biosphere 2 was treated and recycled through a series of constructed wetlands, which had hydraulic loading of 0.9–1.1 m3 day−1 (240–290 gal d−1). Plant production in the wetland treatment system produced 1210 kg dry weight of emergent and floating aquatic plant wetland which was used as fodder for the domestic animals while remaining nutrients/water was reused as part of the agricultural irrigation supply. There were pools of water with recycling times of days to weeks and others with far longer cycling times within Biosphere 2. By contrast, the Laboratory Biosphere with a total water reservoir of less than 500 L has far quicker cycling rapidity: for example, atmospheric residence time for water vapor was 5–20 min in the Laboratory Biosphere vs. 1–4 h in Biosphere 2, as compared with 9 days in the Earth’s biosphere. Just as in Biosphere 2, humidity in the Laboratory Biosphere amounts to a very small reservoir of water. The amount of water passing through the air in the course of a 12-h operational day is two orders of magnitude greater than the amount stored in the air. Thus, evaporation and condensation collection are vital parts of the recycle system just as in Biosphere 2. The water cycle and sustainable water recycling in closed ecological systems presents problems requiring further research – such as how to control buildup of salinity in materially closed ecosystems and effective ways to retain nutrients in optimal quantity and useable form for plant growth. These issues are common to all closed ecological systems of whatever size, including planet Earth’s biosphere and are relevant to a global environment facing increasing water shortages while maintaining water quality for human and ecosystem health. Modular biospheres offer a test bed where technical methods of resolving these problems can be tested for feasibility.  相似文献   
The higher plant Wolffia arrhiza is regarded to be well suited concerning the provision of photosynthetic products in the cycle of matter of a Controlled Ecological Life Support System (CELSS) to be established in the context of extraterrestrial, human-based colonization and long-term space flight. Since UV radiation is one major extraterrestrial environmental stress for growth of any plant, effects of UV-B radiation on W. arrhiza were assessed in the present study. We found that UV-B radiation significantly inhibited photosynthetic CO2 assimilation activity, and the contents of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b (Chl a, Chl b) and carotenoids considerably decreased when plants were exposed to UV-B radiation for 12 h. High UV-B radiation also declined the quantum yield of primary photochemistry (φpo), the quantum yield for electron transport (φEo) and the efficiency per trapped excitation (Ψo) in W. arrhiza simultaneously, while the amount of active PSII reaction centers per excited cross section (RC/CS) and the total number of active reaction centers per absorption (RC/ABS) had comparative changes. These results indicate that the effects of UV-B radiation on photosynthesis of W. arrhiza is due to an inhibition of the electron transport and via inactivation of reaction centers, but the inhibition may take place at more than one site in the photosynthetic apparatus.  相似文献   
In the framework of “Biology and Physics in Space” project of the European Space Agency (ESA), a returning satellite, Foton-M2, carried an open-to-space sample holder outside of the satellite body, called as BIOPAN-5, loaded with exo-biological experiments and dosemeters for RAdiation DOsimetry (RADO). One of the RADO experiments (Teflon – TLD) was dedicated to dose distribution measurements of the cosmic radiation by thermo-luminescent (TL) technique. It was found that the maximum surface absorbed dose rate, averaged over the first ∼8 mg/cm2 thickness, was ∼2 Gy/d and showed a location dependence due the shading effect of the satellite construction elements. The dose rate decreased nearly by 3 orders of magnitude below 500 mg/cm2.  相似文献   
借助光学显微镜和透射电镜对2J4合金等径弯曲通道变形(ECAP)组织进行了研究.结果表明,常温下2J4合金ECAP变形的最大累积真应变达到3.0,相当于压下量达到90%.ECAP变形1道次后,晶粒由30μm转变为具有一定方向性、相互平行的宽约0.35μm、长约为2.5μm的马氏体板条组织.随着变形道次增加,马氏体进一步细化,且出现晶粒从大板条向小的板条及等轴晶转化的趋势.另外,α相转变量随着变形量的增大而增加.  相似文献   
The data presented in this work describes the diurnal and seasonal variation in hmF2, NmF2, and the electrojet current strength over an African equatorial station during a period of low solar activity. The F2 region horizontal magnetic element H revealed that the Solar quiet Sq(H) daily variation rises from early morning period to maximum around local noon and falls to lower values towards evening. The F2 ionospheric current responsible for the magnetic field variations is inferred to build up at the early morning hours, attaining maximum strength around 1200 LT. The Sq variation across the entire months was higher during the daytime than nighttime. This is ascribed to the variability of the ionospheric parameters like conductivity and winds structure in this region. Seasonal daytime electrojet (EEJ) current strength for June solstice, March and September equinoxes, respectively had peak values ranging within 27–35 nT (at 1400 LT) , 30–40 nT (at 1200 LT) and 35–45 nT (at 1500 LT). The different peak periods of the EEJ strength were attributed to the combined effects of the peak electron density and electric field. Lastly, the EEJ strength was observed to be higher during the equinoxes than the solstice period.  相似文献   
The performance of the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) in predicting the height of the maximum of electron density (hmF2) has been evaluated for similar geomagnetic latitudes stations in the northern hemisphere (NH) and southern hemisphere (SH), and for the last two minima. As truth-sites, the digisonde stations of Millstone Hill (42.6°N, 288.5°E), USA, and Grahamstown (33.3°S, 26.5°E), South Africa, were considered. A monthly averaged diurnal variation was obtained from all the observations and model output in the months studied, and the corresponding difference was also calculated. For this initial study data from summer and winter in the NH and SH were selected for the solstice comparison, and October data for both stations were used to represent equinox conditions. The choice of these periods depended on data availability and quality. The results show that for the earlier minimum in 1996, in general IRI hmF2 values are in reasonable agreement with the observations. The exceptions are October and December in the SH, where IRI hmF2 tends to high, particularly on the dayside, and also July for which the daytime measured values tend to be larger than the IRI ones. For the recent minimum in 2008, IRI tends to over-estimate the hmF2 in most of the observations. The results support the general assertion that thermospheric temperatures were cooler during the last solar minimum as a consequence of an unusually low, and extended, minimum in solar extreme-ultraviolet flux, and in response to continually increasing long-term trend in anthropogenic carbon dioxide. The cooler temperatures not only decrease density at a fixed height, but also make the corresponding contraction of the atmosphere lower the height of the F-region peak.  相似文献   
Micro-meteoroid and space debris impact risk assessments are performed to investigate the risk from hypervelocity impacts to sensitive spacecraft sub-systems. For these analyses, ESA’s impact risk assessment tool ESABASE2/Debris is used. This software tool combines micro-particle environment models, damage equations for different shielding designs and satellite geometry models to perform a detailed 3D micro-particle impact risk assessment. This paper concentrates on the impact risk for exposed pressurized tanks. Pressure vessels are especially susceptible to hypervelocity impacts when no protection is available from the satellite itself. Even small particles in the mm size range can lead to a fatal burst or rupture of a tank when impacting with a typical collision velocity of 10–20 km/s. For any space mission it has to be assured that the impact risk is properly considered and kept within acceptable limits. The ConeXpress satellite mission is analysed as example. ConeXpress is a planned service spacecraft, intended to extend the lifetime of telecommunication spacecraft in the geostationary orbit. The unprotected tanks of ConeXpress are identified as having a high failure risk from hypervelocity impacts, mainly caused by micro-meteoroids. Options are studied to enhance the impact protection. It is demonstrated that even a thin additional protective layer spaced several cm from the tank would act as part of a double wall (Whipple) shield and greatly reduce the impact risk. In case of ConeXpress with 12 years mission duration the risk of impact related failure of a tank can be reduced from almost 39% for an unprotected tank facing in flight direction to below 0.1% for a tank protected by a properly designed Whipple shield.  相似文献   
This work studies the variations of HF characteristics and ionospheric parameters recorded over mid-latitude paths in the Russian East-Siberian region during magnetic storms on May 15, 1997, and September 24, 2006. The sharp wave-like changes in maximum observed frequencies (MOF) were recorded during the main phase of the investigated storms. Assuming that observed MOF variations can be produced by ionospheric disturbances propagating from the northern to the southern latitudes, a simulation of HF propagation conditions was carried out.  相似文献   
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