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This article briefly reviews first the progress of spectroscopy in X-ray astronomy from proportional counters, a major instrument in early phase of X-ray astronomy, to gas scintillation proportional counters, X-ray CCD cameras, transmission and reflection gratings, and finally to X-ray micro-calorimeters. As a typical example of spectral features observed from high mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs), the spectra observed from Vela X-1 with Chandra grating spectrometers are then presented and compared with computer simulations for high mass binary systems.  相似文献   
针对脉冲星导航系统的滤波问题,传统的扩展卡尔曼滤波(EKF)算法存在不能克服系统模型存在不确定性参数以及乘性噪声等缺陷,提出一种鲁棒EKF算法。首先,分析了状态预测误差方程和估计误差方程,利用统计学原理,得到了状态预测方差矩阵和状态估计方差矩阵计算等式。由于系统模型存在不确定性参数,状态预测协方差矩阵和状态估计协方差矩阵无法计算;因此,利用4个重要矩阵不等式,分析并找到预测方差矩阵和状态估计方差矩阵的上界。最后,利用状态估计误差协方差矩阵上界设计状态增益矩阵,使得状态估计协方差矩阵的迹最小。将该算法对脉冲星导航系统进行仿真,仿真结果验证了所提算法的有效性。  相似文献   
利用X射线实时诊断技术(RTR)针对硅橡胶和EPDM绝热材料,开展了高浓度颗粒流冲刷条件下动态烧蚀实验研究,成功获得了绝热材料烧蚀表面退移过程的序列图像。研究表明:(1)在本实验条件下,硅橡胶绝热材料颗粒冲刷区域的瞬时烧蚀率在0~2s内迅速增加,2s之后瞬时烧蚀率略有下降并趋于稳定;EPDM绝热材料颗粒冲刷区域的瞬时烧蚀率在0~1s内迅速增加,1s之后瞬时烧蚀率趋于稳定;(2)相同冲刷条件下硅橡胶绝热材料抗颗粒流冲刷性能比EPDM绝热材料差,硅橡胶绝热材料不适合在高过载发动机中应用;(3)高浓度颗粒流冲刷条件下绝热材料的烧蚀率比常规条件下要严重的多,其机理主要是高温颗粒流对炭化层有强烈的机械剥蚀效应和热化学烧蚀作用。实验结果对硅橡胶和EPDM绝热材料烧蚀机理研究及烧蚀建模具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   
考虑钟差修正的X射线脉冲星导航算法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于X射线脉冲星的航天器自主导航依赖于精确时间的测量,因此星载时钟 钟差对导航性能有不容忽视的影响。在原子钟钟差模型和航天器动力学模型基础上,提 出一种考虑星载时钟钟差修正的脉冲星导航算法。仿真结果表明,该算法可以有效消除钟差 的影响,保证了导航精度,研究结果对脉冲星导航的工程应用有一定的理论参考价值。
The instrument suite on the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft is well suited to address several of Mercury’s outstanding geochemical problems. A combination of data from the Gamma-Ray and Neutron Spectrometer (GRNS) and X-Ray Spectrometer (XRS) instruments will yield the surface abundances of both volatile (K) and refractory (Al, Ca, and Th) elements, which will test the three competing hypotheses for the origin of Mercury’s high bulk metal fraction: aerodynamic drag in the early solar nebula, preferential vaporization of silicates, or giant impact. These same elements, with the addition of Mg, Si, and Fe, will put significant constraints on geochemical processes that have formed the crust and produced any later volcanism. The Neutron Spectrometer sensor on the GRNS instrument will yield estimates of the amount of H in surface materials and may ascertain if the permanently shadowed polar craters have a significant excess of H due to water ice. A comparison of the FeO content of olivine and pyroxene determined by the Mercury Atmospheric and Surface Composition Spectrometer (MASCS) instrument with the total Fe determined through both GRNS and XRS will permit an estimate of the amount of Fe present in other forms, including metal and sulfides.  相似文献   
目前X射线检测存在检测底片难于长时间保存、对操作人员依赖性强等不足,底片检测信息处理智能化水平较低。随着搅拌摩擦焊、激光焊等新方法的应用,制造业数字化车间的建设,对缺陷检测、质量检测信息的有效保存、处理也提出了更高的要求。为解决轨道车辆车体焊接结构内部缺陷检测可视化、自动化的需求,研发高质量的X射线检测底片扫描技术、先进的信息处理技术,开发X射线检测底片的数字化及自动化评定技术,实现底片有效信息的无损数字化,底片缺陷自动搜寻、测量与分类,研发国内首套高速列车射线底片智能化评定系统,提升X射线检测技术的信息化、自动化水平,实现底片自动化评定。相关技术可向航空航天产品进行推广。  相似文献   
陶瓷基复合材料由于其具有耐高温、密度低、抗氧化性好等多种优良特性目前已广泛地应用于航空航天领域。采用无损检测方法对陶瓷基复合材料进行相关检测对保证材料产品质量以及提高产品使用的可靠性等都具有重要意义。综述了陶瓷基复合材料无损检测发展现状,阐述了太赫兹、X射线、工业CT、红外热成像、超声波及声发射技术等常用陶瓷基复合材料检测手段的原理并介绍了其在陶瓷基复合材料无损检测方面的应用实例。  相似文献   
质子事件的爆发与太阳软X射线辐射有着很强的相关性,利用GOES卫星的1~8 (A)波段和0.5~4 (A)波段的软X射线数据,选取一些特征参量验证该相关性并应用到质子事件短期预报中.在当前质子事件传输物理机制不完全明确的情况下,在现有的预报质子事件有无的模型基础上,利用BP神经网络,根据软X射线通量水平等预测事件质子峰值通量水平,再对训练后的网络进行检验,检验预测所得结果与实际探测值误差小于一个量级,具备一定实用意义.   相似文献   
Insight-HXMT is China's first X-ray astronomy satellite. It was launched on 15 June 2017 and is currently in service smoothly. Insight-HXMT has been used to scan the Galactic plane repeatedly, making pointing observations to neutron stars and black holes, and monitor the whole sky continuously in the MeV band. Insight-HXMT is also very flexible in making ToO observations, with the response time from about 3 hours to within a day. So far more than 50 refereed publications have been made with data from its observations; many more publications have used the data or results of Insight-HXMT one way or another. The scientific impacts of Insight-HXMT have been growing rapidly since launch. We expect Insight-HXMT to continue to operate for several more years.  相似文献   
本文处理分析了EXOSAT卫星对4U1538-524次中能观测资料,并结合其他观测结果对4U1538-52的时间和能谱特性作了分析和解释:中子星自转仍在减慢;能谱为幂律谱,Tenma卫星以后的观测未见Fe发射线;X射线dip现象可解释为一前景星对中子星的遮掩而形成;X射线爆发在不同的轨道位相出现,持续近1小时;在1keV附近似有一发射线。  相似文献   
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