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高导热C/ C 复合材料具有高热导率、低密度、低热胀系数和高温下高强度等性能,成为近年来最
具发展前景的散热材料之一。本文综述了国内外高导热C/ C 复合材料的发展现状,分析了C/ C 复合材料的热
物理性能及影响其热导率的因素,介绍了C/ C 复合材料的导热机理、碳纤维、基体炭的导热性能,以及高导热
C/ C 复合材料的制备和改性等。  相似文献   
从纳米超级隔热材料的组成及微观结构角度分析了降低材料热导率的途径,提出了降低纳米超级隔热材料热导率的一般原则,制备了SiO2及SiO2-Al2O3纳米超级隔热材料并对材料的孔结构进行控制.结果表明:SiO2和SiO2-Al2O3纳米超级隔热材料具有均匀的多孔结构,Al2 O3的加入提高了SiO2纳米超级隔热材料的热稳定性,且不会破坏材料的多孔结构,室温热导率仅为0.02 W/(m·K),提出了Al2O3改善SiO2纳米超级隔热材料热稳定性的机理.  相似文献   
霍尔推力器典型效率在50%左右,其余能量在电离、加速、耦合等过程中耗散掉,为了明确推力器优化设计的重点方向,需要定量地研究各个物理过程中损失的能量。因此,本文从能量损失分析的角度入手研究影响霍尔推力器效率的典型物理过程及机理,建立了针对霍尔推力器能量损失的系统性评价方法,为霍尔推力器设计及优化提供理论支撑。从霍尔推力器能量转化过程入手,并以能量的最终作用对象及性质作为分类的标准,建立了新的能量损失体系,认为霍尔推力器损失的能量主要有:径向羽流动能、阳极沉积热能、壁面沉积热能、电离能、阴极耦合损失。针对各项损失能量建立了实验评估方法,实验结果显示,阳极热沉积、壁面热沉积、羽流发散导致的能量损失是制约霍尔推力器效率的主导因素,其占比分别达到5.2%、24.7%、6.1%。实验测得所有输出功率占输入阳极放电功率比例达到102.1%,经不确定度分析,认为是阳极热沉积、电离能、阴极耦合损失的高估导致的,但该方法诊断得到的各项损失相对数量级关系是确定的,利用实验校核了方法的可行性,为霍尔推力器性能以及设计水平的评价提供了新的视角。  相似文献   
为了研究身部局部燃气泄漏对490N发动机工作性能及结构的影响,为在轨故障问题分析提供依据,采用490N发动机缩比件在模拟真空环境下研究喷管扩张段泄漏孔的影响,采用490N发动机在大气环境下研究燃烧室身部泄漏孔的影响。通过试验,获得了泄漏孔的扩展情况、带有泄漏孔的发动机的真空推力、燃烧室压力等试验数据。研究结果表明:在试验条件下,490N发动机喉部出现泄漏孔后,燃烧室压力下降6.9%,与喉部上游泄漏孔面积占比6.3%相当,燃烧室压力不发生明显波动,发动机仍可以输出推力;泄漏孔沿周向基本无变化,沿轴向往喉部下游,扩展速率先增大后减小,分别为0mm/s、0.588mm/s、0.142mm/s、0.067mm/s。490N发动机缩比件身部面积比14的位置处出现面积占比0.93%的泄漏孔后,发动机在一段时间内推力输出保持稳定,泄漏孔面积占比与泄漏后推力减小比例0.95%相当,且泄漏孔未发生扩展;该结果有效验证了在轨490N发动机身部面积比64的位置处出现面积占比3.2%泄漏孔后发动机在643s内维持推力稳定输出的可能性,且输出推力减小比例为3%。  相似文献   
利用包含完全能量方程的磁流体力学方程组,数值研究了磁静力平衡基态下由于日面冷物质径向喷射所引起的日冕动力学响应。这些结果可以解释日珥的形成及伴随的日冕扰动传播。结果还表明,热传导和辐射损失对扰动传播的基本性质影响很小;对于日珥的形成,也未显出重要作用。   相似文献   
为提高苯并噁嗪(BZ)的热稳定性,通过BZ 与聚硅氮烷制备了一种苯并噁嗪杂化树脂(BZ-H),
并采用模压工艺制备了玻璃布/ BZ-H 复合材料。制备的BZ-H 树脂在70 ~170℃有较低的黏度和聚合温度、
较少的放热量及良好的固化工艺性。其固化物的Tg 为354. 7℃。在N2 气氛下,T5
d 为460℃,900℃ 的残重
(W900℃ )为75. 68%。在空气气氛下, T5
d 为466℃,W900℃ 为16. 39%。玻璃布/ BZ-H 复合材料在室温下的弯曲
强度、模量和层间剪切强度分别为433 MPa、22 GPa 和24 MPa,在350℃下的保留率分别为40%、68%和54%。
SEM 微观形貌观察表明,BZ-H 树脂与纤维间具有良好的粘接作用,该特征赋予了复合材料优良的力学性能。  相似文献   
为了准确描述酚醛树脂热解时相互重叠的反应过程,进行了5种线性升温速率下的酚醛树脂热分析试验,提出一种高斯分峰方法。该方法通过分析酚醛树脂的微分热重(DTG)曲线以及不同温度下热分解产物的种类和含量,将酚醛树脂热解划分为四个反应过程。分峰结果与试验结果吻合较好,对后续准确求解酚醛树脂各个反应过程热分解动力学参数有重要意义。  相似文献   
为获取元器件焊点的热疲劳状态信息,采用了焊点剪切力测试方法和非线性最小二乘数据拟合法。以1210片式电阻器件无铅焊点为研究对象,开展了剪切力-热疲劳状态试验研究工作。依据0、300、600、900、1200、1 500个周期温度冲击下的焊点剪切力试验数据,采用非线性最小二乘的Gauss-Newton法,并利用Matlab编程的手段获取了剪切力数据的拟合曲线。以"剪切力值下降30%"的失效标准划定失效界线,利用拟合曲线推算出焊点失效时的循环周期数为1 439.04。试验证明焊点剪切力能够反映出焊点的热疲劳状态,该方法可用于焊点的疲劳状态监测、估计,满足对于焊点疲劳状态的监测需要,同样适用于其他类型焊点的疲劳状态估计。  相似文献   
Laser heating technology is a type of potential and attractive space heat flux simulation technology, which is characterized by high heating rate, controlled spatial intensity distribution and rapid response. However, the controlled plant is nonlinear, time-varying and uncertainty when implementing the laser-based heat flux simulation. In this paper, a novel intelligent adaptive controller based on proportion–integration–differentiation(PID) type fuzzy logic is proposed to improve the performance of laser-based ground thermal test. The temperature range of thermal cycles is more than 200 K in many instances. In order to improve the adaptability of controller,output scaling factors are real time adjusted while the thermal test is underway. The initial values of scaling factors are optimized using a stochastic hybrid particle swarm optimization(H-PSO)algorithm. A validating system has been established in the laboratory. The performance of the proposed controller is evaluated through extensive experiments under different operating conditions(reference and load disturbance). The results show that the proposed adaptive controller performs remarkably better compared to the conventional PID(PID) controller and the conventional PID type fuzzy(F-PID) controller considering performance indicators of overshoot, settling time and steady state error for laser-based ground thermal test. It is a reliable tool for effective temperature control of laser-based ground thermal test.  相似文献   
To evaluate the structural failure risk of the regenerative cooling thrust chamber cylinder segment, a Finite Element Method (FEM) based on experimental data was developed. The methodology was validated and utilized to reveal the thermal response and the nonlinear deformation behavior of the cylinder segment phase by phase. The conclusions of the research are as follows: The 2D heat flux distribution caused by the injector determines the uneven temperature distribution on the gas-side wall and leads to the temperature disparity between various cooling channels; The reason for the accumulation of residual strain is that the tensile strain generated in the post-cooling phase is greater than the compressive strain produced in the hot run phase; Through the single-cycle simulation, two potential failure locations with conspicuous deformations were found, but it is difficult to determine which point is more dangerous. However, the multi-cycle thermo-structural analysis gives the evolution of the stress-strain curve and gradually discloses that the low-temperature corner of a particular channel is the most likely location to fail, rather than the maximum residual strain point of the gas-side wall. The damage analysis for dangerous point indicates that the quasi-static damage accounts for the majority of the total damage and is the main factor limiting the service life.  相似文献   
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