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Zr含量对Mg-Zr粉末冶金阻尼合金材料性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用粉末冶金法制备了Mg-x% Zr阻尼合金(x=0.6,1.5,2.5,5,质量分数,下同),通过三点弯曲测试和DMA技术等手段研究了Zr含量对Mg-Zr合金的组织、力学性能和阻尼性能的影响.结果表明,随着Zr含量增加,组织演变为条带状结构,同时在晶界及晶内出现点状颗粒,晶粒更加细化.Mg-x% Zr阻尼合金的致密度...  相似文献   
采用包覆法制备W-5%(质量分数)Re复合粉末,采用气氛保护等离子喷涂成形技术制备某实验型固体火箭发动机喷管(Solid Rocket Motor,SRM),研究2300 ℃真空烧结时喷管致密度、组织结构及显微硬度、抗拉强度、压缩强度等性能随烧结时间的变化规律.研究表明:喷涂成形件为典型的柱状晶层片结构,粒子层片结合部位存在较多孔隙及微观缝隙,成形件致密度为87.5%,其显微硬度、抗拉强度、压缩强度分别为321.8 HV0.025,57.9 MPa及390.2MPa.随着真空烧结时间由2h延长至6h及8h,W-Re合金逐渐由定向凝固柱状晶层片结构转化为颗粒状结构,致密度及力学性能均随之提高.其中经8h烧结处理后,W-Re合金致密度、显微硬度、抗拉强度、压缩强度及屈服强度分别增加至98.6%,529.7 HV0.025,384.7 MPa,1466.5 MPa及879.6 MPa.由于Re元素可提高W-Re合金的再结晶温度,有效细化晶粒,显著提高合金的程度及塑性,等离子喷涂成形W-Re合金经真空烧结后可观察到明显的Re效应.  相似文献   
多维力传感技术是工业智能化发展重要支撑技术之一。本文研制了一种中等量程的轮辐构型的电阻应变式六维力传感器,其量程为:切向力±300 N、法向力±600 N、力矩±25 N·m。传感器外圈和中心台通过4组特设的应变梁连接。每组应变梁包括一对处于两侧的“L”形梁及一根居中的扁平梁,能够从结构上降低维间耦合。进一步通过贴片及组桥方案设计从理论上消除了各方向间的耦合。静态标定结果表明,该传感器的维间耦合小于1%、测量精度不低于1‰、过载系数超过300%、非线性度低于0.3%。瞬态冲击法动态测试表明,该传感器具有较好的动态性能。本文将该六维力传感器用于机械臂抛光打磨过程的力学测量和反馈控制,取得了优异的效果,证实了传感器的可用性和优越性。该传感器将促进中国六维力测试技术发展、助力现代工业智能化进程。  相似文献   
高温低周劳寿命预测方法对于承受变幅载荷的高温构件的设计具有重要意义。本文系统介绍了迄今这方面所取得的研究成果,特别对目前在国内外影响较大的SRP等几个HLF寿命预测的经典参数模型和近些年发展起来的预测HLF寿命的损伤力学方法作了较为详细的评价,并指出存在问题和研究方向。  相似文献   
采用交联剂对聚碳硅烷(PCS)先驱体进行改性,以改性先驱体配置溶液制备了C/SiC复合材料。在制备过程中,由于改性先驱体较高的陶瓷产率,缩短了复合材料基体致密化周期,气孔率降低到7.2%,密度提升到2.01 g/m~3。在改善试样显微结构的同时,改性先驱体能够明显提升C/SiC复合材料力学性能,弯曲强度提高到459.4 MPa,断裂韧性提升到13.6MPa·m~(1/2),相比单组分PCS先驱体分别提高了51.9%和32.0%。烧蚀性能考核表明,试样的线烧蚀率和质量烧蚀率分别为8.3×10~(-3) mm/s和4.3×10~(-3) g/s,相比单组分PCS制备的试样分别降低了85.7%和73.1%。通过对试样内部显微结构和考核后形貌进行分析,结果表明试样力学和烧蚀性能的提升主要得益于致密化的基体以及基体对纤维很好的保护作用。  相似文献   
连续纤维增韧陶瓷基复合材料制备过程中因纤维与基体线胀系数失配会产生热残余应力,从而导致纤维脱粘、基体开裂等现象,严重影响复合材料力学性能。本文针对CVI工艺制备的单向C/SiC复合材料,建立"纤维-界面-基体"单胞物理模型,基于细观力学分析方法对热残余应力分布规律进行预测,采用ABAQUS对材料制备过程进行数值模拟,揭示了界面厚度、纤维体积分数、制备温度等参数对纤维、基体热残余应力分布的影响规律,分析了热残余应力对复合材料力学性能的影响。研究结果能够为C/SiC复合材料的设计、分析及微纳力学性能试验提供理论支持。  相似文献   
文章针对航天器在混响声场中的随机振动问题,提出一种通过多个不相干的平面波线性叠加以模拟混响声场的实现方法,给出了每个平面波的具体参数并从理论上证明其满足理想混响声场假设。在此基础上利用有限元-边界元耦合方法对整星低频声固耦合问题进行分析,并用混响室噪声试验响应数据进行了验证。研究结果表明:该方法理论推导正确,为航天器低频声固耦合分析及声振力学环境预示提供了一种新的有效手段。  相似文献   
航天器常在其任务中出现功能失效,造成巨大的损失,而在轨模块更换技术则是利用空间机械臂自主对可接受在轨服务航天器进行故障模块更换、升级、补充消耗品等。通过对在轨可更换模块在轨服务的任务、在轨可更换模块的组件构成,从而得出在轨可更换模块的机构设计方案,进而又对在轨可更换模块进行结构设计,利用 SolidWorks 软件建立该结构的三维模型,实物模型验证了其可行性。  相似文献   
Q345B普通钢板在控制轧制过程中适量添加了Nb、Ti微合金元素,通过金相观察、力学试验,其组织结构及力学性能均有明显改善,可见通过对微合金元素的选择性添加以及对其在钢中成分的控制,在经过控轧控冷后能够得到我们所需求性能的钢,这对控制轧制具有较高的现实意义。  相似文献   
TEGA, one of several instruments on board of the Phoenix Lander, performed differential scanning calorimetry and evolved gas analysis of soil samples and ice, collected from the surface and subsurface at a northern landing site on Mars. TEGA is a combination of a high temperature furnace and a mass spectrometer (MS) that was used to analyze samples delivered to the instrument via a robotic arm. The samples were heated at a programmed ramp rate up to 1000 °C. The power required for heating can be carefully and continuously monitored (scanning calorimetry). The evolved gases generated during the process can be analyzed with the evolved gas analyzer (a magnetic sector mass spectrometer) in order to determine the composition of gases released as a function of temperature. Our laboratory has developed a sample characterization method using a pyrolyzer integrated to a quadrupole mass spectrometer to support the interpretations of TEGA data. Here we examine the evolved gas properties of six types of hyperarid soils from the Pampas de La Joya in southern Peru (a possible analog to Mars), to which we have added with microorganisms (Salmonella typhimurium, Micrococcus luteus, and Candida albicans) in order to investigate the effect of the soil matrix on the TEGA response. Between 20 and 40 mg of soil, with or without ∼5 mg of lyophilized microorganism biomass (dry weight), were placed in the pyrolyzer and heated from room temperature to 1200 °C in 1 h at a heating rate of 20 °C/min. The volatiles released were transferred to a MS using helium as a carrier gas. The quadrupole MS was ran in scan mode from 10 to 200 m/z. In addition, ∼20 mg of each microorganism without a soil matrix were analyzed. As expected, there were significant differences in the gases released from microorganism samples with or without a soil matrix, under similar heating conditions. Furthermore, samples from the most arid environments had significant differences compared with less arid soils. Organic carbon released in the form of CO2 (ion 44 m/z) from microorganisms evolved at temperatures of ∼326.0 ± 19.5 °C, showing characteristic patterns for each one. Others ions such as 41, 78 and 91 m/z were also found. Interestingly, during the thermal process, the release of CO2 increased and ions previously found disappeared, demonstrating a high-oxidant activity in the soil matrix when it was subjected to high temperature. Finally, samples of soil show CO2 evolved up to 650 °C consistent with thermal decomposition of carbonates. These results indicate that organics mixed with these hyperarid soils are oxidized to CO2. Our results suggest the existence of at least two types of oxidants in these soils, a thermolabile oxidant which is highly oxidative and other thermostable oxidant which has a minor oxidative activity and that survives the heat-treatment. Furthermore, we find that the interaction of biomass added to soil samples gives a different set of breakdown gases than organics resident in the soil. The nature of oxidant(s) present in the soils from Pampas de La Joya is still unknown.  相似文献   
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