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In this paper, Science Operations Planning Expertise (SOPE) is defined as the expertise that is held by people who have the two following qualities. First they have both theoretical and practical experience in operations planning, in general, and in space science operations planning in particular. Second, they can be used, on request and at least, to provide with advice the teams that design and implement science operations systems in order to optimise the performance and productivity of the mission. However, the relevance and use of such SOPE early on during the Mission Design Phase (MDP) is not sufficiently recognised. As a result, science operations planning is often neglected or poorly assessed during the mission definition phases. This can result in mission architectures that are not optimum in terms of cost and scientific returns, particularly for missions that require a significant amount of science operations planning. Consequently, science operations planning difficulties and cost underestimations are often realised only when it is too late to design and implement the most appropriate solutions. In addition, higher costs can potentially reduce both the number of new missions and the chances of existing ones to be extended. Moreover, the quality, and subsequently efficiency, of SOPE can vary greatly. This is why we also believe that the best possible type of SOPE requires a structure similar to the ones of existing bodies of expertise dedicated to the data processing such as the International Planetary Data Alliance (IPDA), the Space Physics Archive Search and Extract (SPASE) or the Planetary Data System (PDS). Indeed, this is the only way of efficiently identifying science operations planning issues and their solutions as well as of keeping track of them in order to apply them to new missions. Therefore, this paper advocates for the need to allocate resources in order to both optimise the use of SOPE early on during the MDP and to perform, at least, a feasibility study of such a more structured SOPE.  相似文献   
近年来,采用里德堡原子的微波电场测量技术得到了迅速发展,获得了广泛应用。该电场探测技术是一项全新技术,可以将微波电场通过基本物理常数与频率测量直接关联,具有测量动态范围大、测量灵敏度高和测量不确定度小的特点,有望替代传统溯源路径,直接关联国际单位制(SI)。本文基于里德堡原子相干效应的微波电场测量技术原理,针对国内外微波电场的高准确度、高灵敏度和极化方向测量技术发展现状,和对微波电场测量的工程化光源系统,蒸气室探头的仿真验证实验和集成式蒸气室探头的设计研究等方面的相关进展做了详细介绍。  相似文献   
 针对一类非线性不确定离散动态系统 ,提出了一种新型鲁棒故障诊断方法。该方法不但能够对被诊断系统进行故障检测 ,而且同时能够实现故障的分离和辨识。它首先通过构造一个辅助系统 ,将故障的辨识问题转化为min max问题 ,并且通过巧妙设计辅助系统的输出增益矩阵 ,使得辅助系统与被诊断系统的状态差值方程和输出差值方程稳定 ,然后将min max问题转化成LMI问题 ,最后通过求解LMI问题来实现故障诊断。分析了故障诊断方法的鲁棒性、灵敏度和故障的辨识误差。仿真结果验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   
“双证书”制度即职业资格和学历证书并重制度,该制度既是经济社会发展对高技能型专门人才的一种客观要求,也是高等职业教育为适应经济社会发展而进行的一种自我完善,同时高等职业教育的办学层次定位-培养目标-办学特色等方面也决定了“双证书”制度是高等职业教育健康发展的基本策略和必由之路。  相似文献   
Space deployable structures with large calibers, high accuracy, and large folding ratios are indispensable equipment in the aerospace field. Given that the single-DOF 3RR-3RRR deployable unit cannot be fully folded, this study proposes a 3UU-3URU deployable unit with two kinds of DOF: folding movement and orientation adjustment. First, based on the G-K formula, the DOF of the 3UU-3URU unit is analyzed. Then, the 3UU-3URU unit is used to construct a deployable truss antenna with a curved surface, and the DOF of the whole deployable antenna containing multiple 3UU-3URU units is calculated. The structural design of a deployable antenna with two loops is carried out with specific parameters and geometric relations. Next, a DOF simulation of a basic combination unit composed of three 3UU-3URU units is performed. Finally, a prototype of the basic combination unit is manufactured, and the DOF of the mechanism is experimentally verified.  相似文献   
YU Chenglong;HOU Junjie;ZHAO Ying;XU Hao;ZHANG Wei(China Aerospace Academy of Systems Science and Engineering, Beijing 100048, China)  相似文献   
航空常用铝合金动态拉伸力学性能探究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用分离式Hopkinson拉杆设备对五种航空常用铝合金2A12-CZ,2A12-M,2024-T351,7050-T74,7050-T7451进行了室温动态拉伸力学性能探究,并利用电子万能试验机对这五种材料进行了准静态拉伸力学性能测试,得到了五种铝合金在不同应变率下的拉伸真实应力应变曲线。试验结果显示:7050系列铝合金有较高的屈服强度,2A12M抗拉强度则最低。五种航空铝合金都表现出不同程度的正的应变率敏感效应,其中2A12-CZ敏感性最强,7050T7451敏感性最弱。五种铝合金动态拉伸失效应变明显大于准静态拉伸失效应变。2A12M与2024T351有较高的动态拉伸失效应变。在试验结果的基础上,选择Johnson-Cook本构模型,Cowper-Symonds本构模型来拟合这五种材料的动态本构,模型预测与试验结果吻合较好。  相似文献   
涡轮盘双轴对称异形孔结构建模与优化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
针对发动机轮盘孔结构的应力集中问题,以某高压涡轮盘安装边螺栓孔为研究对象,建立了涡轮盘非圆异形孔数学模型.该异形孔由双轴对称的8段圆弧光滑连接而成,并满足螺栓装配的要求.使用该异形孔模型取代了原螺栓孔.以有限元分析为基础对异形孔进行了优化,得到该轮盘安装边多圆弧异形螺栓孔的最佳形状.结果表明:优化后的多圆弧异形螺栓孔边第1主应力最大值降低了14.8%,孔边应力集中程度显著下降.设计参数灵敏度分析结果表明,与主圆弧相连的过渡圆弧的尺寸对孔边应力的影响较为显著,在设计中应予以重视.   相似文献   
为了改善航空弧齿锥齿轮的啮合稳定性,提出了齿面低敏感性修形.基于齿面误差和误差敏感性矩阵,建立齿面误差修正模型,用广义逆矩阵的最小二乘法求解超越方程组,获得机床调整参数的修正量;对齿面进行3段抛物线修形,将修形后的齿面作为目标齿面,采用齿面误差修正的方法求得相应的机床调整参数;仿真算例表明:经过低敏感性修形,降低了齿面印痕的误差敏感性、提高了齿轮副的容差范围,但齿根弯曲强度下降了4.28%.因此,通过合理选择齿面修形系数,可降低齿根强度的变化,改善齿轮副啮合稳定性.  相似文献   
评价航天测控方案中的测控任务可靠性需要高效的方法,解析法和直接仿真都不能满足该要求。在介绍测控任务模型及其可靠性直接仿真法的基础上,基于不交化最小割集设计了实现近似零方差重要抽样的方法,并给出不交化最小割集的获取算法。通过案例分析,得出不交化最小割集最大获取数量越大,仿真收敛性越好,但相应地耗时也越多的结论。因此,实际应用中,需要在不交化最小割集获取数量与仿真时间二者间进行权衡。  相似文献   
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