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基于三维地形显示的合成视景系统结合空中隧道等新技术,为飞行员提高情形认知、降低工作量,同时也给传统驾驶舱显示、飞行安全、航线运营等带来不同程度的影响,特别是对驾驶舱显示将是划时代变革。综述机遇与挑战并结合航空发展,预测合成视景系统在10~15年内必将广泛应用。  相似文献   
随着卫星技术的广泛应用,卫星地球站天伺馈设备也越来越复杂.天伺馈设备故障的自动诊断和定位也成为越来越紧迫的课题.本文从工程的角度描述了海事站天伺馈故障诊断专家系统开发的全过程,着重分析了系统的总体设计方案,并对系统的扩展提出了一些展望.  相似文献   
MISTRAM系统定轨的数学方法   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
通过对MISTRAM系统跟踪航天飞行器定轨原理的细致的数学分析,得到了一种解算轨道的新方法。该方法不需要标称轨道,计算极为简便,而且精度高;同时还给出了误差传递方式。实测数据和大量模拟计算均表明,该方法有很好的效果。  相似文献   
The Earth’s gravity field can be measured with high precision by constructing the purely gravitational orbit of the inner-satellite in Inner-formation Flying System (IFS), which is independently proposed by Chinese scholars and offers a new way to carry out gravity field measurement by satellite without accelerometers. In IFS, for the purpose of quickly evaluating the highest degree of recovered gravity field model and geoid error as well as analyzing the influence of system parameters on gravity field measurement, an analytical formula was established by spectral analysis method. The formula can reflect the analytical relationship between gravity field measurement performance and system parameters such as orbit altitude, the inner-satellite orbit determination error, the inner-satellite residual disturbances, data sampling interval and total measurement time. This analytical formula was then corrected by four factors introduced from numerical simulation of IFS gravity field measurement. By comparing computation results from corrected analytical formula and the actual gravity field measurement performance by CHAMP, the correctness and rationality of this analytical formula were verified. Based on this analytical formula, the influences of system parameters on IFS gravity field measurement were analyzed. It is known that gravity field measurement performance is a monotone decreasing function of orbit altitude, the inner-satellite orbit determination error, the inner-satellite residual disturbances, data sampling interval and the reciprocal of total measurement time. There is a match relationship between the inner-satellite orbit determination error and residual disturbances, in other words, the change rate of gravity field measurement performance with one of them is seriously restricted by their relative size. The analytical formula can be used to quantitatively evaluate gravity field measurement performance fast and design IFS parameters optimally. It is noted that the analytical formula and corresponding conclusions are applied to any gravity satellite which measures gravity field by satellite perturbation orbit.  相似文献   
利用现代控制理论研究了结构模态的能控性和能观测性问题,给出了模态坐标下结构的能控性和能观测性判据,证明了多输入-多输出(MIMO)试验模态分析技术用于存在重根模态结构的模态试验的必要性,并人出了对激振点和测量点数量的要求。利用奇异值分解技术给出了一种结构查态能控性和能观测性的度量方法,并讨论了其在模记试验激振点和测量点位置选择中的应用。  相似文献   
介绍了风云二号(FY-2)C星系统运行控制中心(SOCC)的组成和功能,阐述了C星业务测控与管理、特殊事件预报与控制,并说明其采用的全系统集中控制、卫星业务运行自动调度、卫星测控流程控制、应用系统作业流程,以及系统设备运行监视与控制等调度控制方式.与01批相比,C星SOCC的系统结构与功能有较大改进,由原分散式功能单-的调度改为集中式监视和控制能力强大的"大运控"系统.该系统集中了卫星控制、整个地面业务系统调度安排、各种作业调度管理、地面设备切换控制、产品处理软件调度,以及产品分发等各种功能,具有-定的先进性.  相似文献   
由试验模态数据检测结构破损的位置和大小   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提出了一种用有噪声影响的不完整振型和频率来检测结构破损的方法。先由局部频率变化率的概念诊断出结构的破损位置,然后用灵敏度分析法确定破损的大小。整个过程分测试振型的扩充、结构破损的定位和破损大小的确定三部分。文中用GARTEUR结构对多种破坏情况进行了仿真研究。结果表明,该方法能简便有效地同时诊断结构中的单个或多个破坏情况。  相似文献   
提出了飞机地面变速滑跑的非稳态响应分析的新方法,该方法基于频域的功率谱密度法.建立了飞机地面滑跑的起落架分析模型;引入了概率平均意义上的当量线性化方法,用该方法处理了起落架缓冲器空气弹簧、油液阻尼和库仑摩擦力以及轮胎刚度和阻尼等非线性参数.利用变量代换和傅里叶变换导出了非稳态激励下的跑道不平度的功率谱密度函数.导出并分析了具有代表性的飞机重心过载的频率响应函数.工程算例表明,在达到相同的滑跑速度条件下,飞机加速滑跑引起的飞机重心过载响应比飞机地面匀速滑跑引起的飞机重心过载响应小;并且加速度越大,在达到相同的滑跑速度条件下所产生的飞机重心过载响应越小.  相似文献   
Carrier phase ambiguity resolution of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) is a key technology for high-precision navigation and positioning, and it is a challenge for applications which require both high accuracy and high integrity. This paper proposes efficient ambiguity resolution methods based on integrity restriction using Fixed Failure rate Ratio Test (FF-RT) and Doubly Non-central F-distribution Ratio Test (DNF-RT), and derives the related processing models and numerical algorithms compared with the traditional Ratio Test (RT) method. Firstly, the integer ambiguity resolution and validation procedures, especially the Least squares AMBiguity Decorrelation Adjustment (LAMBDA) estimation and RT validation are analyzed. Then the quality evaluation using success rate, the FF-RT method using Integer Aperture (IA) estimation and the NDF-RT method are proposed. Lastly, the simulation and analysis for LAMBDA using RT, FF-RT and DNF-RT methods are performed. Simulation results show that in case of unbiased scenario FF-RT and DNF-RT have similar performances, which are significantly better than RT. In case of biased scenario it is difficult for FF-RT to predict the biased success rate thus it should not be used for bias detection, while DNF-RT can detect biases in most cases except for the biases are approximate or equal to integer, which has the important benefit for early detection of potential threat to the position solution.  相似文献   
基于Morlet小波滤波提高系统参数识别精度的方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种基于连续小波变换的时频域滤器对信号滤波,不会引起相波方法,用于频响函数估计前的信号预处理.采用Morlet小波构造一种FIR滤波位失真.提出了一种改进的小波基以满足瞬态激励情况的时频域分辨率要求.采用GARTEUR飞机模型构造仿真算例,对仿真数据添加白噪声.仿真结果表明,系统参数识别精度明显改善,滤波后获得的阻尼估计误差较滤波前下降了30%.  相似文献   
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