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针对传统卫星导航接收机在卫星数小于5颗及卫星星座构型不佳的情况下无法实现卫星故障识别与隔离的问题,结合卫星导航接收机在弹上的实际应用情况,利用惯导的辅助数据设计了一种基于多级Kalman滤波的北斗接收机完好性监测方案,给出了卫星导航接收机的RAIM滤波器结构与故障检测和隔离方法,并对其可用性进行了推导.该方案经过仿真分...  相似文献   
直升机旋翼/机身气动干扰的计算方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用先进的自由尾迹分析方法,对旋翼/机身的气动干扰进行了计算。该方法建立在桨叶的二阶升力线模型、旋翼的全展自由尾迹模型、机身的源面元模型、旋翼的配平模型的基础上,通过迭代旋翼/尾迹在机身上的诱导速度和机身在桨盘平面、尾迹定位点的诱导速度,形成一个作耦合的综合分析模型。在该模型中,采用“数值解-分析解匹配”的方法建立了一贴近涡/面干扰模型来计入机身对尾迹畸变的影响。作为算例,分别计算了旋翼/机身组合  相似文献   
在建立农林飞机超低空飞行时的大气紊流模型基础上,结合频域和时域两种计算方法研究了各种不同紊流强度下的大气紊流对农林飞机超低空飞行的影响,同时采用加速度综合评分的方法对其影响进行定量评估,最后给出了大气紊流对农林飞机超低空飞行影响的规律,对工程应用有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
通过对电影《喜福会》中不同人物性格、生活方式及个人命运的刻画,生活化地描写了中西方文化差异与交融,也深刻细致地表达出这种差异和交融对人们的启发和思考,表达作家谭恩美的人生观和中西方文化交融中的世界观。几位女性主人公的命运是中西方文化差异和交融的现实体现。  相似文献   
We analyse the inter-boresight angles (IBA) measured by the star trackers on board the GOCE satellite and find that they exhibit small offsets of 7–9″ with respect to the ones calculated from the rotation of the star tracker reference frames to the satellite reference frame. Further, we find small variations in the offsets with a peak-to-peak amplitude of up to 8″, which correlate with variations of the star trackers’ temperatures. Motivated by these findings, we present a method for combining the attitude quaternions measured by two or more star trackers that includes an estimation of relative attitude offsets between star trackers as a linear function of temperature. The method was used to correct and combine the star tracker attitude quaternions within the reprocessing of GOCE data performed in 2018. We demonstrate that the IBA calculated from the corrected star tracker attitude quaternions show no significant offsets with respect to the reference frame information. Finally, we show that neglecting the star tracker attitude offsets in the processing would result in perturbations in the gravity gradients that are visible at frequencies below 2?mHz and have a magnitude of up to 90?mE. The presented method avoids such perturbations to a large extent.  相似文献   
There are code biases on the pseudo-range observations of the Beidou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) that range in size from several decimeters to larger than one meter. These biases can be divided into two categories, which are the code biases in the pseudo-range observations of Inclined Geo-Synchronous Orbit (IGSO) satellites and Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellites and the code biases in the pseudo-range observations of Geosynchronous Earth Orbit (GEO) satellites. In view of the code bias of the IGSO/MEO satellites, the code bias correction model is established using the weighted least square curve fitting method. After the correction, the code biases of the IGSO and MEO satellites are clearly mitigated. A methodology of correcting GEO code bias is proposed based on the empirical mode decomposition (EMD)-wavelet transform (WT) coupled model. The accuracies of the GEO multipath combination of the B1, B2 and B3 frequencies are improved by 39.9%, 17.9%, and 29.4%, respectively. Based on the corrections above, the ten days observations of three Multi-GNSS Experiment (MGEX) stations are processed. The results indicate that the convergence time of the precise point positioning (PPP) can be improved remarkably by applying a code bias. The mean convergence time can be improved by 14.67% after the IGSO/MEO code bias correction. By applying the GEO code bias, the mean convergence time can be further improved by 17.42%.  相似文献   
数传基带奇偶合路实时处理,是极化复用方式下卫星过境弧段即时判读星载设备状态及获取空间科学探测成果的前提和基础。面向空间科学卫星高速数传实时处理需求,针对传统合路处理方法受限于内存拷贝与排序操作导致处理性能较低的问题,提出一种使用环形队列对数据进行内存管理并基于各虚拟信道奇偶单路传输帧计数自然有序特征进行合路处理的新方法,有效规避频繁的内存移动与复杂耗时的排序操作,显著提升奇偶合路实时处理性能。空间科学卫星任务的工程实践结果表明,所提方法的实时合路性能满足ASO-S卫星1 Gbit·s–1和CASEarth卫星1.6 Gbit·s–1的高速数传实时处理需求。  相似文献   
介绍了指控系统人机交互发展阶段,对智能交互阶段的未来发展进行了分析,提出将影响指控系统未来人机交互的4个发展方向,即智能感知与认知、虚实结合、脑际交互和自然语音理解。同时指明了主动式多模态交互将是军用无人机指控系统人机交互未来的发展方向。  相似文献   
Lodging is a common phenomenon in maize production, which seriously affects its yield, quality, and mechanical harvesting capacity. With good penetrating power, satellite radar can monitor crop growth even under cloudy weather conditions. In this study, a method based on the change in plant height before and after lodging in maize is proposed to calculate the lodging angle and monitor the lodging degree by using dual-polarization Sentinel-1A data. The results show that the optimal sensitive polarization combinations of maize plant height before and after lodging are VH/VV and VV, respectively. The lodging angle is calculated using the plant height inversion results before and after lodging. The overall accuracy of classifying lodging grade of maize is 67%. The proposed model based on lodging angle could effectively mapped the maize lodging range on a regional scale and classify the lodging grades.  相似文献   
本文在实验结果基础上,给出了一种计算锥—柱—船尾、拱—柱—船尾和圆球这三类旋成体脱体激波的工程方法。作为一个比较经典的方法,文[1]给出的方法已广泛用来计算物体低超声速飞行时的头部脱体激波。我们知道,理论上能检验脱体波计算合理与否的必要条件是圆锥激波脱体条件。考察文[1]方法后发现,该方法理论上不满足激波脱体条件;究其原因是由于物面肩部发出的声速线处理得较实际过于倾斜。实验结果表明,在M_∞→1时,声速线在物体横向相当一段范围内近乎垂直来流方向。据此本文对文[1]方法做了相应修正。修正过的方法既能满足激波脱体条件,又能与实际吻合较好;而且本方法适用范围较广。  相似文献   
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