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The current status of the theory of a new astrophysical phenomenon, aradiation-driven diskon, is outlined.The cyclotron radiation pressure around sufficiently hot, strongly magnetized white dwarfs and neutron stars is shown to be able to drive a wind from the photosphere and support a plasma envelope in the closed part of the magnetosphere. The magnetohydrostatic configuration of an optically thin, radiatively supported plasma envelope is determined. It consists of an equatorial disk in the region where the cyclotron radiation force exceeds the local force of gravity and a closed shell near the equilibrium surface where the radiation pressure equals gravity. The effects of finite optical depth on the behaviour of the magnetospheric plasma and the influence of the envelope on the observed radiation are discussed.Classes of magnetic degenerate stars are pointed out in which radiation-driven diskons may be found. The best candidates are two individual stars, the strongly magnetized white dwarfs GD 229 and PG 1031+234. Both exhibit broad and deep depressions in the ultraviolet which are explained as a result of cyclotron scattering by an optically thick radiation-driven envelope in the inhomogeneous magnetic field of the star. We predict a temporal and spectral variability of these features due to non-stationary plasma motions in the envelope.  相似文献   
采用国产含氟乳液为基料,研究了辅料的种类和用量,涂料的组成及工艺参数对涂膜性能的影响,提出了能获得良好涂膜的NH-93型氟涂料的配方和成膜条件。  相似文献   
本文通过团体粉末渗铌试验,分析了渗剂成分、渗入时间与温度对不同材料渗层的影响,研究与探讨了渗层的组织和性能。对45钢、T10钢、9CrSi钢和GCr15钢等材料采用铌铁粉末进行的渗铌处理,均可形成一定厚度的铌渗层,且表层硬度提高很多,摩擦力矩数值反映渗铌后摩擦系数减少。  相似文献   
Observations carried out from the coronagraphs on board space missions (LASCO/SOHO, Solar Maximum and Skylab) and ground-based facilities (HAO/Mauna Loa Observatory) show that coronal mass ejections (CMEs) can be classified into two classes based on their kinematics evolution. These two classes of CMEs are so-called fast and slow CMEs. The fast CME starts with a high initial speed that remains more or less constant; it is also called the constant-speed CME. On the other hand, the slow CME starts with a low initial speed, but shows a gradual acceleration; it is also called the accelerated and slow CME. Low and Zhang [Astrophys. J. 564, L53–L56, 2002] suggested that these two classes of CMEs could be a result of a difference in the initial topology of the magnetic fields associated with the underlying quiescent prominences. A normal prominence magnetic field topology will lead to a fast CME, while an inverse quiescent prominence results in a slow CME, because of the nature of the magnetic reconnection processes. In a recent study given by Wu et al. [Solar Phys. 225, 157–175, 2004], it was shown that an inverse quiescent prominence magnetic topology also could produce a fast CME. In this study, we perform a numerical MHD simulation for CMEs occurring in both normal and inverse quiescent prominence magnetic topology. This study demonstrates three major physical processes responsible for destabilization of these two types of prominence magnetic field topologies that can launch CMEs. These three initiation processes are identical to those used by Wu et al. [Solar Phys. 225, 157–175, 2004]. The simulations show that both fast and slow CMEs can be initiated from these two different types of magnetic topologies. However, the normal quiescent prominence magnetic topology does show the possibility for launching a reconnection island (or secondary O-line) that might be thought of as a “CME’’.  相似文献   
We present preliminary results of a simultaneous X-ray/optical campaign of the prototypical LMXB Sco X-1 at 1–10 Hz time resolution. Lightcurves of the high excitation Bowen/HeII emission lines and a red continuum at λc  6000 Å were obtained through narrow interference filters with ULTRACAM, and these were cross-correlated with simultaneous RXTE X-ray lightcurves. We find evidence for correlated variability, in particular when Sco X-1 enters the Flaring branch. The Bowen/HeII lightcurves lag the X-ray lightcurves with a light travel time which is consistent with reprocessing in the companion star while the continuum lightcurves have shorter delays consistent with reprocessing in the accretion disc.  相似文献   
上世纪90年代以来,“传销”的蔓延造成了日益严重的社会问题。它源于行政法理论界探讨所得的“谨慎尝试”观对许可“传销”的倡言,但对这些法律研究的反思未曾开展。补作这项工作需要以系统法律理论分析“传销”及其相关问题。对德国新的《反不正当竞争法》第16条的系统分析显示,以普通法规制“传销”比以行政法有根本性优点。笔者进言采纳德国新的规制模式,以竞争法摧毁“传销”这种社会“顽疾”。  相似文献   
用凝固模拟方法预测铝合金铸件缩松的形成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用有限元法和六节点等参数单元对铝合金金属型铸造过程进行了温度场的数值模拟,对铸件不同典型部位进行了金相分析,结果表明,参数G/可有效地预测铝合金缩松形成倾向的大小,计算值与实测值基本一致。  相似文献   
We report on the analysis of XMM-Newton archival data of EXO 0748–676. We studied changes of the continuum spectra due to the presence of photo-ionized plasma on the line of sight. We show that the ionization degree of the plasma could change largely during the X-ray bursts and the dips. These changes can significantly modify the soft-band spectrum, which was in fact observed from EXO 0748–676. We discuss the effect of the photo-ionized plasma on the continuum spectra in comparison with a frequently used model such as partial covering absorption.  相似文献   
An attempt is made to compare optical properties of Abell clusters with X-ray sources.  相似文献   
A simulation-based method was developed to investigate the severity of Wake Vortex Encounters (WVEs). This paper describes an important part of this method: the determination of worst-case WVE conditions, which is referred to as Worst-Case Search (WCS). The WCS results permit to reduce time and costs of WVE severity related piloted simulator tests and allow the comparison of the hazard that vortices of different generator aircraft exert on a follower aircraft.The WCS is based on a high fidelity, offline simulation of the follower aircraft that includes the interacting wake vortex, a hazard criterion that rates the severity of each WVE, and a pilot model. It can be formulated as an optimisation problem that is solved with the optimisation tool MOPS (Multi Objective Parameter Synthesis). MOPS varies the encounter geometry until the simulation yields maximum values of the WVE hazard criterion.Worst-case encounter conditions for different parameters were investigated and sensitivity studies performed. The influence of the height above ground, the core radius, and the models for the wake vortex velocity profiles on the severity of a WVE was examined. To show the capability of the method, a comparison of the severity of a WVE behind two different heavy transport aircraft for a 20 t aircraft was made. The WCS method demonstrated its applicability and delivered the worst-case encounter geometry.


Zur Untersuchung der Heftigkeit von Wirbelschleppen wurde eine simulationsbasierte Methode entwickelt. Dieser Beitrag beschreibt einen wichtigen Bestandteil dieser Methode: die Bestimmung der ungünstigsten (worst case) Einflugbedingungen in die Wirbelschleppe. Die Kenntnis dieser Bedingungen gestattet eine Zeit- und Kostenreduzierung bei wirbelschleppenbezogenen Simulatorversuchen mit Piloten und ermöglicht gleichzeitig einen Vergleich der vom Wirbel ausgehgehenden Gefährdung für verschiedene Kombinationen voraus- und einfliegender Flugzeuge.Die Worst-Case-Bedingungen werden mit einer Offline-Simulation des Folgeflugzeugs bestimmt, die Modelle für die Wechselwirkung mit der Wirbelschleppe und für das Pilotenverhalten sowie Kriterien für die Gefährdung durch den Wirbel umfasst. Für die Steuerung der Simulation und die Worst-Case-Suche wird die Optimierungssoftware MOPS (Multi Objective Parameter Synthesis) verwendet. MOPS variiert die Geometrie des Wirbelschleppendurchflugs bis die Simulation die maximalen Kriterienwerte für die Gefährdung durch den Wirbel liefert.Die Worst-Case-Bedingungen wurden für unterschiedliche Parameter untersucht. Der Einfluss der Höhe über Grund, des Kernradius' und der unterschiedlichen Modelle für das Wirbelgeschwindigkeitsprofil auf die von den Wirbelschleppen ausgehenden Gefährdung wurde dabei ermittelt. Um die Leistungsfähigkeit der Methode zu demonstrieren, wurde die Gefährdung von Wirbelschleppen zweier generierender Flugzeuge (heavy class) auf ein nachfolgendes 20 t Transportflugzeug verglichen. Die Anwendbarkeit der Methode wurde bestätigt und die ungünstigsten Einflugbedingungen berechnet.  相似文献   
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