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本文对作战飞行程序(OFP)软件运行的软硬件环境及动态模拟综合(DSI)试验环境进行了介绍.通过对飞机、1553B总线系统、显控处理机和相关终端设备建立仿真模型,用纯软件实现了全部硬件环境功能的模拟.文章对该仿真软件架构及关键模块的设计进行了详细说明.该仿真软件实现了作战飞行程序在普通办公环境下的动态可视化开发.该仿真...  相似文献   
Assume a constellation of satellites is flying near a given nominal trajectory around L4L4 or L5L5 in the Earth–Moon system in such a way that there is some freedom in the selection of the geometry of the constellation. We are interested in avoiding large variations of the mutual distances between spacecraft. In this case, the existence of regions of zero and minimum relative radial acceleration with respect to the nominal trajectory will prevent from the expansion or contraction of the constellation. In the other case, the existence of regions of maximum relative radial acceleration with respect to the nominal trajectory will produce a larger expansion and contraction of the constellation. The goal of this paper is to study these regions in the scenario of the Circular Restricted Three Body Problem by means of a linearization of the equations of motion relative to the periodic orbits around L4L4 or L5L5. This study corresponds to a preliminar planar formation flight dynamics about triangular libration points in the Earth–Moon system. Additionally, the cost estimate to maintain the constellation in the regions of zero and minimum relative radial acceleration or keeping a rigid configuration is computed with the use of the residual acceleration concept. At the end, the results are compared with the dynamical behavior of the deviation of the constellation from a periodic orbit.  相似文献   
研究一种采用通用以太网物理层元件和FPGA器件构成的现场总线FED(Fieldbus based on Ethernet Devices),在片上系统(SOC,System On Chip)上开发出实用的现场总线通信装置.FED不需要复杂的驱动程序就可以实现链路层通信,在链路层基础上可以根据控制需要设计应用层通信协议.FED采用基于带飞读写功能的集总帧结构,使用主从式通讯.FED系统由1个主站和最多255个从站组成,实现了100 Mbit/s的高速实时通信.建立了实验系统,验证了FED总线可以满足数控机床等工业自动化设备的控制需求.  相似文献   
文章主要介绍如何在Linux系统下建立一套空间环境模拟器控制系统组态软件。首先给出该软件设计的整体结构与基本原理,软件架构基于QT平台搭建;研发了一套针对Linux操作系统的OPC驱动,成功地实现了硬件设备和上位软件之间的多对多通信;针对该驱动提出了扫描优先级算法,这种算法相对于Windows下的顺序扫描逻辑方式更加优化而高效。该组态软件已通过现场实际应用,控制效果良好,达到预期的结果。  相似文献   
通过对再入点速度大小、航迹角的限定,给出了由大气层内、外机动构成的总横向最大机动距离的数值计算方法。在此基础上,引入了对地攻击区的概念,给出了目标是否位于攻击区的判断方法及战斗舱离轨时刻的确定方法,从对地打击范围和快速性两个方面分析了单个天基对地打击武器的作战能力。  相似文献   
对带有周向前弯和周向后弯叶片的低压轴流风机,叶顶泄漏流动随流量变化特性进行了数值研究和实验校核,探讨了随流量减小,周向弯曲对叶顶泄漏涡的起源和发展规律的影响.性能计算结果与试验测量较为吻合,计算结果表明:随着流量减小,泄漏涡起源向前缘方向迁移,周向弯曲使泄漏流与主流掺混加剧;周向前弯叶片泄漏涡的起源距叶片前缘最远,涡强度最弱,移动最缓慢;周向前弯稳定叶顶流动,降低端壁损失,扩大稳定工作范围.   相似文献   
风洞试验设备是一个国家航空航天事业发展的基础设施,对国家的航空航天事业、武器装备研制以及国民经济的发展发挥着非常重要的作用。美国国家航空航天管理局(NASA)拥有世界上规模最大的风洞群,在风洞设备的建造、运行和管理方面积累了丰富的经验。作者根据美国对风洞试验设备的战略需求、试验能力需求等多种需求状况,对NASA风洞试验设备的现状进行了综合研究,重点对NASA风洞试验设备的综合状况、技术竞争力以及在资金日益削减情况下对风洞试验设备的管理进行了分析。在此基础上,对NASA在风洞试验设备的需求、规划、建造、技术竞争力、运行与管理等方面进行了经验总结,为我国风洞试验设备的规划、建造、运行与管理提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
基于最大序列相关性的Turbo码交织器识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴昭军  张立民  钟兆根 《航空学报》2019,40(6):322764-322764
针对现有算法在Turbo码交织器识别中存在低信噪比适应性差,且识别性能随交织长度增加而急剧恶化的缺点,提出了基于最大校正序列相关的识别算法。该算法首先利用已识别的交织位置序列对每一帧交织位置上的信息序列进行估计,通过遍历可能的交织位置,并作互相关运算,当遍历位置为交织映射关系时,该位置上的数据序列与估计序列具有最大的相似度,从而完成交织位置识别;然后充分利用这些交织位置上的序列,分别估计出校正数据序列,将校正的序列再与原始序列叠加,完成码元校正,直到所有的交织关系识别完成。所提算法直接利用了截获的软判决信息,同时能够实现码元校正,这就克服了以往算法的两个缺点。仿真结果表明,在信噪比为-1 dB,交织长度为1024时,所提出算法仅仅需要1000数据帧,就能达到100%的识别率,与以往算法相比,性能提升2~3 dB,同时完成一次可靠识别所需的数据量仅需以往算法的1/4。  相似文献   
With the continuous growth of air traffic flow, some airports in China or other countries begin to construct Closely Spaced Parallel Runways (CSPR) to meet the capacity requirement of civil aviation. In this paper, the simulation and calculation method of flight trajectory is developed, as well as the collision risk calculation method and wake vortex encounter risk calculation method. New methods for departure and go-around procedures are proposed to achieve approximate segregated parallel operation in an attempt to obtain approximately the same results on closely spaced parallel runways as on widely spaced parallel runways. By comparing with the independent parallel departure and segregated parallel operation in ICAO Doc. 9643, it is found that the lateral separation between aircraft in this proposal is not less than the separations in the other two cases. Based on the simulation calculation of flight trajectories under different conditions, the probabilities of collision conflict and encountering wake vortex are lower than those in current operation plan. The proposed plan has no special requirements in pilot operation, control command procedures, airport facilities, or meteorological observation and prediction, so it is convenient to promote and implement at the airports with closely spaced parallel runways.  相似文献   
Since the Sun-Earth libration points L1 and L2 are regarded as ideal locations for space science missions and candidate gateways for future crewed interplanetary missions, capturing near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) around the Sun-Earth L1/L2 points has generated significant interest. Therefore, this paper proposes the concept of coupling together a flyby of the Earth and then capturing small NEAs onto Sun–Earth L1/L2 periodic orbits. In this capture strategy, the Sun-Earth circular restricted three-body problem (CRTBP) is used to calculate target Lypaunov orbits and their invariant manifolds. A periapsis map is then employed to determine the required perigee of the Earth flyby. Moreover, depending on the perigee distance of the flyby, Earth flybys with and without aerobraking are investigated to design a transfer trajectory capturing a small NEA from its initial orbit to the stable manifolds associated with Sun-Earth L1/L2 periodic orbits. Finally, a global optimization is carried out, based on a detailed design procedure for NEA capture using an Earth flyby. Results show that the NEA capture strategies using an Earth flyby with and without aerobraking both have the potential to be of lower cost in terms of energy requirements than a direct NEA capture strategy without the Earth flyby. Moreover, NEA capture with an Earth flyby also has the potential for a shorter flight time compared to the NEA capture strategy without the Earth flyby.  相似文献   
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