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针对深度卷积网络目标检测算法参数量大、计算量大以及受星上计算资源、存储资源及功耗的限制,难以实现在轨部署的问题,提出了一种在轨高效目标检测算法加速框架与实现方法。首先,设计了一种可以同时兼容三种卷积算子的计算引擎,有效提高了资源利用率;其次,从通道和卷积核两个维度将目标检测算法模型展开,实现了加速器的高度并行化和可扩展性;最后,在多种FPGA平台上实现了该加速器并对其性能进行了评估。实验结果表明:所提出的加速器计算性能可以达到1843.2 GFLOPs(每秒千兆次浮点运算),推理时间为0.22 ms。与同类加速器方案相比,所提出的加速器框架在性能、功耗、能效比及推理时间方面具有很大优势,适合部署在资源受限环境中,具有良好的星上应用前景和价值。  相似文献   
朱璐  李响  胡迪科  周政言 《宇航学报》2022,43(7):946-956
针对星箭分离过程,建立了减冲击环结构模型,并分析了该结构的减冲原理。利用冲击响应谱的时域合成算法计算获得符合冲击谱规范的时域载荷,并以此作为结构优化设计中动力学模型的输入载荷工况。以减冲击环的连续层数、单层支撑块数、连续层厚度、支撑块层高度以及环的外半径和内半径6个结构参数为设计变量,以减冲效果和结构强度、刚度为约束,以质量最轻为目标,建立减冲击环的结构优化设计模型,这是一包含离散变量和连续变量的混合优化问题。为了在跨平台下求解该混合优化问题,采用代理模型策略和自适应模拟退火算法求解,并在最优点处开展结构性能对设计变量的敏度计算,对计算结果进行了分析评估。本研究对强冲击动力学环境下的航天器结构分析与设计有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
In this paper the influence of large-scale decreasing and increasing gradients of the density of magnetized plasma on the relaxation process of a continuously injected relativistic electron beam with an energy of 660 keV (vb=0.9c) and a pitch-angle distribution is studied using particle-in-cell numerical simulations. It is found that for the selected parameters in the case of a smoothly decreasing gradient and in a homogeneous plasma the formation of spatially limited plasma oscillations of large amplitude occurs. In such cases, modulation instability develops and a long-wave longitudinal modulation of the ion density is formed. In addition, the large amplitude of plasma waves accelerates plasma electrons to energies on the order of the beam energy. In the case of increasing and sharply decreasing gradients, a significant decrease in the amplitude of plasma oscillations and the formation of a turbulent ion density spectrum are observed. The possibility of acceleration of beam electrons to energies more than 2 times higher than the initial energy of the beam particles is also demonstrated. This process takes place not only during beam propagation in growing plasma density, but also in homogeneous plasma due to interaction of beam particles with plasma oscillations of large amplitude.  相似文献   
The present study proposes a segmented cooling-stream injection structure based on a certain coolant mass flow rate, and numerically investigates the effect of segmented cooling-stream injection on supersonic film cooling. The results indicate that without shock-wave impingement and with helium as the coolant, segmented cooling-stream injection can reduce the mixing between the mainstream and the cooling stream to produce better cooling performance than single injection, especially at larger coo...  相似文献   
王旺  刘凡  严红 《推进技术》2022,43(10):104-118
为了寻求有效的流动控制方法来降低隔离段总压损失,本文基于非定常雷诺平均的Navier-Stokes方程,探究激光脉冲能量沉积对二维及三维隔离段流场马赫反射的控制效果。在来流马赫数分别为1.61和2.51的隔离段流场马赫反射上游,加入脉冲能量沉积,对比激励流场与基础流场,结果表明:能量沉积主要通过高温热核和其诱导的压力波两种方式对马赫反射结构施加作用,显著地影响了马赫反射结构,促使Ma∞ =1.61来流工况下马赫杆的高度减小,马赫反射强度减弱;Ma∞ =2.51来流工况下的马赫反射结构转变为稳定的正规反射,减小了总压损失。控制过程包括:(1)能量沉积产生的局部高温降低当地马赫数,减小马赫反射强度;(2)高温热核诱导的弓形波与马赫反射相互作用,马赫反射结构变形;(3)以反压形式影响马赫反射。  相似文献   
不同冲击脉宽在标定压电式冲击传感器过程产生不同的结果,主要原因是脉宽冲击频率处于传感器安 装频响的放大区,不同的脉宽作用于传感器后放大效应不同,导致标定结果差异。冲击传感器使用空气炮和霍普金 生杆进行单独标定,对标定结果进行了差异分析。对传感器安装频响曲线进行了定性分析,符合冲击脉宽差导致不 同标定结果的事实。对标定过程中标定脉宽控制提出了具体的措施,对于正确标定冲击传感器具有指导意义。  相似文献   
基于阿伦尼乌斯(Arrhenius)公式,推导得到了变温环境下的老化等效温度模型,并根据实际监测的环境温度数据,计算了实测环境温度下的老化等效温度.在此基础上,根据不同海域环境温度统计模型及数据,得到不同海域老化等效温度,从而为变温条件下的老化计算和加速试验方案设计提供了参考.研究表明,环境温度受季节和昼夜变化影响,呈...  相似文献   
Oblique detonation wave triggered by a double wedge in hypersonic flow   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pressure-gain combustion has gained attention for airbreathing ramjet engine applications owing to its better thermodynamic efficiency and fuel consumption rate. In contrast with traditional detonation induced by a single wedge, the present study considers oblique shock interactions attached to double wedges in a hypersonic combustible flow. The temperature/pressure increases sharply across the interaction zone that initiates an exothermic reaction, finally resulting in an Oblique Detonation Wav...  相似文献   
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