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A 10.7 cm solar radio flux F10.7, geomagnetic planetary equivalent amplitude (Ap index), and period variations were considered in this paper to construct a linear model for daily averaged ionospheric total electron content (TEC). The correlation coefficient of the modeled results and International GNSS Service (IGS) observables was approximately 0.97, which implied that the model could accurately reflect the realistic variation characteristics of the daily averaged TEC. The influences of the different factors on TEC and its characteristics at different latitudes were examined with this model. Results show that solar activity, annual and semiannual cycles are the three most important factors that affect daily averaged TEC. Solar activity is the primary determinant of TEC during periods with high solar activity, whereas periodic factors primarily contribute to TEC during periods with minimum solar activity. The extent of the influences of the different factors on TEC exhibits obvious differences at varying latitudes. The magnitude of the semiannual variation becomes less significant with the increase in latitude. Furthermore, a geomagnetic storm causes an increase in TEC at low latitudes and a decrease at high latitudes.  相似文献   
To understand global variability and triggering mechanisms of ionospheric nighttime equatorial spread F (ESF), we analyzed measurements from satellite and a ground-based GPS station for the years between 2010 and 2017. In this study we present seasonal-longitudinal as well as monthly variability of ESF occurrence for solar minimum and yearly variations of ESF occurrence for solar maximum and minimum periods. One of the long standing open questions in the study of ESF is what exactly initiates the Rayleigh-Taylor (RT) plasma instability growth. This question is the focus of the present work. Zonal background eastward electric field and E × B upward plasma drift speed patterns are found to be critically important in understanding plasma irregularity formation. In addition to particular patterns observed on these parameters, the background plasma density in the local evening hours just before the onset of ESF occurrence is very important. Stronger plasma densities just before the onset of irregularities resulted in stronger plasma irregularities, while relatively less dense plasma just before the onset of irregularities resulted in relatively lower plasma irregularities. Seasonal variations in ESF activity between March and September equinox seasons with comparable plasma densities can be defined in terms of the rate of change of solar flux F10.7 (dF10.7/day) index. Strongest ESF occurrence and strongest dF10.7/day are measured in the same month out of all other months in 2016 and 2017. Longitudinal variations of ESF activity in our measurements are related to longitudinal variations of plasma densities. We also found that ESF occurrence is better correlated with rate of change of F10.7 index for months in equinox seasons than for months in solstice seasons for the years between 2013 and 2016.  相似文献   
Research on empirical or physical models of ionospheric parameters is one of the important topics in the field of space weather and communication support services. To improve the accuracy of predicting the monthly median ionospheric propagating factor at 3000 km of the F2 layer (identified as M(3000)F2) for high frequency radio wave propagation, a model based on modified orthogonal temporal–spatial functions is proposed. The proposed model has three new characteristics: (1) The solar activity parameters of sunspot number and the 10.7-cm solar radio flux are together introduced into temporal reconstruction. (2) Both the geomagnetic dip and its modified value are chosen as features of the geographical spatial variation for spatial reconstruction. (3) A series of harmonic functions are used to represent the M(3000)F2, which reflects seasonal and solar cycle variations. The proposed model is established by combining nonlinear regression for three characteristics with harmonic analysis by using vertical sounding data over East Asia. Statistical results reveal that M(3000)F2 calculated by the proposed model is consistent with the trend of the monthly median observations. The proposed model is better than the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model by comparison between predictions and observations of six station, which illustrates that the proposed model outperforms the IRI model over East Asia. The proposed method can be further expanded for potentially providing more accurate predictions for other ionospheric parameters on the global scale.  相似文献   
旅客氧气面罩作为旅客氧气系统的重要组成部分,是一种常见的为旅客提供应急氧气的分氧装置,随着国产大飞机项目的深入开展,依照国际通用标准研制了一款持续气流旅客氧气面罩。由于旅客氧气面罩在民用飞机上的广泛装备,要求其必须具备优良的防火性能。针对CCAR-25-R4的第25.853条款和附录F第一部分的防火性能要求,对适航条款进行分析,通过对所研制面罩主体部分的硅胶和聚氯乙烯材料进行模拟切块制样,采用CCAR-25-R4附录F第Ⅰ部分(b)(5)的测试方法对所制备的试样进行水平燃烧试验。结果表明,面罩材料的水平燃烧试验燃烧速率为0,满足CCAR-25-R4附录F第Ⅰ部分第(a)(1)(iv)条款所规定的水平燃烧试验燃烧速率不得超过64mm/min的要求,研制的旅客氧气面罩防火性能满足适航要求。  相似文献   
介绍STM32F10xxx标准外设库的结构及其使用要点,在STM32103VB平台上,以Keil uVision4为开发工具,使用最新的标准外设库V3.3.0,实现串口通讯功能。  相似文献   
针对通常需要高分辨率的模数转换的导航领域,描述了一种高分辨率积分输出的A/D转换电路的设计,论述其工作原理和软硬件设计方案。通过电路仿真和试验分析表明,这种A/D转换电路的设计兼具V/F转换的高精度和A/D转换的高速输出的优点。  相似文献   
多状态n中连续取k系统是二值状态n中连续取k系统扩展到多状态的一般模型.多状态n中连续取k系统可靠性的求解问题是可靠性工程中一个热点和难点.当元件及系统具有多状态时分析了系统的可靠性与元件的可靠性之间的关系.对于系统处于不同状态时具有不同的可靠性结构的情形,提出了计算多状态n中连续取k坏系统可靠性的递归算法.实例对比说明了该方法的正确性和可用性.该方法不仅适用于递减或递增多状态系统,而且对系统及部件所处的状态数目的大小不加要求,为进一步研究复杂多状态系统奠定了基础.   相似文献   
以比例为1∶3的F1方程式赛车后升力翼为研究对象,研究了后升力翼攻角变化对F1方程式赛车气动阻力和气动升力的影响规律.在攻角为12°时,气动升力与气动阻力的比值的绝对值达到最大,此攻角就是F1方程式赛车后升力翼的最佳攻角,模型风洞试验验证了这一结论.   相似文献   
利用1956-2003年的F10.7日均值数据,采用Morlet小波变换方法,分析了准27天振荡的特征及与太阳活动11年周期(Schwabe周期)的关系.结果表明,F10.7的准27天振荡的幅度和周期存在明显的短期变化现象,不同年里变化的程度差别很大,有些年里起伏非常剧烈,在几天到几十天的很短时间里,幅度变化达十几倍,周期可变化数天,甚至发生十几天的突变;有些年里,幅度变化很大但起伏很小,周期也比较稳定.准27天振荡的年平均幅度存在明显的逐年变化,与太阳活动显著相关.一般说来,F10.7越高,准27天振荡的幅度就越大,然而在太阳活动19周峰年,F10.7比其他活动周的值都高,但准27天振荡的幅度却比其他活动周低.准27天振荡的周期也有明显的逐年变化,除了个别年(如1987年),年平均周期在24至31天之间变化,与太阳活动周期没有明显的关系.48年的平均周期为27.3天.从总体看,周期有逐渐缩短的趋势,48年里周期大约减少了1.5天.造成准27天振荡起伏的因素非常复杂,有待深入研究.  相似文献   
F2层对地磁扰动的响应   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用37个电离层垂直探测站1974-1986年的数据,采用f0F2与地磁ap指数相关分析的方法,首次得到一个太阳活动周期各年东亚-澳大利亚扇区,欧洲-非洲扇区和美洲-东太平洋扇区F2层对地磁扰动响应随地磁纬度的分布.结果指出,地磁高纬和中纬地区为负响应,低纬和赤道地区为正响应,大约在±30°附近换向.最大正响应在磁赤道附近,最大负响应在地磁纬度±50°附近,最大负响应的幅度大于最大正响应的幅度.存在明显的经度差别和南北半球不对称性.  相似文献   
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