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腐蚀是飞机结构损伤的主要形式之一,严重影响着飞机的结构完整性、可靠性和飞行安全性。某型退役海军飞机曾长期在高温、高湿、高盐雾的沿海机场服役,选取并分解该飞机不参与受力的进气道蒙皮构件,加工制作成标准疲劳试件,通过试验得出剩余寿命。建立相应的疲劳寿命可靠性模型,运用MonteCarlo方法仿真计算可靠性寿命,并将计算结果与试验结果进行比较,初步验证可靠性理论模型的正确性。研究结果表明,该可靠性方法可以应用于飞机结构寿命评估。  相似文献   
研究 NR1155天然橡胶在不同硫化压力下热硫化后的物理力学性能。基于90°粘合剥离强度测试方法分别测量了不同硫化压力下制备的橡胶/金属复合结构试样的粘合剥离强度,并采用低场 NMR 橡胶交联密度测定仪分析试样中橡胶部分的交联密度,同时采用冷场发射电子扫描显微镜(SEM)研究剥离破坏表面。结果表明:NR1155天然橡胶胶料与 Chemlok205/Chemlok220热硫化胶粘体系具有很好的相容性和协同硫化作用。随着硫化压力的提高,橡胶/金属的粘合剥离强度呈现先降低后增加的规律,且最大剥离力呈现对硫化压力的函数依赖关系,而硫化胶的交联密度则呈现相反的趋势。  相似文献   
阐述了无人机蜂窝夹芯复合材料结构件 工艺装备的设计与制造的发展过程及各种加工方法的 优缺点。  相似文献   
 影响飞机结构RCS值的因素很多。对于全金属结构的飞机,由于雷达波受到金属蒙皮的遮挡,其内部结构对飞机RCS的影响不大,几何外形及蒙皮材料的电磁特性是主要的影响因素,但对于在机体结构中采用了复合材料的情况就复杂多了。  相似文献   
超高强度钢300M含碳量,等温组织与力学行为的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了四种含碳量、三种等温温度与力学行为的关系,并与淬火回火300M钢进行比较得出,300M钢在Ms点以下温度等温获得M+B_下+A_R混合组织、超高强度和优良的韧性。断裂韧性对含碳量不敏感,冲击韧性随含碳量升高而降低。较高温度等温时,钢的冲击韧性和断裂韧性显著提高且对含碳量不敏感。  相似文献   
We present soft X-ray observations of helmet structures in solar active regions obtained from SXT/Yohkoh. These helmet structures are observed to form in the flare decay phase and to be associated with active region loop interactions. Their morphology is similar to the much larger scale helmet streamers that appear in the outer corona as shown in optical images of solar eclipse. The observed X-ray helmet structures appear to be in quasi-equilibrium with lifetimes greater than the MHD time scale. Using the filter ratio method for the X-ray observations, we find that the cusp region has lower temperature and higher density than that in the stalk region above it. The plasma pressure in the cusp region is about the same or slightly higher than that in the stalk region.  相似文献   
为减轻飞船返回舱结构重量、使结构形式更为合理,对返回舱主要部件进行了结构优化设计。在不降低结构可靠性、满足与其他设备接口匹配性等4项优化原则的基础上,合理选取优化对象,确定了优化目的和约束条件,并以前端框、滚动发动机舱和贮箱隔舱3个主要部件为例分别进行阐述。通过优化设计,3个主要部件的结构重量减轻了0.25~10kg,...  相似文献   
一种新型充气式重力梯度杆的研制和在轨展开试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章对中国“新技术验证一号”卫星搭载的一种新型充气式重力梯度杆的研制和在轨试验情况进行了介绍。重力梯度杆在小卫星控制领域中具有较好的应用前景,而充气结构具有轻质、占用空间小、发射成本低的特点,采用充气式重力梯度杆可避免传统机械式重力梯度杆质量重、尺寸大和机构复杂的缺点,它以充气伸展臂为主要结构形式,通过充气展开伸直成为重力梯度杆,既作为卫星重力梯度杆又通过在轨试验验证空间充气展开结构的性能。在轨试验结果表明充气式重力梯度杆展开稳定、有序、性能可靠,可以满足小卫星的性能和功能要求。该试验也是中国首个成功的充气展开结构在轨技术验证试验,标志着中国的充气展开结构技术初步具备了工程化能力。  相似文献   
轻质复合材料发射箱盖结构设计与参数优化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 针对国内现阶段复合材料发射箱盖研制领域中所存在的一些缺陷,通过设计一种方形轻质复合材料发射箱盖结构提出解决方案。首先提出了结构中薄弱区与抛出部分的初步设计方案;然后对导弹发射时燃气流冲击箱盖过程进行了瞬态数值模拟,并根据数值模拟结果对箱盖结构参数进行了优化;最后针对优化结构冲破过程进行了数值模拟,结果表明,按优化后方案设计的箱盖结构既能实现结构的轻质化,又能在开盖过程中保证较好的冲破性能。  相似文献   
Abstract Implementing the morphing technique on a micro air vehicle (MAV) wing is a very chal- lenging task, due to the MAWs wing size limitation and the complex morphing mechanism. As a result, understanding aerodynamic characteristics and flow configurations, subject to wing structure deformation of a morphing wing MAV has remained obstructed. Thus, this paper presents the investigation of structural deformation, aerodynamics performance and flow formation on a pro- posed twist morphing MAV wing design named perimeter reinforced (PR)-compliant wing. The numerical simulation of two-way fluid structure interaction (FSI) investigation consist of a quasi- static aeroelastic structural analysis coupled with 3D incompressible Reynolds-averaged Navier- Stokes and shear-stress-transport (RANS-SST) solver utilized throughout this study. Verification of numerical method on a rigid rectangular wing achieves a good correlation with available exper- imental results. A comparative aeroelastic study between PR-compliant to PR and rigid wing per- formance is organized to elucidate the morphing wing performances. Structural deformation results show that PR-compliant wing is able to alter the wing's geometric twist characteristic, which has directly influenced both the overall aerodynamic performance and flow structure behavior. Despite the superior lift performance result, PR-compliant wing also suffers from massive drag penalty, which has consequently affected the wing efficiency in general. Based on vortices investigation, the results reveal the connection between these aerodynamic performances with vortices formation on PR-comoliant wing.  相似文献   
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