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限塑令的意义深远而重大,但实施多年的实际效果却十分有限。造成限塑令有限效果的原因是多方面的,其中不容忽视的原因是在宣传和推行限塑令的过程中,往往是就事论事,缺失环境伦理的维度,没有将这一命令的意义从环境伦理上进行延伸和升华。限塑令的有限效果从反面告诫我们:只有从环境伦理的高度去认识和落实限塑令,才能充分体现这一政策的真实意义和最终目的。同时它也从反面提醒我们:在构建环境伦理时,应充分发挥舆论的导向作用,并巧妙运用利益手段,将广大民众引上环境道德的正途,以便在全社会形成自觉保护环境的良好风气,培养人们崇尚和践行环境道德的美好品德。  相似文献   
为了研究微纳米尺度下单晶锗的力学特性,采用纳米压痕仪对单晶锗(100)(110)和(111)晶面进行了纳米压痕实验,并通过原子力显微镜对材料表面进行了观测。根据单晶锗各晶面的位移-载荷曲线,对单晶锗各晶面的弹性回复率、硬度、弹性模量与压入深度之间的关系进行了分析。结果表明:单晶锗在加载过程中分别经历了弹性变形、塑性变形和脆性变形三个阶段。当压入深度超过500 nm时,加载曲线上有突进点产生;当压入深度超过100 nm时,卸载曲线上有突退点产生。单晶锗的残余压痕形貌表现为凸起状,表明单晶锗具有较低的加工硬化趋势。当压入深度达到100 nm时,单晶锗表现出明显的尺寸效应,且单晶锗(111)晶面具有最低硬度和弹性模量值。表明相对于其他两个晶面,单晶锗(111)晶面具有更好的塑性变形能力。  相似文献   
应用二维三分量混合模拟方法数值研究了各向异性等离子体中的磁场重联过程.计算结果表明,当等离子体垂直于磁场方向的压强大于平行方向的压强时(P/P=1.5),等离子体不稳定性的增长率会大大增强,重联速度也会加快;当等离子体垂直方向的压强小于平行方向的压强时(P/P=0.6),会出现火蛇管不稳定性,将抑制撕裂模不稳定性和磁场重联过程.  相似文献   
The present paper continues the discussion in Part-I. Model and Formulation. Based on the theory proposed in Part-I, the formulae predicting stiffness moduli of the composites in some typical cases of whisker orientations and loading conditions are derived and compared with theoretical representatives in literatures, experimental measurement and commonly-used empirical formulae. It seems that (1) with whisker reinforcing and matrix-hardening considered, the present prediction is in well agreement with the experimental measurement; (2) the present theory can predict accurate moduli with the proper pre-calculated parameters; (3) the upper-bound and lower-bound of the present theory are just the predictions of equal strain theory and equal stress theory; (4) the present theory provides a physical explanation and theoretical base for the present commonly-used empirical formulae. Compared with the microscopic mechanical theories, the present theory is competent for modulus prediction of practical engineering composite in accuracy and simplicity.  相似文献   
本文介绍了液压缸在塑料模抽芯机构中的应用,论述了液压缸的选用、与型芯的连接形式。固定、及如何对液压缸提供液压油等液压缸使用的方法及应该注意的问题。  相似文献   
In order to investigate the yielding behavior of the newly developed Ni 3 Al-based intermetallic alloy IC10, yield stresses have been measured in tension and compression with different orientations. The specimens were cut from a sheet with different angles inclined from the solidification direction. The inclined angles were taken to be 0 , 22.5 , 45 , 67.5 and 90 . All experiments were conducted at room temperature except for orientation 0 , whose deformation temperatures ranged from 298 to 1273 K. Experimental results show that the yield strength of alloy IC10 has the anomalous behavior which has been observed for other Ll 2 -long-range ordered intermetallic alloys, but it is less pronounced. The abnormalities show the following characteristics: (i) the yield strength increases as the temperature is raised below the peak temperature, (ii) yield strength anisotropy, (iii) tension/compression asymmetry. Compared to Ni 3 Al single crystals, the polycrystalline exhibits some different yielding behaviors which may be due to the high volume fraction of c phase.  相似文献   
We study the 27-day variations of the solar wind velocity, galactic cosmic ray (GCR) intensity and anisotropy in the last minimum epoch of solar activity (2007–2009, A < 0). The average amplitude of the 27-day variation of the galactic cosmic ray anisotropy (A27A) in the current minimum epoch of solar activity (2007–2009, A < 0) is lesser than in previous positive polarity period as it is expected from the drift theory. So, polarity dependence rule for the 27-day variation of the GCR anisotropy is fully kept. It is a universal principle for the amplitudes of the 27-day variation of the GCR anisotropy. At the same time, the average amplitude of the 27-day variation of the GCR intensity (A27I) remains at the same level as for previous minimum epoch 1995–1997 (A > 0) showing by the same token an violation of its polarity dependence rule established earlier. We assume that this phenomenon could be generally related with the well established 27-day variation of the solar wind velocity being in anti-correlation with the similar changes of the 27-day variation of the GCR intensity. Generally, a character of the heliolongitudinal asymmetry of spatial large-scale structure of the solar wind velocity (SWV) established in the recent minimum epoch, preferentially pronounces in the behavior of the 27-day variation of the GCR intensity than anisotropy. The formation of the 27-day variation of the GCR anisotropy preferentially takes place in a restricted disk like local vicinity in the helioequatorial region, whilst the 27-day variation of the GCR intensity is formed in the global three dimensional vicinity of the heliosphere.  相似文献   
织构及组织结构对超高强铝合金平面力学性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以自行制备的高合金含量的Al-Zn-Mg-Cu合金为试验材料,测试观察挤压带板及其制备的等温模锻件的织构类型及组分强度、组织结构、平面拉伸力学性能及各向异性指数,通过计算{111}112滑移系的施密特因子,采用单晶近似法分析平面拉伸力学性能各向异性与织构的关系,使用霍尔-佩奇定律分析了组织结构与平面拉伸力学性能各向异性的关系,结果表明:合金经剧烈变形后,以变形织构为主,变形织构会引起各向异性,导致合金45°方向强度偏低;挤压形成的纤维组织是引起挤压带板L向及LT向各向异性的主要原因。{110}112Brass织构强度增加,可以抵消纤维组织引起的L向及LT向的各向异性;LT向伸长率低及伸长率各向异性主要是由第二相粒子延晶界的链状分布引起,同时也与织构引起的晶粒强度变化有很大关系。  相似文献   
对光纤激光焊接2.5mm厚TC4对接接头的拉伸力学性能进行研究,其研究方法为在常规的拉伸试验中,附加同步的红外热像测量,实时记录拉伸全过程中试样在力作用下温度场的变化。常规测试结果表明:接头与母材的强度相当,延伸率只达到母材的59.53%。试样温度场测试结果表明:当接头和母材受到的轴向载荷低于屈服强度对应载荷时,接头在热影响区部位会产生较大的应力集中,但接头和母材均未产生明显的塑性变形;当载荷等于屈服强度对应载荷时,均在宏观屈服点之前发生了微观的塑性变形;当载荷等于抗拉强度对应载荷时,接头发生剧烈塑性变形区域的长度只达到母材的35%,且接头与母材发生剧烈塑性变形区域的长度随拉伸过程的进行逐渐增加。  相似文献   
齿轮滚轧成形技术是一种结合齿轮锻造成形优势和轧制技术特点的齿轮塑性成形新工艺.对齿轮滚轧成形技术的基本原理和特点进行了简要介绍,对国内外有关齿轮滚轧成形技术的研究现状进行了综述,重点从工艺基础理论、数值模拟分析以及试验研究等方面给出了当前齿轮滚轧成形技术面临的主要问题,并据此提出了未来齿轮滚轧成形技术研究发展的若干建议.  相似文献   
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