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Currently light emitting diodes (LEDs) are considered to be most preferable source for space plant growth facilities. We performed a complex study of growth and photosynthesis in Chinese cabbage plants (Brassica chinensis L.) grown with continuous LED lighting based on red (650 nm) and blue (470 nm) LEDs with a red to blue photon ratio of 7:1. Plants grown with high-pressure sodium (HPS) lamps were used as a control. PPF levels used were about 100 μmol/(m2 s) (PPF 100) and nearly 400 μmol/(m2 s) (PPF 400). One group of plants was grown with PPF 100 and transferred to PPF 400 at the age of 12 days. Plants were studied at the age of 15 and 28 days (harvest age); some plants were left to naturally end their life cycle. We studied a number of parameters reflecting different stages of photosynthesis: photosynthetic pigment content; chlorophyll fluorescence parameters (photosystem II quantum yield, photochemical and non-photochemical chlorophyll fluorescence quenching); electron transport rate, proton gradient on thylakoid membranes (ΔpH), and photophosphorylation rate in isolated chloroplasts. We also tested parameters reflecting plant growth and productivity: shoot and root fresh and dry weight, sugar content and ascorbic acid content in shoots. Our results had shown that at PPF 100, plants grown with LEDs did not differ from control plants in shoot fresh weight, but showed substantial differences in photophosphorylation rate and sugar content. Differences observed in plants grown with PPF 100 become more pronounced in plants grown with PPF 400. Most parameters characterizing the plant photosynthetic performance, such as photosynthetic pigment content, electron transport rate, and ΔpH did not react strongly to light spectrum. Photophosphorylation rate differed strongly in plants grown with different spectrum and PPF level, but did not always reflect final plant yield. Results of the present work suggest that narrow-band LED lighting caused changes in Chinese cabbage plants on levels of the photosynthetic apparatus and the whole plant, concerning its development and adaptation to a varying PPF level.  相似文献   
中国共产党是领导中国人民取得抗日战争胜利的中流砥柱,中国共产党之所以能够承担这一历史重任,在于其自身阶级基础、组织、思想所具有的先进性。同时,中国共产党的先进性又体现在其能够始终代表中华民族的根本利益和最广大人民的根本利益,具体地表现在建立和维护抗日民族统一战线、提出了正确的抗战路线和战略思想、党自身的建设得到不断的加强。今天我们要继承和发扬这种先进性。  相似文献   
姓名文化是人类文化特殊而又重要的组成部分。通过分别探究中英两种语言中姓氏的起源、姓名选择的条件、意义以及中英两种姓名模块所呈现的内在特点,挖掘了姓名这一语言现象所蕴涵的政治和历史等时代信息.发现了存在于东西方姓名文化中的巨大相同点。使东西方文化研究的璀璨星空更加闪烁。  相似文献   
鲁迅早期诗歌解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鲁迅的早期诗歌虽然只是如他说的“为新诗打打边鼓,凑些热闹”,然而作为一个伟大的思想家和一个勇于探新的开路先锋,他的精神在诗歌里也有表现。这主要体现在思想上的“表现深切”,格式上的“特别”。这些在新诗开创初期都有功不可没的价值和意义,从而也具有了不可否认的史的价值。  相似文献   
阐述了精密仪器软件在西文DOS环境中运行的汉字界面模块功能和设计中的主要问题,介绍了该模块在精密轴系径向回转误差测量数据处理软件设计中的应用。  相似文献   
There is understanding to date that Pi2 pulsations have two sources. One source is a high-latitude one and is due to fluctuations of electrojet parameters. The other source is a mid-latitude one and is driven by a global mode excited in the Earths plasmasphere. There is experimental evidence that in the near-equatorial regions the character of Pi2 excitation is different from high and mid-latitudes. In this connection, we investigated the amplitude-spectral-polarization characteristics of Pi2 pulsations using the date from near-equatorial Chinese stations. The detected regularities in the excitation of near-equatorial Pi2 pulsations are used in the discussion of the possible physical mechanism that is responsible for the generation of these pulsations.  相似文献   
文章在介绍全球品牌百强排行榜由来的基础上,通过解读Interbrand的品牌评价方法,对中国企业品牌目前难以上榜的原因进行了分析,认为中国企业应在发挥成本优势的同时,注重丰富品牌内涵,加强品牌营销和管理,踏实发展,避免浮躁,同时有关部门应对“中国制造”的品牌加以维护和扶持。假以时日,国产品牌定能进入世界顶尖品牌行列。  相似文献   
英语作为国际性的语言从各国语言中吸收了大量借词。英语中存在汉语借词有多种原因,汉语借词对英语语言做出了贡献,丰富了英语词汇与表达方式,同时也传递了中国文化信息。  相似文献   
航天故障诊断系统中内存紧张情况下的汉字处理技术,包括读取汉字字形点阵信息,建立小字库和点阵汉字显示技术、以及显示原理作了介绍并给出了完整的模块程序代码。  相似文献   
语言是一扇窗户。通过这扇窗户,能够进一步了解创作者的思想。多学一个语言,就是为自己多打开一扇窗户。英语是世界通用语,各国政治、经贸、文化、体育等交流都离不开它。中文是世界人口使用最多的语言。中国在崛起,华语文化也在世界各地蓬勃开展。要想知己知彼,让中华文化在全球立于不败,必须加强高校人文素质教育,使学生具备双语文化素质。我国工科院校学生理工科专业知识扎实,但对母语文化重视不够,甚至缺失,对外来文化更是理解认识不够。这就是本文探讨的重点。  相似文献   
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