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在GPS 单点定位中, 参数解算的收敛时间和收敛稳定性是重要的研究内容之一, 影响收敛时间和收敛稳定性的因素很多, 本文主要就观测资料的不同采样间隔、卫星钟差资料的不同采样间隔、不同的定位精度要求对精密单点定位中参数收敛时间的影响进行了深入的分析探讨, 以中国上海GPS综合应用网中的12个测站资料为例, 分析了采样间隔、定位精度要求与收敛时间的关系, 并对不同采样间隔的收敛时间进行了统计分析, 得出一些初步结论.  相似文献   
Over 60% clocks on board of the GPS satellites are working longer than their designed life. Therefore realizing their stabilities in a long time scales is essential to GPS navigation and positioning plus IGS time scale maintaining. IGS clock products from 2001 to 2010 are used to analyze the GPS satellite clock qualities such as frequency stabilities and clock noise level. We find out that for the clocks of Block IIA satellites the frequency stabilities and clock noise are 10 times worse than that of the Block IIR and IIR-M satellites. Moreover, the linear relationships between frequency stabilities and clock residuals have been deduced with an accuracy of better than 0.02 ns. Specially, it is noticed that the clock of the PRN27 is instable and the relationship between the frequency stability and residuals is at least a quadratic curve. Therefore, we suggested that GPS satellite clocks should be weighted by their quality levels in application, and the observations of the Block IIA should not be used for real-time positioning which required precision better than one meter.  相似文献   
基本形式的像方扫描光学系统依然需要复杂的二维回转机构带动成像镜组做二维扫描,所以二维回转机构需要承担较大载荷。分析了基本形式的像方扫描光学系统形式,并在基本形式基础上加入摆镜,只通过二维摆镜的旋转达到扫描像面的目的,大大减小二维回转机构载荷,提高扫描速度,简化了系统结构,减小了系统体积。加入摆镜后的光学系统除具有基本形式像方扫描光学系统的性质外,还有了新的限制条件,对带摆镜的像方扫描光学系统进行了分析,提出了设计条件及设计方法,并设计出具有较大视场的像方扫描光学系统。  相似文献   
In this work a methodology for inferring water cloud macro and microphysical properties from nighttime MODIS imagery is developed. This method is based on the inversion of a theoretical radiative transfer model that simulates the radiances detected in each of the sensor infrared bands. To accomplish this inversion, an operational technique based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) is proposed, whose main characteristic is the ability to retrieve cloud properties much faster than conventional methods. Furthermore, a detailed study of input data is performed to avoid different sources of errors that appear in several MODIS infrared channels. Finally, results of applying the proposed method are compared with in-situ measurements carried out during the DYCOMS-II field experiment.  相似文献   
Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) allows to monitor universal time (UT1) by conducting regular international experiments. Such dedicated observation networks are equipped with different hardware components, which require different processing strategies when the data are correlated. As the timing units at each stations are usually offset with respect to universal time (UTC) this effect should be considered during correlation processing. Thus, it is investigated how neglecting of these offsets theoretically impacts the estimation of UT1. Three different strategies for the proper handling of the timing offset will be discussed and their advantages/drawbacks will be pointed out. Moreover, it is studied how neglecting of these timing offsets affects UT1 time-series and how such a missing correction can be applied a posteriori. Although the discussed effect is for most of the UT1 experiments smaller than the formal error of the estimates, it is important to consider station clock offsets properly in next-generation VLBI systems, which are expected to improve accuracy of results by about one order of magnitude.  相似文献   
电子回旋共振离子推力器栅极光学系统的PIC/MCC模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了寻求日益昂贵的电推力器工质氙气的替代品,探讨氩气作为电子回旋共振离子推力器工质的适用性,采用混合PIC方法模拟了氩等离子体在栅极光学系统中输运过程,分析了氩离子束流的聚焦效果、氩等离子体的空间分布和流动特性。结果表明:氩离子束流在已有栅极系统中具有良好的聚焦效果;束流中CEX离子仅占离子总数的万分之一,影响较小;氩气作为工质时,离子喷射速度为75km/s,加速栅极后回流速度为38km/s,与电动力学理论预估值一致。  相似文献   
介绍了在LXI C类接口模块的基础上,设计的基于PCI总线的LXI B类接口模块。重点解决了基于IEEE1588协议的LXI精密时钟同步技术。在模块设计中采用了FPGA对时间信息加盖时戳和直接获取网络数据包的方法,以提高系统的定时精度。该模块可以与传统仪器组合,构成低成本、高性能的LXI仪器。  相似文献   
空间光学系统中内部构件热辐射引起的谱段杂散辐射   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对空间光学系统中由于内部构件热辐射而引起谱段杂散辐射,建立了谱段辐射物理模型和采用蒙特卡罗方法计算的有关概率模型及计算方法。编制了较通用的分析软件,并针对某一空间光学系统进行了计算,通过分析计算结果得到一些有益的结论。  相似文献   
文中以EOS平台上配置的多角度成像光谱辐射计(MISR)为例,对多角度多光谱遥感技术的科学目标以及仪器基本概念、组成、关键技术和数据应用进行了讨论。  相似文献   
针对北斗卫星导航系统(BDS)钟差预报产品无法满足高精度快速服务需求的现状,提出了一种基于BDS-2/BDS-3联合估计的超快速卫星钟差预报优化策略。区别于传统两步法预报模型,利用稀疏建模方法一步求解所有模型项,并通过BDS-2/BDS-3星间相关性实现了模型系数解的增强;为进一步降低模型残差的影响,基于残差序列时空相关性,利用半变异函数重构了模型估计的权阵。为验证提出的钟差预报模型,设计了12套对比方案,实验结果表明:基于稀疏建模的钟差模型参数一步估计可略微提高钟差预报精度;通过引入星间相关性对随机模型进行精化,钟差序列一步建模可分别将BDS-2与BDS-3卫星钟差18h预报精度提升28.6%与27.2%;基于半变异函数建模的模型残差相关性提取,可实现BDS-2与BDS-3预报钟差精度8.0%与11.1%的提升。因此,提出的优化策略对当前北斗超快速卫星钟差预报产品精化具有重要意义。  相似文献   
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