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Ballistic Missile Trajectory Prediction(BMTP) is critical to air defense systems. Most Trajectory Prediction(TP) methods focus on the coast and reentry phases, in which the Ballistic Missile(BM) trajectories are modeled as ellipses or the state components are propagated by the dynamic integral equations on time scales. In contrast, the boost-phase TP is more challenging because there are many unknown forces acting on the BM in this phase. To tackle this difficult problem, a novel BMTP method by ...  相似文献   
This study uses the Neural Network(NN) technique to optimize design of surfacemounted Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors(PMSMs) for More-Electric Aircraft(MEA)applications. The key role of NN is to provide dedicated correction factors for the analytical PMSM mass and loss estimation within the entire design space. Based on that, a globally optimal design can be quickly obtained. Matching the analytical estimation with Finite-Element Analysis(FEA) is the main research target of training the NN. ...  相似文献   
The transmit antenna beampattern of the phased array radar is only a function of angle, limiting its ability to discriminate the targets from the same direction. Recently, the waveform diverse array radars expand the angle-dependent beampattern to an angle-time-range-dependent three-dimensional function by modulating the frequencies/time delays/phases across different transmit antenna elements. In this respect, extra Degrees-of-Freedom (DOFs) in the range domain are achieved, which opens up an innovative way to fulfil the tasks with enhanced system performance by jointly using the angle and range information. This paper summaries the developments of waveform diverse radars, including the Frequency Diverse Array (FDA), the Space-Time-Circulating-Array (STCA), and the Element-Pulse-Coding (EPC) frameworks, with emphasis on the analysis of the range-dependent beampattern from the basic properties upon how it is controlled. Moreover, the most recent advances of utilizing such a range-dependent beampattern in target detection, parameter estimation and identifiability, clutter suppression, jammer suppression and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging are discussed.  相似文献   
针对小卫星侦察星座性能评估问题,从覆盖、成本和弹性三方面对小卫星侦察星座的性能指标进行研究,分别构建了考虑存储容量约束的覆盖能力评估模型、成本估计模型以及弹性能力评估模型。在覆盖能力评估模型中,将卫星存储容量作为约束条件,结合卫星覆盖几何模型分析了卫星对地侦察的工作条件,提出考虑存储容量的覆盖指标计算方法;通过小卫星成本模型(small satellite cost model,SSCM)对星座各分系统的成本进行估计;在弹性评估模型中,提出了星座性能损失率指标,并根据星座失效状态概率函数确定了不同失效状态下星座性能损失率的权重。将上述模型应用于SkySat和吉林一号星座的性能评估过程中,结果表明SkySat比吉林一号覆盖能力强、成本低,弹性差。提出的三个模型可用于评价星座优劣,为小卫星侦察星座的建设和性能评估工作提供参考。  相似文献   
为解决超声速状态下航空发动机部件蜕化参数估计与性能恢复控制的难题,基于改进卡尔曼滤波器,通过一种三维插值方法实现超声速状态包线范围内的发动机部件蜕化参数估计。而航空发动机性能恢复控制是在常规内环控制转速的基础上增加了外环控制回路,该回路主要包括推力估计模型与外环控制器两部分。基于最小二乘支持向量回归机设计了一种推力估计模型,其输入采用特征选择算法筛选推力估计模型的最优输入,相比于传统的不经选择的推力估计模型,精度有较大提高。设计了外环模糊PI(Proportional integral)控制器自适应调节内环转速指令来实现蜕化发动机性能恢复的目的。最后通过超声速状态下的数字仿真,验证了上述发动机部件蜕化参数估计与性能恢复控制方案的有效性。   相似文献   
本文针对裂纹扩展的Willenborg-Chang模型,提出了如何合理地选择参数,怎样对残余塑性区尺寸进行修正及随机加载谱的处理。通过实验和计算结果的对比,说明上述想法的正确性,并提出Willenborg-Chang模型更适用于较长裂纹的寿命估算。  相似文献   
针对高速永磁同步电机(PMSM)的无速度传感器控制问题,提出了一种基于离散反电动势估计的PMSM无速度传感器控制策略。实施离散反电动势估计的设计有三点:首先,设计了离散dq电流观测器以消除反电动势估计中的电感交叉耦合效应;然后,设计了延迟补偿模型以补偿数模转换引起的电压误差,同时设计了较为精确的离散模型,以克服由数字实现导致的估计反电动势和实际反电动势之间的偏差;最后,开展了高速PMSM驱动试验,试验结果验证了所提出的高速PMSM无速度传感器控制方案的性能。  相似文献   
提出了一种基于单目相机的小型多旋翼无人机的连续避障策略。所提出的方法包括深度估计和导航决策两个模块。其中,在深度估计模块采用条件对抗网络对无人机采集得到的RGB图片进行训练预处理,在导航决策模块采用深度确定性策略梯度(DDPG)算法实现无人机的连续避障。在此基础上,对DDPG中的Actor网络进行改进,通过使用多模态网络代替原有策略网络,从而抑制无人机飞行震动,提高避障能力。最后,在Airsim仿真环境中进行测试,实验表明所提算法模型经过训练能够使无人机成功躲避障碍物并到达指定目标点,与原有算法相比避障轨迹得到明显改善。  相似文献   
 本文提出了一种ARMAX模型参数估计的新两步法。这种方法与其它递推估计方法(如增广矩阵法,极大似然法,Durbin两步法、三步法等)比较,具有较好的收敛特性,对参数的估计,特别是对C参数的估计比较精确,这是利用其它方法,一直未能很好解决的一个难题。  相似文献   
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