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通过对现代管理学派与法约尔的管理理论的基本观点和基本思想的比较,分析了它们在基本理论上的共通之处,指出了各现代管理学派较之法约尔管理理论的进步与局限。认为法约尔提出的基于管理五项职能即计划、组织、指挥、协调、控制的理论,已经建立起了管理学理论的基本范式。  相似文献   
为实现我国首次月球样品无人采样返回任务,设计了嫦娥五号(Chang’E 5)探测器制导、导航与控制(GNC)系统.根据任务要求和探测器特点,GNC系统设计分为轨道器GNC子系统、返回器GNC子系统和着上组合体GNC子系统.给出了嫦娥五号探测器GNC系统的架构设计、工作模式以及在轨飞行结果.结果表明,GNC系统设计正确,成功完成了动力下降、起飞上升、交会对接、返回再入等关键动作,实现了月球表面起飞上升、月球轨道交会对接以及携带月壤以近第二宇宙速度二次再入返回的三项首次任务,各项功能性能满足任务要求.  相似文献   
针对嫦娥五号探测器热平衡试验中面临的难题,在分析以往国内外航天器热平衡试验技术现状基础上,依据验证充分、有效与全面的原则,构建出一套探测器热平衡试验方案,提出一种基于“专用红外吸收式空间外热流模拟方式”的热平衡试验方法,设计了典型试验工况,同时优化了试验技术流程。地面热平衡试验结果结合在轨飞行数据表明:热平衡试验方案能够有效验证热控设计的正确性,专用红外吸收式外热流模拟装置偏差造成的温度影响不超过2℃,热平衡试验工况设置合理,技术流程优化,热分析模型相关性工作可使热分析模型更加准确可信。  相似文献   
The non-linear theory of ion-acoustic waves in two-spesies isotropic collisionless plasma is developed. Both light electron and heavy ion species in the plasma are distributed with Kaniadakis’ statistics. Kaniadakis’ gas law is derived. The exact formula for the Sagdeev pseudopotential in parametric form is derived by the method based on the integration of the inverse function. The pseudopotential is analyzed. It is shown that periodic ion-acoustic waves and solitons are possible in the studied plasma. The differential equation describing the profile of the ion concentration in the wave is derived. The profiles of this concentration in the periodic ion-acoustic wave and soliton are calculated.  相似文献   
We present an integral-based approach for high-resolution regional recovery of the gravitational field in this article. We derive rigorous remove-compute-restore integral estimators relating the line-of-sight gravitational acceleration to an arbitrary order radial derivative of the gravitational potential. The integral estimators are composed of three terms, i.e., the truncated integration, the low-frequency line-of-sight gravitational acceleration, and the high-frequency truncation error (effect of the distant zones). We test the accuracy of the integral transformations and of the integral estimators in a closed-loop simulation over the Montes Jura region on the nearside of the Moon. In this way, we determine optimal sizes of integration radii and grid discretisation. In addition, we investigate the performance of the regional integral inversion with synthetic and realistic GRAIL observations. We demonstrate that the regional inversion results of the disturbing gravitational potential and its first order radial derivative in the Montes Jura mountain range are less contaminated by high-frequency noise than the global spherical harmonic models.  相似文献   
In this study, the impact of Earth’s magnetic field on total electron content (TEC) was studied by using statistical multiple linear regression model and co-integration method. TEC values were measured over the Turkey-Istanbul (ista) station using date of global positioning system (GPS), and the magnetic field components of the Earth were measured from Boğaziçi University, Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute, Geomagnetic observatory Istanbul (ISK) station. This examination has been carried out during the dates of March 14–19, 2015 covering the dates of March 17–18, 2015 known in the literature as St. Patrick's Day geomagnetic storm. The three days before the storm (March 14–16) were named as quiet days, whereas the other days (March 17–19) were named as disturbed days after which the two periods were examined separately. It was observed as a result of the examination that the x-component (south-north direction) of the magnetic field had a negative impact on TEC on quiet days, whereas the impact was positive on disturbed days. However, the y-component (east–west direction) of the magnetic field had an inverse relationship of the x-component on the quiet and disturbed days. In addition, it was deduced that the impact coefficient of the x and y-component of the magnetic field was higher on disturbed days in comparison with those on quiet days. The correlation coefficient between the TEC and the components of the Earth’s magnetic field was 0.11 on quiet days and 0.95 on disturbed days. Therefore, it can be stated that the relationship of the TEC values with the geomagnetic field are higher on disturbed days.  相似文献   
Primordial germ cells (PGCs), precursors of germline cells, display a variety of antigens during their migration to target gonads. Here, we used silk chicken offspring (Gallus gallus domesticus) embryos subjected to space microgravity to investigate the influence of microgravity on PGCs. The ShenZhou-3 unmanned spaceship carried nine fertilized silk chicken eggs, named the flight group, returned to Earth after 7 days space flight. And the control group has the same clan with the flight group. PGCs from flight and control group silk chicken offspring embryos were examined during migration by using two antibodies (2C9 and anti-SSEA-1), in combination with the horseradish peroxidase detection system, and using periodic acid-Schiff’s solution (PAS) reaction. After incubation for about 30 h, SSEA-1 and 2C9 positive cells were detected in the germinal crescent of flight and control group silk chicken offspring embryos. After incubation of eggs for 2–2.5 days, SSEA-1 and 2C9 positive cells were detected in embryonic blood vessels of flight and control group silk chicken offspring embryos. After incubation of eggs for 5.5 days, PGCs in the dorsal mesentery and gonad could also be identified in flight and control group silk chicken offspring embryos by using SSEA-1 and 2C9 antibodies. Based on location and PAS staining, these cells were identified as PGCs. Meanwhile, at the stage of PGCs migration and then becoming established in the germinal ridges, no difference in SSEA-1 or 2C9 staining was detected between female and male PGCs in flight and control group silk chicken offspring embryos. Although there were differences in the profiles of PGC concentration between male and female embryos during the special circulating stage, changing profile of PGCs concentration was similar in same sex between flight and control group offspring embryos. We concluded that there is little effect on PGCs in offspring embryos of microgravity-treated chicken and that PGC development appears to be normal.  相似文献   
根据目标位置的初始分布和速度分布,给出了随机恒速运动目标在任意时刻位置和速度分布密度函数。定义了探测函数、目标存在和探测不成功的联合概率密度函数和目标存活概率函数,建立了基于目标速度分布的搜索方程并给出了其特征迹线解。在目标初始分布和速度分布均为圆正态分布条件下,分析了搜索方程特征迹线的基本特征和持续探测发现概率积分域的形态。给出了一个以直升机吊放声纳探测潜艇为背景的持续探测发现概率的算例,算例表明,对随机恒速运动目标持续探测的发现概率,与对静止目标进行持续探测的发现概率相似,服从时间的指数规律。  相似文献   
初具规模的常州邹区灯具产业集群存在着和其他产业集群共通的问题,制约着产业的进一步发展.模块化生产分工方式有利于解决邹区产业集群面临的困难.文章结合邹区灯具产业实态,运用模块化分工生产理论,对邹区灯具产业集群升级问题展开研究,提出促进灯具配件企业成为灯具产业链的专业模块供应企业,培育现有中型灯具企业上规模,吸引国内外灯具企业加入邹区产业集群,加快灯具产业集群园区建设,强化新产品开发、打造自主品牌等对策建议.  相似文献   
利用荧光光谱探讨了磁场引起α—淀粉酶构象的变化及其原因。α—淀粉酶在20℃、pH6.6的磷酸盐缓冲溶液中,经0.05~0.25T静磁场作用不同时间均能引起荧光强度的明显变化,其变化程度与磁场强度和磁化时间有关,但不伴有最大发射峰位移。用分光光度法考察了磁场对溶解α—淀粉酶活性的影响,未发现活性的明显变化,其结果与磁场对固定化α—淀粉酶活性的影响不一致。提出了磁场对酶分子的生物效应与酶存在形式有关  相似文献   
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