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通过综合运用物理光学法(PO),等效电磁流法(MEC)和几何光学法(GO)等,并考虑目标各部分散射场间的相对相位关系,分析了椭球体和橄榄体两种不同形状弹头导弹的电磁特性,计算出了它们的雷达散射截面积(RCS)。计算结果与相关文献结论吻合较好,表明该方法更正确有效的,能满足工程分析需要。  相似文献   
通过分析信号系统的工作原理,找出信号系统故障信号灯错误闪烁的原因,成功排除故障,并提出排故处理建议。  相似文献   
微机电(Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems, MEMS)陀螺是基于科氏力原理,用于检测外部旋转的一种角速度传感器。由于MEMS陀螺本身性能的限制,其内部机理研究和接口电路设计的进程发展缓慢。本文通过分析MEMS陀螺的数学模型,并通过将RLC电路与MEMS陀螺特征方程形式进行对比,说明了借助RLC电路建立MEMS陀螺半实物仿真 (Hardware-in-loop Simulation,HILS) 系统模型的可行性。在充分考虑了实际MEMS陀螺的输入/输出项、耦合项和谐振频率调节等完整功能的前提下,完成了MEMS陀螺的HILS系统模型各个功能模块的设计。本文设计的MEMS陀螺的HILS系统模型可实现实际MEMS陀螺的输入输出、谐振频率调节以及角速度检测,并通过一系列实验证实了其性能的可靠性,本设计为将HILS方法应用于MEMS陀螺研究提供了有效的依据。  相似文献   
In this work, the relation of high-latitude indices of geomagnetic activity (AE, Kp) with the rate of storm development and a solar wind electric field during the main phase of magnetic storm induced by the CIR and ICME events is investigated. 72 magnetic storms induced by CIR and ICME events have been selected. It is shown that for the CIR and ICME events the increase of average value of the Kp index (Kpaver) is observed with the growth of rate of storm development. The value of Kpaver index correlates with the magnitude of minimum value of Dst index (|Dstmin|) only for the ICME events. The analysis of average values of AE and Kp indices during the main phase of magnetic storm depending on the SW electric field has shown that for the CIR events, unlike the ICME events, the value of AEaver increases with the growth of average value of the electric field (Eswaver). The value of Kpaver correlates with the Eswaver only for the ICME events. The relation between geomagnetic indices and the maximum value of SW electric field (Eswmax) is weak. However, for the ICME events Kpaver correlates with Eswmax.  相似文献   
在分析模拟电路故障诊断中传统的故障字典法的两类模糊域划分方法的基础上 ,提出一种新的模糊域划分方法——基于极大极小准则的模糊域划分方法。此方法有效地解决了在先验概率未知的条件下 ,如何动态可变且快速地划分模糊域的问题。并通过实际电路仿真对这种方法的有效性和实用性进行了验证  相似文献   
本文对《离散数学》中三个公式、定义及定理进行了充分的研究及透彻的分析,分别给出了这三个公式、定义及定理的简化形式及其规律,使得它们变的浅显易懂。而这些无论对老师还是对学生都是十分重要的。  相似文献   
对单电源供电的压力传感器调试中出现零位输出较大且存在相应死区的问题,进行了理论分析,找出了问题原因,采取了有效的解决措施,为传感器产品化和产业化奠定了基础。  相似文献   
模拟开关电路潜在电路分析软件算法的研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
比较了几种潜在电路分析的路径搜索算法,提出了适用于模拟开关电路的潜在电路分析软件算法,并成功应用于反电流形、电源拱形、接地拱形3种潜在电路拓扑模式的识别和搜索.用以此算法为基础编制的分析软件进行实例分析,验证其正确性.  相似文献   
Times of sustained strong northward IMF can interrupt the magnetic storm development and lead to lower levels of geomagnetic activity for many hours. During 1997–2000 we have found two events of this kind observed on November 8, 1998 and October 13, 2000. In both cases, the storms started as usual after arrival of ejecta with a southward IMF component from the Sun to the Earth, but ceased after several hours due to the onset of sustained northward IMF leading to the faster recovery process. After the passage of this so-called positive domain, the storm development started again. The heliospheric magnetic field intensity remained enhanced and nearly constant. The solar origins of the geomagnetic storm interruptions have been investigated. Tentatively they may be related to strong nonlinear Alfvйn type solitary waves excited by non-stationary coronal current variations with a characteristic time-scale of about a day.  相似文献   
基于嫦娥一号高能粒子数据的地球磁层屏蔽效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
月球绕地球运行轨道约有1/4位于地球磁层内,因此,地球磁层是否会为月球轨道附近高能粒子提供足够的磁场屏蔽对于探索月球活动具有重要影响.嫦娥一号是中国首颗绕月人造卫星,其绕月飞行的工作轨道距离月球表面200 km.通过对嫦娥一号高能粒子探测器(HPD)的探测数据进行分析,比较了当月球位于地球磁层内外6个不同能道(能量范围4~400 MeV)时质子通量的变化,发现当月球位于地球磁层内时,这些能道的质子通量并没有发生显著减少,结果表明地球磁层不能为月球轨道附近高能粒子提供显著的磁屏蔽.  相似文献   
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