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卫星表面充电是七十年代初发现的严重危害同步轨道卫星的新问题。为了寻求解决卫星表面充电问题的方法,许多国家进行了广泛的研究。我们于82年开展卫星表面充电模拟试验技术研究。本文仅就我们在磁层亚暴环境模拟设备设计中考虑的一些问题作简要介绍。阐述了对模拟系统的要求,模拟系统的组成和用途,介绍了真空系统,电子枪,光源和测量系统设计中应考虑的问题。  相似文献   
The effects of the energetic phenomena of the Sun, flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) on the Earth’s ionosphere–magnetosphere, through the solar wind, are the sources of the geomagnetic disturbances and storms collectively known as Space Weather. The research on the influence of Space Weather on biological and physiological systems is open. In this work we study the Space Weather   impact on Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS) distinguishing between ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes (STE–ACS) and non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes (NSTE–ACS) cases. We compare detailed patient records from the 2nd Cardiologic Department of the General Hospital of Nicaea (Piraeus, Greece) with characteristics of geomagnetic storms (DSTDST), solar wind speed and statistics of flares and CMEs which cover the entire solar cycle 23 (1997–2007). Our results indicate a relationship of ACS to helio-geomagnetic activity as the maximum of the ACS cases follows closely the maximum of the solar cycle. Furthermore, within very active periods, the ratio NSTE–ACS to STE–ACS, which is almost constant during periods of low to medium activity, changes favouring the NSTE–ACS. Most of the ACS cases exhibit a high degree of association with the recovery phase of the geomagnetic storms; a smaller, yet significant, part was found associated with periods of fast solar wind without a storm.  相似文献   
对星载磁悬浮单框架控制力矩陀螺,建立其转子的平动与转动的动力学方程。所建模型反映了转子的动、静不平衡特性,以及转子运动与框架、星体运动的耦合关系。模型是主动磁悬浮控制与动框架效应分析的基础。对动、静不平衡量未知的转子,设计了自适应对中控制器。在分散PD、比例交叉反馈控制器与高低通滤波器的基础上,通过动、静不平衡量的辨识与补偿控制,使转子绕其惯量主轴旋转,衰减角动量交换执行机构高速转子因不平衡而对基座产生的干扰力,消除星上主要颤振源,达到降低卫星姿态抖动的目的。  相似文献   
收集了Cluster卫星在2001-2005年间观测到的磁尾磁通量绳事件,并对磁通量绳(magnetic flux rope)形成及其内部磁场结构与行星际磁场(IMF)的关系作了统计研究.考虑磁通量绳被观测到时行星际磁场的条件,在所有73个磁通量绳事件中,行星际磁场By分量占有主导地位的事件有80%,且78%的事件具有与行星际磁场By分量相同方向的核心场.行星际磁场通过在磁层顶与地球磁场相互作用改变南北等离子体片内磁场相对方向,形成有利于磁通量绳形成的磁场位形,并且行星际磁场By分量的方向对磁通量绳内部核心场的方向具有决定性影响.从统计结果来看,磁通量绳的形成并不会依赖于行星际磁场Bz分量的方向.  相似文献   
电离层电流产生的磁场是地磁场卫星测绘时需要剔除的干扰源.利用电离层热层模式TIE-GCM计算电离层中的中性风、重力驱动和压强梯度等形成的电离层电流的全球分布,分析电流在特定位置产生的磁场及磁场三分量随纬度的变化规律.结果表明,E层尤其是磁赤道和极区的电流密度较大,可达103nA·m-2量级,F层电流密度量级约为10nA·m-2.在磁静日(Kp≤ 1)夜间22:00LT-04:00LT,电离层电流在中低纬度(南北纬50°之间)产生的磁场量级为几个nT,且磁场的南北向分量和径向分量基本大于东西向分量.通过与CHAMP卫星磁测数据分析比较,发现TIE-GCM模式计算电离层干扰磁场在中低纬度可以取得较好的结果,但在高纬度地区的效果不理想,还需进一步改进模式以提高计算精度.  相似文献   
中低纬电离层对行星际磁场南向翻转的响应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用卫星和地面台站的历史数据, 研究了中低纬电离层f0F2 对强行星际磁场南向翻转的响应. 结果表明, 行星际磁场南向翻转能引起电离层扰动式响应, 响应特性与纬度、季节和翻转时刻的地方时有关. 在中纬, 发生在夏分季和夜间的翻转能造成较强的电离层负响应, 其幅度随纬度的降低而变弱, 在恢复过程中存在不规则振荡; 在低纬, 南向翻转引起的电离层响应在夏分季较强, 在冬季则较弱, 且易被淹没在电离层自身的扰动中. 分析指出电离层最大负响应与翻转后南向磁场极大值之间有着较好的线性关系.  相似文献   
火星空间磁场结构特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在火星空间模拟的单流体MHD模型的基础上, 研究了火星空间磁场结构及火星表面局部磁异常对磁场结构的影响. 在太阳风与火星相互作用的过程中, 形成弓激波和磁堆积区, 行星际磁场弯曲并向两极移动且被拖拽变形, 大部分磁力线从火星两极绕过, 通过火星之后在磁尾留下V字形结构. 火星表面附近局部磁异常也对火星磁场结构产生不可忽视的影响. 不同位置和强度的磁异常与太阳风相互作用形成结构及形态各异的微磁层, 如被拖拽的微磁层和存在开磁力线的微磁层等. 局部磁异常改变了近火磁场结构, 并可能改变等离子体的分布.  相似文献   
The magnetic storm of 9 March 2012 is a single step intense storm (Dst = −143 nT) whose main phase begins around 0100 UT and lasted for almost 11 h. The increases in NmF2 recorded 33% and 67% incidence respectively during the main and the recovery phase of the storm at the stations considered. The increase in hmF2 occurred concurrently with the increase in thickness parameter B0 between 0000 and 1100 UT, and a simultaneous decrease in the shape parameter B1 for the entire mid-latitude stations. Generally, B1 responded to the storm with a decrease away from the quiet day average, and decreased simultaneously with the increase in NmF2. B0 displays higher variability magnitude during daytime than the nighttime period. The occasional differences in the response of the ionospheric parameters to the storm event are attributed to longitudinal differences. Variation in hmF2 and NmF2 is projected to change in B1, but the rationale behind this effect on B1 is still not known and therefore left open. The two IRI options over-estimate the observed values with that of URSI higher than CCIR. The over-estimation was higher during the nighttime than the daytime for NmF2 response for the mid-latitude stations and the reverse for the equatorial station. A fairer fit of the model with the observed for all parameters over Jicamarca suggests that equatorial regions are better represented on the model. Extensive study of B1 and B0 is recommended to arrive at a better performance of IRI.  相似文献   
An important ingredient in theories for diffusion of charged particles across a mean magnetic field are velocity correlation functions along and across that field. In the current article we present an analytical study of these functions by investigating the two-dimensional Fokker–Planck equation. We show that for an isotropic pitch-angle Fokker–Planck coefficient, the parallel velocity correlation function is an exponential function in agreement with the standard model used previously. For other forms of the pitch-angle diffusion coefficient, however, we find non-exponential forms. Also a new, velocity correlation function based, approach for deriving the so-called Earl-relation is presented. This new derivation is more systematic and simpler than previous derivations. We also discuss higher-order velocity correlations and the applicability of the quasi-normal hypothesis in particle diffusion theory. Furthermore, we compute velocity correlation functions across the mean field and develop an alternative theory for perpendicular diffusion.  相似文献   
从北斗系统组成、功能及原理入手,分析了北斗救生信标机在飞机平台上进行性能测试的特点,介绍了性能测试和评判方法,分析并研究了验证结果.应用结果表明,本文设计的试飞和测试评估方法科学可行,测试结果准确,充分体现了被测设备的功能性能,暴露了设计缺陷,给出了使用限制建议.研究结果具有重要的工程实际应用价值,能够为用户提供使用参考.  相似文献   
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