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探月工程三期研制的月球取样返回器与轨道器间采用导向装配方式,装配后存在一定预应力,同时在轨两器分离时受空间环境作用而出现热变形,引起的分离阻力会对两器的正常分离产生影响。文章对返回器与轨道器的分离阻力进行分析和测量,并开展相关地面分离验证试验,结果表明,在轨环境引起的分离阻力约为366 N,地面装配应力引起的分离阻力约为160 N,两器分离速度约为0.24 m/s。研究结果可为轨返两器的分离设计提供参考。  相似文献   
电磁兼容实验室接地装置的设计与安装   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
合理地设计和安装接地装置对无线电实验室、电磁兼容实验室以及电磁屏蔽室等具有十分重要的意义。分析了影响接地线电阻和流散电阻的主要因素,提出了结合电磁兼容实验室的特殊要求接地线、接地体选取的方案以及通过土壤改良来降低土壤电阻率的具体措施,并简要阐述了接地装置安装施工的过程及接地电阻测量的方法。  相似文献   
由于永磁体中存在涡流损耗,这些损耗会以热量的形式散发出来,使盘式永磁同步电机(DPMSM)内部温度升高。当温度过高时,会引起电机运行性能降低。故针对永磁体涡流损耗进行深入研究,对DPMSM的性能提高及优化设计具有重要意义。利用Maxwell三维电磁场有限元分析软件建立电机有限元模型,在三相正弦电流源驱动下求解电机永磁体电磁场分布;为减小永磁体涡流损耗,对永磁体进行不同方向分割,并对不同方向分割进行仿真对比,得出横向分割为3块效果最佳;在利用电磁屏蔽原理减小涡流损耗时,先对其可靠性进行验证,后利用MATLAB曲线拟合得出屏蔽层厚度的最优值。  相似文献   
介绍了参加亚太实验室认可合作组织(APLAC)开展的高阻1 MΩ;10 MΩ实验间比对的方法,对一种用参考电压测量高阻的方法进行了描述,解决了其中的技术问题,对测量不确定度进行了分析,其结果为测量1MΩ的合成标准不确定度为3.10-6,测量10 MΩ的合成标准不确定度为5.10-6,APLAC公布的比对中期报告证明了该方法的可靠性。  相似文献   
太阳电池阵列模拟器计量测试方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对太阳电池阵列模拟器(SAS)的设计原理和技术要求进行了分析,并根据分析结果对太阳电池阵列模拟器计量测试方法进行了研究。  相似文献   
新型的多孔材料以其重量轻、强度高备受航天工程设计人员的亲睐,尤其是作为隔热材料使用,可以说是航天工程热防护系统的热门材料.多孔介质在辐射热传递方面具有吸收发射和散射的功能,这些功能在其接受外来热流的作用下,于内部达到热能量平衡,求解这一平衡方程就可以求出辐射热流在材料中的分布.由于求解这一方程的困难,许多学者对材料特性...  相似文献   
本文通过介绍一种客车顶盖蒙皮、顶骨架低位作业自动焊接方法,综合CO2气体保护焊和单面双点电阻焊,找出影响期焊接质量的原因及解决方法,以充分发挥其焊接变形小、焊接强度高、节能、高效的特点.  相似文献   
《Acta Astronautica》2014,93(2):512-516
One of the most important reasons why unsuccessful results have been obtained so far by the SETI Project is due to the fact that no sure targets to aim at have been available up-to the present state of research. All-sky surveys, even if very accurate and complete, might result to be time-consuming. SETI needs at least one effective “viewfinder” in order that a true targeted research is carried out with a possible success. The best foundation to get this can be identified with the search for the evidence of extraterrestrial astro-engineering activity in form of the Dyson spheres predicted by theory. The existence of such stellar objects can be ascertained by finding the evidence of two main signatures in stars of solar spectral type: infrared excess and anomalous light curves due to transiting artificial objects. These are probably the most powerful viewfinders in order to allow SETI techniques for intelligent signal search to be aimed at more appropriate targets. This paper is not intended to be a research paper but rather a review paper whose goal is not to present calculations and/or operational research but rather to be a research proposal for a more focused research in SETI just using Dyson Spheres as crucial markers.  相似文献   
In this paper, ballistic impact tests on wrapped multi-layer Kevlar 49 woven fabric systems were carried out with a flat blade projectile to investigate the impact response during a fan blade out event. The influences of the number of Kevlar layers and pre-tension were discussed particularly. Test results were used to analyze failure modes and energy absorption characteristics of multi-ply Kevlar fabrics. Results show that there are two kinds of impact damage for fabrics: global deformation mainly involving stretching of yarns in the impact region and fabric wrinkle from both sides to the impact zone, and local damage characterized by yarn fracture, yarn pull-out, and yarn unraveling. The energy absorption capability of Kevlar 49 woven fabrics improves with the number of fabric layers. The energy absorbed by multi-layer fabrics increases slightly at the beginning and then decreases substantially with pre-tension. The work in this paper can provide guidance for designing light-weight multi-layer fabrics containment systems.  相似文献   
C/C复合材料1 800℃抗氧化涂层探索研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
提出并制备了可以应用于1 800℃的抗氧化涂层体系,固渗法制备SiC内层,料浆涂刷法制备高温氧化物釉层和硼硅化物釉层.经扫描电镜分析涂层形貌及电子能谱分析其组成,发现C/C复合材料基材结构完整,没有发生次表面氧化.试验结果表明氧乙炔焰烧蚀20 s后,失重为0.06%;1 800℃自然对流氧化试验条件下,氧化物釉层30 min的平均失重速率为0.06g/(m2·s);硼硅化物釉层60min的平均失重速率为0.2g/(m2·s).说明涂层体系在1 800℃具有良好的抗氧化能力.  相似文献   
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