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This paper is based on the observations of Polar Mesosphere Summer Echoes (PMSE) with the EISCAT VHF 224?MHz radar during the summer month 08–12 July 2013. The effect of high energy particle precipitation on PMSE intensity, particularly during their simultaneous occurrence for longer time interval (longer than or equal to 3-h) has been investigated. The correlation between the two phenomena has been computed using the Spearman rank and Pearson linear correlation coefficient. The variations in high energy particle precipitation reaching down to altitude of 91?km and PMSE intensity in the altitude range of 80–90?km are positively correlated. The electron density irregularity due to ionization caused by precipitating particles might be one of the possible reasons for this positive correlation. Moreover, some other background parameters i.e. K-indices (proxy of high energy particle precipitation) and electron fluxes during the simultaneous occurrence of the two phenomena also support one of the possible reasons given for explanation of the observed positive correlation. The X-rays and proton fluxes have no noticeable effect on PMSE echoes in this study.  相似文献   
The Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) was the first European Space Agency’s (ESA) Earth Explorer core mission. Through its extremely low, about 260?km above the Earth, circular, sun-synchronous orbit, the satellite gained high spatial resolution and accuracy gravity gradient, and ocean circulation data. Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers, mounted on the spacecraft, allowed the determination of reduced-dynamic and kinematic GOCE orbits, whereas Laser Retroreflector Array (LRA) dedicated to Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) allowed an independent validation of GPS-derived orbits. In this paper, residuals between different GPS-based orbit types and SLR observations are used to investigate the sensitivity and the influence of solar, geomagnetic, and ionospheric activities on the quality of kinematic and reduced-dynamic GOCE orbits. We also analyze the quality of data provided by individual SLR sites, by detecting time biases using ascending and descending sun-synchronous GOCE orbit passes, and the residual analysis of the measurement characteristics, i.e., the dependency of SLR residuals as a function of nadir and horizontal angles. Results show a substantial vulnerability of kinematic orbit solutions to the solar F10.7 index and the ionospheric activity measured by the variations of the Total Electron Content (TEC) values. The sensitivity of kinematic orbits to the three-hour-range KP index is rather minor. The reduced-dynamic orbits are almost insensitive to indices describing ionospheric, solar, and geomagnetic activities. The investigation of individual SLR sites shows that some of them are affected by time bias errors, whereas other demonstrate systematics, such as a dependency between observation residuals and the satellite nadir angle or the horizontal azimuth angle from the SLR station to the direction of the satellite.  相似文献   
Ionospheric estimation is becoming more and more important for the new multifrequency positioning algorithms, since they can help to improve greatly the convergence time for acquiring a good positioning error. In this paper, an open source tool to estimate precise ionospheric estimates is presented, namely ESA UGI (Unified-GNSS-Ionosphere). The presentation is done jointly with a methodology to test ionospheric model using a modified NeQuick to generate synthetic data. The results with different option of the ESA UGI shows that it has a good performance below 1 TECU (Total Electron Content Units) in vTEC (vertical Total Electron Content) RMS (Root Mean Squared) for European networks, around 2 TECU in a well-covered African region and between 1 and 6 TECU globally with this synthetic data. It shows as well the capability of changing between different ionosphere models (voxel, multilayer and spherical harmonics) and configuration options. Finally, a test with uncombined PPP actual data is presented showing that instantaneous convergence below 30 cm in 3D RMS position error are achievable in a well sounded area in Europe.  相似文献   
This study analyzed the occurrence of ionospheric irregularities over South Korea and Japan (mid-latitudes) during the years 2010–2015. The irregularities were quantified using the rate of change of total electron content (TEC) index (ROTI), which detects irregularities with scale sizes in the range of 400 m–2.5 km. The ROTI threshold for an ionospheric irregularity to have occurred was set as 0.1 TECU/min. Results showed that ionospheric irregularities mostly occur during night-time and around local noon-time in the seasons of spring and summer. In addition, the percentage of ionospheric irregularities had a high positive correlation with solar flux (F10.7) (r > 0.72). For the first time, we showed good correspondence between ionospheric irregularities measured by the ROTI index and sporadic E (Es). The median ROTI associated with ionospheric irregularities over a South Korea station (DAEJ) and a Japan station (KGNI) were 0.131 and 0.125 TECU/min, respectively. However, in severe cases of ionospheric irregularities, the ROTI values over DAEJ (KGNI) can reach 0.246 (0.217) and 0.314 (0.339) TECU/min during day and night, respectively. These critical ROTI values can be important in interpreting and monitoring ionospheric irregularity occurrence over South Korea and Japan.  相似文献   
New closed forms have been exposed that rational, trigonometric, periodical, explosive, hyperbolic and shock solutions can be usable in the ionosphere plasma of earth. To explore the nonextensive impacts on the features of nonlinear waves in this plasma model, using Riccati-Bernoulli sub-ODE process, the MKP equation has been solved. This method is very important in the study of dynamics and motion in fluids. Some of the obtained new potential solutions are prefect achievements in plasma observations and applications in ionosphere.  相似文献   
The Limb Viewing Hyper Spectral Imager (LiVHySI) is one of the Indian payloads onboard YOUTHSAT (inclination 98.73°, apogee 817 km) launched in April, 2011. The Hyper-spectral imager has been operated in Earth’s limb viewing mode to measure airglow emissions in the spectral range 550–900 nm, from terrestrial upper atmosphere (i.e. 80 km altitude and above) with a line-of-sight range of about 3200 km. The altitude coverage is about 500 km with command selectable lowest altitude. This imaging spectrometer employs a Linearly Variable Filter (LVF) to generate the spectrum and an Active Pixel Sensor (APS) area array of 256 × 512 pixels, placed in close proximity of the LVF as detector. The spectral sampling is done at 1.06 nm interval. The optics used is an eight element f/2 telecentric lens system with 80 mm effective focal length. The detector is aligned with respect to the LVF such that its 512 pixel dimension covers the spectral range. The radiometric sensitivity of the imager is about 20 Rayleigh at noise floor through the signal integration for 10 s at wavelength 630 nm. The imager is being operated during the eclipsed portion of satellite orbits. The integration in the time/spatial domain could be chosen depending upon the season, solar and geomagnetic activity and/or specific target area. This paper primarily aims at describing LiVHySI, its in-orbit operations, quality, potential of the data and its first observations. The images reveal the thermospheric airglow at 630 nm to be the most prominent. These first LiVHySI observations carried out on the night of 21st April, 2011 are presented here, while the variability exhibited by the thermospheric nightglow at O(1D) 630 nm has been described in detail.  相似文献   
Electron density measured by the Indian satellite SROSS C2 at the altitude of ∼500 km in the 75°E longitude sector for the ascending half of the solar cycle 22 from 1995 to 1999 are used to study the position and density of the equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA). Results show that the latitudinal position and peak electron density of the EIA crest and crest to trough ratios of the anomaly during the 10:00–14:00 LT period vary with season and from one year to another. Both EIA crest position and density are found to be asymmetric about the magnetic equator and the asymmetry depends on season as well as the year of observation, i.e., solar activity. The latitudinal position of the crest of the EIA and the crest density bears good positive correlation with F10.7 and the strength of the equatorial electrojet (EEJ).  相似文献   
The interplanetary magnetic field, geomagnetic variations, virtual ionosphere height h′F, and the critical frequency foF2 data during the geomagnetic storms are studied to demonstrate relationships between these phenomena. We study 5-min ionospheric variations using the first Western Pacific Ionosphere Campaign (1998–1999) observations, 5-min interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) and 5-min auroral electrojets data during a moderate geomagnetic storm. These data allowed us to demonstrate that the auroral and the equatorial ionospheric phenomena are developed practically simultaneously. Hourly average of the ionospheric foF2 and h′F variations at near equatorial stations during a similar storm show the same behavior. We suppose this is due to interaction between electric fields of the auroral and the equatorial ionosphere during geomagnetic storms. It is shown that the low-latitude ionosphere dynamics during these moderate storms was defined by the southward direction of the Bz-component of the interplanetary magnetic field. A southward IMF produces the Region I and Region II field-aligned currents (FAC) and polar electrojet current systems. We assume that the short-term ionospheric variations during geomagnetic storms can be explained mainly by the electric field of the FAC. The electric fields of the field-aligned currents can penetrate throughout the mid-latitude ionosphere to the equator and may serve as a coupling agent between the auroral and the equatorial ionosphere.  相似文献   
A new set of data obtained at low solar activity from Ilorin, Nigeria (geog. latitude 8.5°N, geog longitude, 4.6°E, dip 4.1°S) is used to validate the IRI 2001 model at low solar activity. The results show in general a good agreement between model and observed B0 at night but an over estimation during daytime. The overestimation is greatest during the morning period (0600LT–1000LT). The model prediction for B1 is fairly good at night and during the day. A dependence of B0 on solar zenith angle χ is observed during the daytime. A formulation of the form B0 = A[cos(χ)n] is therefore proposed. Values of the constants n and A were determined for the period of low solar activity for this station.  相似文献   
The Swarm mission was selected as the 5th mission in ESA’s Earth Explorer Programme in 2004. This mission aims at measuring the Earth’s magnetic field with unprecedented accuracy. This will be done by a constellation of three satellites, where two will fly at lower altitude, measuring the gradient of the magnetic field, and one satellite will fly at higher altitude. The measured magnetic field is the sum of many contributions including both magnetic fields and currents in the Earth’s interior and electrical currents in Geospace. In order to separate all these sources electric field and plasma measurements will also be made to complement the primary magnetic field measurements. Together these will allow the deduction of information on a series of solid earth processes responsible for the creation of the fields measured. The completeness of the measurements on each satellite and the constellation aspect, however, implies simultaneous observations of a unique set of important electrodynamical parameters crucial for the understanding of the physical processes in Geospace, which are an important part of the objectives of the International Living With a Star Programme, ILWS. In this paper an overview of the Swarm science objectives, the mission concept, the scientific instrumentation, and the expected contribution to the ILWS programme will be summarized.  相似文献   
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