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考虑到火星探测任务着陆过程动态变化大,稀薄大气环境下开伞会对探测器产生剧烈晃动,为此天问一号探测器研制了一套高动态着陆惯导系统,从硬件产品、使用时序到导航算法方面均进行了针对性设计,以适应着陆过程中的高动态环境.此外,为验证天问一号探测器高动态着陆惯导系统的性能,设计了模拟火星开伞工况的火箭弹高空开伞试验,结果表明该高...  相似文献   
组合导航系统初始对准的稳定性分析及其控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对INS/GPS组合导航系统的初始对准问题 ,对该组合系统的稳定性进行了理论分析和仿真研究。理论分析表明 ,该系统是稳定的 ;仿真结果说明 ,载体在外部周期激励作用下 ,如系统采样频率选择不当 ,状态变量的估计结果也出现周期性的振荡 ;如果是外部随机脉冲激励 ,状态变量的估计结果则呈现随机性。对于外部周期激励 ,采用改变采样频率或适当的线性状态反馈 ,可以较好的避免状态变量估计结果的振荡 ,满足对估计结果的精度要求。  相似文献   
惯性系统速度辅助的GPS接收机性能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有关惯性速度辅助下的GPS接收机的带宽、跟踪和捕获性能在本文中作了分析。研究结果表明,惯性速度辅助GPS接收机可以有效地提高接收机的性能。  相似文献   
提高控制系统可靠性惯性仪表冗余方案分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
朱振乾 《航天控制》1998,16(2):16-23,33
叙述了提高控制系统可靠性惯性仪表冗余的几种典型方案,对它们的优缺点进行了分析、比较。最后,提出冗余的一般准则和注意事项。  相似文献   
在简要介绍了飞行器视觉图像定位导航原理及模型的基础上,针对其非线性模型的推广Kalman滤波的收敛与初始条件有关的问题,将其定位导航的两种模型(线性与非线性模型)组合,提出了双模态双滤波器滤波方法。这种滤波能很好地解决非线性推广Kalman滤波的收敛问题。通过第一个线性滤波器的滤波估计给第二个非线性滤波器提供滤波初值,使这一非线性滤波收敛,并能取得较高的滤波精度。  相似文献   
区域经济联动发展是经济全球化与区域经济一体化背景下的大势所趋,是立足全球发展、顺应世界经济潮流的必然选择.通过不同角度分析了区域经济联动发展的意义与内涵,概括了区域经济联动发展的主要特征,并就如何促进区域经济联动发展提出了策略和主张.  相似文献   
This paper reports on the Dancer project, which is one of three related projects initiated by working group 1 of the International Association of Geodesy. The Dancer project develops JAVA parameter estimation software that runs in the form of a distributed process on the internet, in such a way that each processing node handles the data of a single geodetic instrument. By exchanging a minimum amount of information among all processing nodes, the same global normal equation solution is found by all instruments. The result is a fully scalable least squares solution that has no practical limit to the number of GPS receivers or other tracking devices that may be included in a single reference frame realization.  相似文献   
In its function as an ITRS Combination Centre, DGFI is in charge with the computation of an ITRF2008 solution. The computation methodology of DGFI is based on the combination of datum-free normal equations (weekly or session data sets, respectively) of station positions and Earth orientation parameters (EOP) from the geodetic space techniques DORIS, GPS, SLR and VLBI. In this paper we focus on the DORIS part within the ITRF2008 computations. We present results obtained from the analysis of the DORIS time series for station positions, network translation and scale parameters, as well as for the terrestrial pole coordinates. The submissions to ITRF2008 benefit from improved analysis strategies of the seven contributing IDS analysis centres and from a combination of the weekly solutions of station positions and polar motion. The results show an improvement by a factor of two compared to past DORIS data submitted to ITRF2005, which has been evaluated by investigating the repeatabilities of position time series. The DORIS position time series were analysed w.r.t. discontinuities and other non-linear effects such as seasonal variations. About 40 discontinuities have been identified which have been compared with the results of an earlier study. Within the inter-technique combination we focus on the DORIS contribution to the integration of the different space geodetic observations and on a comparison of the geodetic local ties with the space geodetic solutions. Results are given for the 41 co-location sites between DORIS and GPS.  相似文献   
试用暗物质理论解释惯性和惯性力的物理机制(上)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于对暗物质的多年探讨,我们认为宇宙空间是具有质量、相对均匀、连续稳定和有相当弹性暗物质群体(DMG)的空间.自然、宇宙万物终生处于群体引力制约之中,它们因此也获得了相应的惯性.本文立足于上述的宇宙空间,借助宇宙学原理、马赫原理和爱因斯坦等效原理,提出了物质客体的惯性机制和被称为虚力的惯性力机制 同时本文也解读所有惯...  相似文献   
根据星敏感器外场试验的实际需要,提出一种用于建立星敏感器参考姿态基准的方法.介绍星敏感器参考姿态基准建立的基本原理;分别求取从赤道惯性坐标系i系到地球坐标系w系的转换矩阵Cw1(依靠原子钟精密计时)、从w系到地理坐标系t系的转换矩阵Ctw、从t系到平台坐标系p系的转换矩阵Cpt,从p系到星敏感器坐标系s系的转换矩阵Csp,从而得到i系到s系的转化矩阵Cs1;根据Csi求取星敏感器的姿态角,作为参考姿态基准;编制求解星敏感器参考姿态基准的电算化程序,并绘制星敏感器3个姿态角的误差曲线,最大误差小于0.25″.仿真结果表明,通过精密时间得到的姿态可以作为星敏感器外场试验的参考姿态基准.  相似文献   
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