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目的探讨西安航空技术高等专科学校产学研相结合办学模式的创新特征。方法通过对西安航空技术高等专科学校产学研相结合的状态的分析,指出本校产学研相结合的特点和产学研相结合办学模式的创新特征。结果西安航空技术高等专科学校形成一套产学研相结合的创新模式。结论高等职业技术教育必须坚持“以服务为宗旨,以就业为导向,走产学研结合之路”。  相似文献   
通过对高校体育教学中的教学模式、内容设制、考核形式几方面的分析、探讨,提出了高校体育教学应以未来社会人才的需要为出发点,使体育教学从根本上摆脱传统教学观念的束缚,从单纯培养“知识型”、“技能型”人才向培养“创造性”、“综合性”、“应用性”人才转变。  相似文献   
The Haute Provence Observatory has for primary mission the operation of telescopes, up to two meters in diameter, for the astrophysics community, and the measurements of various upper atmosphere parameters for the geophysics community. An education and outreach program has been developed with several reached: from school pupils to post-doctorate students, teachers, and the general public. In the recent years we put emphasis on the formation of teachers and on the renewal of the general public visit. Given the wide range of education and outreach activities we cover, we had to develop a relation network with individuals, amateurs, teachers and institutions, amplifying our efforts. For the future, we will try to make an optimal use of the resources available in the St Michel l’Observatoire area, taking steps to reach an agreement with the neighbouring “Centre d’Astronomie”, a structure devoted to education and public outreach belonging to the local authorities.  相似文献   
The United Nations Programme on Space Applications, implemented by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, promotes the benefits of space-based solutions for sustainable economic and social development. The Programme assists Member States of the United Nations to establish indigenous capacities for the use of space technology and its applications. In the past the Programme has primarily been focusing on the use of space applications and on basic space science activities. However, in recent years there has been a strong interest in a growing number of space-using countries to build space technology capacities, for example, the ability to develop and operate small satellites. In reaction to this development, the United Nations in cooperation with the International Academy of Astronautics has been organizing annual workshops on small satellites in the service of developing countries. Space technology related issues have also been addressed as part of various other activities of the Programme on Space Applications. Building on these experiences, the Office for Outer Space Affairs is now considering the launch of a new initiative, preliminarily titled the United Nations Basic Space Technology Initiative (UNBSTI), to promote basic space technology development. The initiative would be implemented in the framework of the Programme on Space Applications and its aim would be to help building sustainable capacities for basic space technology education and development, thereby advancing the operational use of space technology and its applications.  相似文献   
在人们对高等教育的期望值逐渐增大的背景下,高等教育公平问题受到了广泛关注。文章借助数据统计方法对高校扩招以来我国农村大学生在入学、就业等方面情况进行深入探讨,从教育公平的视角来看,农村大学生在高等教育起点和结果等方面与城市大学生之间依然存在教育不公平现象。为了充分发挥教育对社会公平的促进作用,建议通过四项措施逐渐提高高等教育公平。  相似文献   
In recent years there has been considerable research in undergraduate physics education regarding the application to classroom instruction of techniques that are generally referred to as active engagement techniques. However, in very few cases have such pedagogical strategies been applied to graduate-level instruction. In this paper we describe an innovative application of a variety of active engagement techniques at the graduate summer school conducted by the Center for Integrated Space Weather Modeling, a Science and Technology Center funded by the National Science Foundation. We believe that the model presented here can serve as a valuable guide to other group contemplating space physics education at all levels, as well as graduate education generally.  相似文献   
从应用型人才的培养目标出发,针对高职高专“工程材料”课程教学内容中存在的问题,分析探讨了课程改革的必要性,并根据各专业教学目的和专业培养目标,对课程教学内容进行优化整合,强调实用技术理论要更突出专业的需要,加强实践教学环节,培养学生实践能力和创新能力。  相似文献   
高职英语教学因过多关注语言形式,而忽视了英美国家文化知识的导入,因此导致了学生不能灵活得体地运用语言。通过分析在英语教学中文化背景知识的重要性、传授重点、基本导入途径,进而探索了如何从教与学两方面在语言学习中融入文化背景知识,提高英语教学的效果。  相似文献   
高职院校创业文化价值取向及其实现途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从分析创业文化的内涵着手,重点论述了高职院校培育创业文化的价值取向:突显了“发展”的主题;体现“人本”的理念;指引高层次人力资源的培育途径三个方面。指出了高职院校培育创业文化的价值实现途径。  相似文献   
英汉两种语言分属不同的语系,也形成了各自的句法特征,在教学中应结合高职高专学生的学习状况,重点从句子的基本框架,句子展开手段,句子语序与句子成分的词性这4个方面来加强英汉句法对比,以帮助学生把握英语句法的基本特征,养成句法意识,输出合乎规范的英语句子,从而达到基本的交际目的和意图。  相似文献   
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