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双向扩张型孔射流角度对气膜冷却特性影响的实验   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
设计了气膜冷却实验台,测量了单排7个气膜孔的平均换热系数和冷却效率.气膜孔倾角为20°,45°和90°,孔间距P/d=3.动量比变化范围为1~4.重点研究主流零压力梯度下动量比和孔倾角对换热系数比和冷却效率影响.结果表明,动量比的增加使换热系数比和冷却效率都增加,随着倾角增加,动量比对冷却效率的影响减弱;倾角对换热系数比的影响非常复杂,倾角的增加使冷却效率减小.倾角20°的冷却效率明显高于倾角45°和90°的冷却效率.   相似文献   
Discharge coefficients of 3-in-1 hole of three inclination angles and three spacing between holes are presented which described the discharge behavior of a row of holes. The inlet and outlet of the 3-in-1 hole both have a 15° lateral expansion. The flow conditions considered are mainstream turbulence intensities and density ratios of secondary flow to mainstream. The momentum flux ratios varied in the range from 1 to 4. The comparison is made of the discharge coefficients of three shaped holes to find an optimal hole with low flow loss. The results show that the discharge coefficients of 3-in- 1 hole are highest in three shaped holes and therefore this article is focused on the measurements of discharge coefficients of 3-in-1 hole for various geometries and aerodynamic parameters. The measured results of 3-in-1 hole indicate that turbulence intensities, density ratios and momentum flux ratios have weak influence on discharge coefficients for inclination angle of 20°. The high turbulence intensity yields the small discharge coefficients for inclination angle of 45° and 90°. The increased both momentum flux ratios and density ratios lead to the increased discharge coefficients for inclination angle of 45° and 90°. The increased inclination angle causes the rapidly increased discharge coefficients. There is a weak dependence of discharge coefficients on hole pitches.  相似文献   
改性双马来酰亚胺树脂在RFI工艺中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过在改性双马来酰亚胺5405树脂中加入耐高温热塑性塑料聚芳醚砜(PES),获得了满足RFI工艺要求、具有良好成膜性的5405A树脂膜.该树脂膜在室温不粘手,能够任意弯曲.在熔渗温度(130℃)下,低黏度(≤500mPa·s)的保持时间长达70min.在宦温存放3个月后,不溶物含量由1.25%变化为2.02%,DSC曲线表明反应的峰始温度和峰顶温度与放置前无明显差异,130℃凝胶时间由137min变化为135min.参照5405树脂的固化工艺,制备了5405A树脂浇铸体和单向碳纤维帘子布(G0827)增强5405A复合材料,并对性能进行了评价.对比5405和5405A树脂树脂浇铸体的性能表明,5405A力学性能稍有降低,但韧性得到了明显提高.  相似文献   
轴向柱塞泵滑靴副传热特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了揭示轴向柱塞泵滑靴底面油膜温度场分布规律,分析了滑靴副生热机理以及热量传递途径,在此基础上利用热流量守恒定律建立滑靴副热力学耦合模型,讨论不同压力和转速工况下滑靴的结构参数对滑靴底面油膜温度的影响。分析结果表明,滑靴副油膜温度场呈不均匀分布,沿滑靴半径方向呈递减趋势,其最大值出现在最薄油膜厚度区域,容易引起滑靴偏磨磨损,主要集中在泵的排油区;恒压高速工况下滑靴内外半径比范围为1.5~2.0 之间,应尽量取较小值,降低滑靴副油膜温度,提高滑靴副润滑性能;恒转速高压工况下阻尼管长度直径比范围为3.50~8.75之间,应尽量取较小值,防止滑靴底面油膜温度过高,改善柱塞泵的散热效果。   相似文献   
本文作者所设计的实验是利用光学中全反射衰减特性方法测量在介质上蒸镀的金属薄膜的厚度和各种频率下的复介电常数等物理性质,它可以精确测定100~1000范围内金属膜层的厚度和ε(ω)值,以及一些其它性质,是研究固体表面物理的一种有效的方法和技术。  相似文献   
Some fundamental studies on the preparation, structure and optical properties of NbN films were carried out. NbN thin films were deposited by DC reactive magnetron sputtering at different N2 partial pressures and different substrate temperatures ranging from –50 ℃ to 600 ℃. X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were employed to characterize their phase com- ponents, microstructures, grain sizes and surface morphology. Optical properties inclusive of refractive indexes, extinction coefficients and transmittance of the NbN films under different sputtering conditions were measured. With the increase in the N2 partial pressure, δ-NbN phase structure gets forming and the grain size and lattice constant of the cubic NbN increasing. The deposited NbN film has relatively high values of refractive index and extinction coefficient in the wavelength ranging from 240 nm to 830 nm. Substrate tem- perature exerts notable influences on the microstructure and optical transmittance of the NbN films. The grain sizes of the δ-NbN film remarkably increase with the rise of the substrate temperature, while the transmittance of the films with the same thickness decreases. Ultra-fine granular film with particle size of several nanometers forms when the substrate is cooled to –50 ℃, and a remarkable aug- mentation of transmittance could be noticed under so low a temperature.  相似文献   
针对新机种对固体膜润滑剂的需求,研制了两种固体膜润滑剂-HR-7201和HR-7101.润滑剂采用国产原材料,具有摩擦系数低,耐高低温及耐介质等优良性能,使用温度HR-7201为-60~300℃,HR-7101为-60~200℃,短期可到250℃.已通过飞机典型零部件试验及长期试车考核,并在飞机上应用.  相似文献   
The 2D kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) simulation was used to study the effects of different substrate temperatures on the microstruc-ture of Ni-Cr films in the process of deposition by the electron beam physical vapor deposition (EB-PVD). In the KMC model, substrate was assumed to be a “surface” of tight-packed rows, and the simulation includes two phenomena: adatom-surface collision and adatom diffusion. While the interaction between atoms was described by the embedded atom method, the jumping energy was calculated by the molecular static (MS) calculation. The initial location of the adatom was defined by the Momentum Scheme. The results reveal that there exists a critical substrate temperature which means that the lowest packing density and the highest surface roughness structure will be achieved when the temperature is lower than the smaller critical value, while the roughness of both surfaces and the void contents keep decreasing with the substrate temperature increasing until it reaches the higher critical value. The results also indicate that the critical substrate temperature rises as the deposition rate increases.  相似文献   
为了更准确地模拟旋转整流罩积冰过程,在现有三维积冰与冰层表面薄水膜流动耦合模型基础上,基于功平衡分析的方法引入了旋转部件表面水膜脱离模型,并发展了相应的计算方法,给出了水膜脱离的判定依据:当气流曳力做的功和由于离心力使水膜增加的潜能之和大于黏附功时整流罩表面的水膜会发生脱离。对旋转整流罩积冰进行数值模拟,计算结果与实验结果吻合得较好,验证了该模型的合理性和计算方法的可行性。之后分析了转速和来流速度对整流罩表面水膜脱离和积冰的影响,结果表明:转速和来流速度越大,水膜发生脱离的比例越大。在研究范围内,转速为3000r/min和6000r/min时,因水膜脱离导致积冰总量分别减少13.4%和15.8%;来流速度为40、50m/s和60m/s时,因水膜脱离导致积冰总量分别减少为12.2%、13.4%、14.2%。   相似文献   
发散孔结构参数对横向波纹表面气膜绝热冷却效率的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对加力燃烧室特定横向波纹结构的隔热屏发散冷却进行数值模拟,主要研究发散孔孔节距、孔径以及开孔率等3个结构参数对发散冷却效率的影响。结果表明:由于处于波纹波谷的相邻气膜射流更易于形成相干,从而在波谷形成更强的集聚效应,造成波谷附近的绝热壁面温度低于波峰区域;在相同的壁面单位面积冷气用量下,减小孔径、增大开孔率均显著改善气膜冷却效率,尤其是在发散气膜的前排起始段;发散孔流向节距大于展向节距的长菱形排布相对较优,但在小吹风比下发散孔排布节距比对展向平均绝热冷却效率的影响非常微弱。   相似文献   
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