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近年来,各航天大国对空间轨道资源的挖掘与应用不断拓展.超低轨道、椭圆轨道、坟墓轨道、拉格朗日点等,因其在快速重访、定点观测、空间攻防、科学探索等方面的优势,逐步纳入各国防灾减灾、战事快响、导弹预警、空间突防和太阳观测等应用领域.随着卫星在轨经历的空间环境变得更加复杂,空间环境效应引发的卫星故障和异常情况日益突出.本文围...  相似文献   
针对卫星月影问题,提出了一种低轨卫星优化的月影预报策略,可以有效提高目前低轨卫星在轨管理时对月影事件预报的效率.结合仿真对产生月影事件的太阳、地球、月球的三体关系进行了分析,首先给出了月影产生的解析分析方法,并通过对一个三维月影影响模型的分析,得到了月影影响区间的判定要素——月影临界角;然后进一步通过对月影临界角的分析,提出了基于太阳与白道面的位置关系和月影临界角对低轨卫星月影事件的优化预报方法;最后基于大量的随机低轨卫星场景对本方法的正确性进行了验证.研究结果表明,此方法能够较大地提高月影预报效率,可以将月影预报频率从每月1次降低到每年2次,从而简化了低轨卫星在轨运行管理的任务复杂度,为卫星的在轨可靠运行提供支持.  相似文献   
关于卫星网整网自主定轨方法的探讨   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
闫野  周伯昭  任萱 《宇航学报》2002,23(2):80-83
随着在轨卫星数量的不断增多,卫星网的自主定轨已经成为迫切需要,本文重点阐述如何利用星间相对测量(相对距离测量和相对速度测量)技术,将卫星精密轨道确定方法和大地测量中的整网平差方法相结合,来实现卫星网的自主定轨,仿真结果表明,这一方法是切实有效的。  相似文献   
等离子体层是日地环境重要的组成部分.本文利用COSMIC掩星精密定轨数据经处理后得到的podTec文件获取等离子体层电子含量(PEC)对等离子体层进行研究.将podTec数据进行处理后获得的PEC(pod-PEC)和IRI-Plas经验模型提供的PEC (IRI-PEC)进行对比,发现pod-PEC与IRI-PEC符合得较好.在低(0°—20°)、中(20°—50°)、高(50°—90°)修正地磁纬度带下,分析了COSMIC在太阳活动极大年(2014年)3,6,9和12月的pod-PEC,得到如下结论:PEC随着纬度升高而逐渐减少,且3,9月PEC在中低纬关于磁赤道的南北对称性较好,6月北半球各纬度带的PEC明显高于南半球同一纬度带的值,而12月情况则完全相反,南半球中纬的PEC甚至会等于北半球低纬的PEC值;PEC在白天高而晚上低,高纬地区的PEC昼夜变化不明显;PEC具有明显的季节性.对于北半球,一年中PEC最大值出现在春季,冬秋季次之,夏季最低,具有明显的年度异常现象.  相似文献   
The BeiDou navigation satellite system (BDS) comprises geostationary earth orbit (GEO) satellites as well as inclined geosynchronous orbit (IGSO) and medium earth orbit (MEO) satellites. Owing to their special orbital characteristics, GEO satellites require frequent orbital maneuvers to ensure that they operate in a specific orbital window. The availability of the entire system is affected during the maneuver period because service cannot be provided before the ephemeris is restored. In this study, based on the conventional dynamic orbit determination method for navigation satellites, multiple sets of instantaneous velocity pulses parameters which belong to one of pseudo-stochastic parameters were used to simulate the orbital maneuver process in the orbital maneuver arc and establish the observed and predicted orbits of the maneuvered and non-maneuvered satellites of BeiDou regional navigation satellite system (BDS-2) and BeiDou global navigation satellite system (BDS-3). Finally, the single point positioning (SPP) technology was used to verify the accuracy of the observed and predicted orbits. The orbit determination accuracy of maneuvered satellites can be greatly improved by using the orbit determination method proposed in this paper. The overlapping orbit determination accuracy of maneuvered GEO satellites of BDS-2 and BDS-3 can improve 2–3 orders of magnitude. Among them, the radial orbit determination accuracy of each maneuvered satellite is basically better than 1 m. simultaneously, the combined orbit determination of the maneuvered and non-maneuvered satellites does not have a great impact on the orbit determination accuracy of the non-maneuvered satellites. Compared with the multi GNSS products (indicated by GBM) from the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ), the impact of adding the maneuvered satellites on the orbit determination accuracy of BDS-2 satellites is less than 9 %. Furthermore, the orbital recovery time and the service availability period are significantly improved. When the node of the predicted orbit is traversed approximately 3 h after the maneuver, the accuracy of the predicted orbit of the maneuvered satellite can reach that of the observed orbit. The SPP results for the BDS reached a normal level when the node of the predicted orbit was 2 h after the maneuver.  相似文献   
The FY3C and FY3D satellites were equipped with global navigation satellite occultation detector (GNOS) receivers that received both GPS and BDS-2 signals. For further improving precise orbit determination (POD) precisions, we estimated receiver GPS and BDS signal phase center variations (PCV) models with 2° and 5° resolutions and set the different weights for GPS and BDS-2 observations in the combined POD. The BDS-based POD precision using BDS-2 satellite antenna phase center offset (PCO) values from the China Satellite Navigation Office (CSNO) are not as accurate as those obtained from the International GNSS Service (IGS) Multi-GNSS experiments project (MGEX). The estimated receiver GPS and BDS PCV models with 2° and 5° resolutions were estimated from the GPS phase residuals of GPS-based POD and BDS phase residuals of combined POD, respectively. In most cases, the POD precisions using the estimated PCVs with 2° resolution are superior to those with 5° resolution. The precisions of the BDS-based POD and combined POD were both improved by introducing the receiver BDS PCV models. The weighting for GPS and BDS-2 observations can further improve the precision of the combined POD. The tested results of selected weights are better than those with equal weight in the combined POD. The experiment results show that orbital precisions of FY3C are worse than those of FY3D.  相似文献   
The problem of contingency return from the low lunar orbit is studied. A novel two-maneuver indirect return strategy is proposed. By effectively using the Earth’s gravity to change the orbital plane of the transfer orbit, the second maneuver in the well-known three-maneuver return strategy can be removed, so the total delta-v is reduced. Compared with the single-maneuver direct return, our strategy has the advantage in that the re-entry epoch for the minimum delta-v cost can be advanced in time, with a minimum delta-v value similar to that of the direct return. The most obvious difference between our strategy and the traditional single- or multiple- maneuver strategies is that the complete transfer orbit is a patch between a two-body conic orbit and a three-body orbit instead of two conic orbits. Our strategy can serve as a useful option for contingency return from a low lunar orbit, especially when the delta-v constraint is stringent for a direct return and the contingency epoch is far away from the return window.  相似文献   
李佳兴  袁利  张聪  张斯航  孙栋 《宇航学报》2022,43(11):1511-1521
针对提高空间目标相对轨道确定精度的问题,研究了在主航天器轨道运动受限时,通过设计和优化辅航天器相对轨道要素的航天器编队优化方法。首先,介绍了基于扩展卡尔曼滤波的双视线测量相对轨道确定方法;之后,通过研究双视线测量下的空间目标定位误差变化规律,得到了减小定位误差的角度条件;然后,通过分析该角度条件和辅航天器相对轨道要素的关系,设计并采用遗传算法优化了辅航天器相对轨道;最后,数学仿真结果表明,设计的编队可保证目标相对位置估计误差收敛,优化后的编队可使目标相对位置估计误差减小至0.3 km且不超过1.2 km。  相似文献   
Guidepost-based navigation system is a novel autonomous orbit determination method for the GEO satellite. The system is achieved by using the camera imaging function to obtain the guidepost images and the GNSS signal receiver to obtain the pseudoranges between the GEO and the navigation satellites. Due to the high altitude of GEO satellite and the time-varying sunlight condition in the space environment, it may be difficult to obtain object image points and the distance measurements of GNSS because of the weak visibility of the guideposts. To deal with the problem, a novel integrated orbit determination system is presented. The Earth landmarks, the in-orbit spacecraft and GNSS navigation satellites whose line-of-sights and the distance can be easily obtained are used at the same time as information for the GEO satellite navigation based on the observability conditions analysis. The observability of the GEO satellite navigation system is analyzed through the physical observability, the mathematical observability and the engineering observability through the observing geometry, the rank of observability matrix and the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) respectively. Besides, the maximum correntropy unscented Kalman filter (MCUKF) algorithm is applied to improve the estimation stability of the system in the presence of non-Gaussian noises. The simulation indicates the feasibility of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   
An analytical expression for distant retrograde orbits (DROs) is obtained in this study. Owing to the fact that a planar DRO is a closed orbit and can be expressed as an approximately elliptical orbit, respective geometries and periods of DROs are analytically calculated. A switching point, where various properties of planar DROs change abruptly with an increase in the orbital radius, is determined. The Mars–Deimos system is taken as a case study in this work. The proposed method can be applied to cases where the Hill’s approximation of the restricted three-body problem is valid. Numerical calculations are performed to validate the proposed method.  相似文献   
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